Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • B
  • n1H
  • 31 Dec 2004

does the v3 have mp3? To HOTTE_LIPZ 71
It is worth ur money if u want something truly unique that other people will not have and get very jealous of yoy. It makes you look rich looking and celebs have it! Jordan and Peter Andre and its featured in the Gwen Stefani - What u waiting for video

    • H
    • HOTTE_LIPZ 71
    • PEG
    • 31 Dec 2004

    I lost my E398 last month and now I'm planning to buy a new fone early next year (2005). Before, I was considering V3 as one of my choices because it really caught my eye when I 1st saw it at d mall. Its high-class design & elegance really impressed me a lot. But now, after reading some of the comments here (esp the negative ones) it made me think about what this fone really has to offer aside from its standout appearance... Is it really worth my money?

      • a
      • ann marie
      • PFE
      • 31 Dec 2004

      I happened just get my V3 and I haven't done with it yet. I think the sms is slow, most of the time is like lagging. And the battery, it doesn't last long as I expected. It even last for only like 1 or 2 days. The design is not really that nice neither, since its true that it is thin but the width ... it is just too wide.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Sbf
        • 30 Dec 2004

        i dont like the look of this phone, its too long and wide, and i dont like the lump at the bottom. nice screen, the keypad looks like its come straight off a robot or something, looks horrible.

          • a
          • anonymous
          • Cfh
          • 30 Dec 2004

          It all depends on what you want from the phone. It can't give some of you the world you know! Actually, no phone can. But, it can be the perfect phone too. It is perfect for me, because I don't ask for a lot from it. It doesn't need to do everything. Its been easily what I've been looking for. Like some people mentioned, there are those of us who don't need pda functions but still like to have something cool. This is the combo. Its an awesome phone with excellent reception....and excellent looks. For me, it was definitely worth it. And no, I'm not rich and yes, I'll be paying for it for the next couple of months and I don't care because it was for me. Oh, and by the way, even people who thought think this phone is shit are still "awed" when they see me with it. They actually did think it was awesome. There's my 2 cents guys. I really like the fact that I don't see many other people with it too.

            • ^
            • ^_^x
            • Rxc
            • 30 Dec 2004

            I'm no moto sales person, but I can tell you that this is one good phone...that is if you rate it based on what it has, not what it's missing. To compare this with the D500 is completely unfair as the D500 is of a different class...this is a fashion phone (think Vertu, or Nokia 8910), the D500 isn't (compare the D500 so the Sony Ericsson S700, they're more alike). When you get one of these, you're not exactly paying for the features, but for the looks...and this is one great-looking phone, if I say so myself. And contrary to waht other people might say, this phone is actually user-friendly (well, compared to the motos of old), but it still has some way to go before it becomes as easy to use as a Nokia.

              • I
              • INNIT
              • MV1
              • 30 Dec 2004

              one more thing, every phone will probably break if you drop it on the floor from 2 feet, so if your stupid enough to do it then expect the sides to snap off.

                • I
                • INNIT
                • MV1
                • 30 Dec 2004

                i got a motorola v3 when they first came out. i got bored of it then flogged it on ebay.
                i then bought a samsung d500. ive had it for about 3 weeks now and i hate it.
                i work in a phone shop so i know the score on phones, and there is nothing better than a motorola v3. they are so unique, i want mine back!

                don't knock this phone till you have tried it. fair enough it has shite features, but its so unique.

                i would compare this to a ferrari 360. very expensive, crap suspension and no leg room..............but its ellegant and no gypsy muppets will ever be able to afford it. the v3 is in a class of its own.


                  • M
                  • MOTO SHITE
                  • mXP
                  • 29 Dec 2004

                  A WORD OF WARNING TO ALL V3 OWNERS

                  i bought a V3, dropped it, smashed it into three pieces. phone now scrap

                  to all owners of this phone, PLEASE dont drop it,even from a height of 2 feet, as it will break VERY easy .(mine was in its leather MOTO pouch when dropped) the hinges are chrome plated plastic (so much for 'titanium quality' that MOTO keep banging on about) and break very easily, slicing through the circuit board which connects the screen to the keypad.

                  very overated, nice big screen but to compensate for the thin-ness of this phone ,they have had to make it wider and longer. just too big,and hard to flip open and operate with one hand (as i found out the hard way)ha ha !

                  to all you people paying £350 quid on e-bay for them ....DONT

                    • U
                    • UNKNOWN
                    • YcW
                    • 29 Dec 2004

                    jst got mine! thrilled! amazing phone, features, and super user friendly. and no, im not a sales person, im a highschooler from maryland, usa.

                      • e
                      • evilgirl
                      • P@1
                      • 29 Dec 2004

                      dream phone....muah!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PZR
                        • 29 Dec 2004

                        how are we spose to know that you ("NO MOTO SALES") aren't a salesperson from nokia trying to turn people away from motorola?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 28 Dec 2004

                          Simply amazing how many idiots there are in this world! The V3 is an outstanding phone with great reception. Easily worth the sale price!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 28 Dec 2004

                            is it so hard to believe that people may actually like this phone?

                              • O
                              • OH MY GOD
                              • 28 Dec 2004

                              this phone is big, wide & ugly.......look more like a flat "dead fish"!!!

                                • H
                                • Honest Guy
                                • 28 Dec 2004

                                My V3 is just a piece of metal junk without function. This big phone is so un-user friendly!

                                ** Those who said whatever about how good this phone is are only motorola sales trying to mislead consumer at this forum!

                                  • N
                                  • NOT TO SAY V3 IS BAD
                                  • 28 Dec 2004

                                  there are a few words i have to mention. some kind of super rich person would only make 1 choice. to buy the most expensive stuffs. only the most expensive one which is
                                  something that most people cannot afford to buy. and they might be proud of themselve because they think they are the only one who can afford. nothing to be proud of. but still got some not super rich but rich whom still has
                                  a heart to show off their gadgets and so would they be opting for the most expensive thing only ? for sure, once a lifetime. afterall if you don't have a lot extra money to spend, would you be condsidering vertu in your mind? of course not, for some fact you still but can you afford ? infact money is not easy to earned. so for those really wanted so show off, think for yourself first. we don't really need to buy an extremely expensive phone for showing off. for sure, there are still many phone can be showed off.
                                  don't buy a too expensive phone if you really want to show off. definitely people will stare at your stlish cum expensive phone (not only vertu but other phones) wherever you go. what if people say if they think you're showing off? yes, they would say that 'stainless still won't do man, next time show me a white gold one hanging on your shirt but will next year you still afford? don't impersonate a big boy in front of me if you are not big enough. show me if you are big enoguh.)'. show me you if you got money. peer pleasure is affecting us all around. don't listen to people too much. look into yourself first and then only consider. nowadays, each person including a little kid are now more acknowledged and more knowledgeable to this gadgets and these sort of thinhgs are unlimited. everyday, every hour, every minute, every second and every moment will be the time of a new born much higher end phone. for reason to show off, make one choice and go get it. maybe today or tomorrow, you will see something different. you look deeply into it (if only you have decided to changed into it). you like it too much. so in deeply love with this thing. but just got a high end one today but till when i can afford to buy this one? today, tomorrow,
                                  next week, next month, next year or never ever again? where to get back as much as this cash i've spent on this extremely expensive phone? if we wanted something so badly, see ourselves clearly. every single things relies on cash. no more extra cash, no more high end gadgets. no more foolishness. no more dreaming. one thing to do is just to forget it.

                                    • N
                                    • NOT TO SAY V3 IS BAD
                                    • 28 Dec 2004

                                    some people say if you really want to show off then opt for a vertu but then do they realized that not everyone is super rich. some maybe but some aren't. if you think you super rich enough, you will never condsider a phone like v3 because you may think you have loads of cash to spend. why should i consider buying a cheaper phone than vertu, right? i'm not a super rich guy. just a high school student but i still have a wealthy parents. i asked them to buy a v3 for me because i think i couln't afford to buy a vertu and only can afford for this kind of elegant like phone. wake up people, if you think vertu is you only choice, then you may consider yourself super rich. but when you opt to buy a v3 phone (another replacemnet of elegant looking but a cheaper phone of vertu, you are rich then. i would say v3 is cater for some high end phone user who doesn't need a pda/smatrphone funtionality
                                    but for someone whom is stylish and trendy. fashionista sure will opt for a phone like this. it's because of the appearance. stylish, elegance, trendy (for some times), luxury (would think so if only you really love v3), sleek design.
                                    my final word for v3, [fine masterpiece]

                                      • a
                                      • alisha
                                      • 27 Dec 2004

                                      i have one and need some ring tone

                                        • S
                                        • Simon
                                        • 27 Dec 2004

                                        The samsung D500 is definately better than the V3......NO COMPARISON! The D500 is in a totally different class with much higher specification.
                                        Forget the V3 or any other motorola phones cause they are not user friendly at all. My advise to you is to avoid motorola phones.......just don't want you to regret or pissed off by moto hand phones. By the way, the V3 is too wide & too long. In another words, it's too big!

                                        Could u please tell me whis is better, the V3 or samsung D500 coz im going to buy one,but cant decide between them BIG PIMPA
                                        2004-12-27 15:52:41