Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • James
  • 05 Dec 2004

I own this phone and have had it for almost a month now, and I really dont see what people are saying is wrong about it. I think all the functions are fine, and I wouldnt really use an mp3 player, or the video camera. I dont even use the bluetooth that it does have. So, if you need the functions that this phone doesnt have, i would look at getting other phones. but, if you just want a phone, because it makes calls and looks pretty flashy, then go for this one

    • R
    • Robert & Vigo
    • 05 Dec 2004

    Both are MOTO sales &........

      • M
      • M Steward
      • 05 Dec 2004

      Honest to god, this phone is pretty screwed. Do not talk nonsence, Vigo. I can say for sure that you are a lier cause I own this phone.
      Look do not last if there is no substance!

        • E
        • EDWARD
        • 05 Dec 2004

        Vigo, high end ass!
        You are only a "motorola salesman"!
        Do not always mislead consumer into believing the V3 is a good phone.
        Who cares about how people look at you. Be yourself, stupid kid!!!

        See honest comments below :

        "Awesome piece of rubbish. Can't find anything special about this phone...not even the look nor the material."

        "I can't believe I waited with such anticipation for this phone and yet was so dissappointed when actually able to hold it and try it out. Don't need it that bad. If you must have I recommend waiting till end of life cycle when you can probably pick it up for $50.00 all it's really worth."

        "Just another Motorola CRAP!
        Do not trust Motorola, mine scratched easily. Worse than phone made with plastic.
        The earpiece way too quiet..........& many more cons............!!!
        Terrible phone."

        "Another Motorola crap. . .made in metal. One of the worst phone I have owned recently. This V3 phone is made for suckers only. Glad I sold mine yesterday."

          • V
          • Vigo
          • 05 Dec 2004

          for crying out loud! everytime someone has something constructive or positive to say, some child responds with negative remark having nothing to do with a sound or rational evaluation...
          for those "unknowns" or "Edward" who contiue to bash the phone....YOUR JEALOUS!!! for whatever reason you feel you have to contribute to this forum to tear this "work of art" apart...go seek therpay elsewhere!!!!
          The Moto V3 is for high end users and is a status symbol...remember the Nokia 8890? I don't think it's the perfect phone at all..but it's one hell of a piece of design innovation! It's a phone!!! It's a phone!!! if you want to take nice pictures, or listen to your mp3s...or take videos....may i suggest the iPod or visit your local Best Buy or Future shop!!!! This phone rocks and there will never be another like it....i love the way people look at me like i'm from the future or another planet when it rings and i answer it....
          Anyway, to the individual who says this phone rusts....did you know that your toaster and televison will also rust if you WET THEM!!!!! what planet are you from?

          Vive la difference! Thank you MOTO....V3 rocks!

            • E
            • EDWARD
            • 05 Dec 2004

            to robert,

            2004-12-05 08:26:34)

            we do not appreciate salesman to bullshit us here on this forum.

            we can all tell that you are a good sales, but if you want to sell things. . .go to the flea market, not here!!!!!

              • R
              • Robert
              • 05 Dec 2004

              I agree with RAZR Maniac, those who are writing that the features are crap really should have read the full technical details before considering buying it.

              If you go out and buy a TV cos its new, and dont read any of the descriptions about the TV, or try it out before buying it, then take it home and realize that the picture isnt quite as good as you expected it to be or that it only has mono speakers instead of stereo.

              Does anyone think that these people really have a right to be complaining about the absense of these features?

              because I think people should take more responsibility for their own purchases and not blame the company who designs and manufactures the product for making their product in a certain way.

              I know quite a lot about what goes into the process of producing a product, and I know that a company spends a lot of time thinking about what market they are targeting with that specific product, and they make decisions about what features should be included with that product based on the market they are targeting.

              With the Motorola V3, they were obviously targeting a market who didnt neccesarily need a phone with a camera with a huge resolution, or an mp3 player, or a huge internal memory, or video capture, or the width of a regular "candy bar" phone. They are not targeting people who are willing to spend only $50 on a phone.

              They are targeting people who are looking for a stylish, slim, metallic phone, which will make people look at them and be impressed, and who aren't worried about spending their money on that type of phone.

              If you have only non-constructive criticisms, like:

              "Another Motorola crap. . .made in metal. One of the worst phone I have owned recently. This V3 phone is made for suckers only. Glad I sold mine yesterday."

              which doesn't tell us anything about why they decided to sell the phone, only that they dont like metal exteriors on phones. My response?


              Also, responding to the comment about the phone rusting. Motorola would have spent a lot of time researching into what conditions the phone would have to be placed in or remain in, to show any signs of rust. I would presume that a phone of this price (therefore quality) would have to remain in a very high humidity area (ie. the tropics, or underwater) and be in contact with another metal which would cause it to rust, for a considerable amount of time, in order for it to rust. I am sure that in the manual provided with the phone that Motorola has specifically stated in the "care for you phone" section that the phone should not remain in high humidity areas for any considerable amount of time.

              Therefore, if the phone rusts, IT IS THE FAULT OF THE OWNER AND NOT OF MOTOROLA!

              In conclusion, read the specifications of the phone, then decide if you actually want a phone that doesn't have the features of high end phones. Also decide what you want out of a phone,




              this phone is based around having a great design, and should be considered that way if you want to buy a phone.

              Finally, if you still want this phone, but dont think you are willing to pay the full retail amount, then check out to discover how to get this phone for only 20 pounds. Read through the site, find out for yourself how it works and decide whether you are willing to put your money into such a fantastic opportunity.

              Please get in touch with me through the email provided if you would like to respond to what i have said.


                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 05 Dec 2004

                this phone is good. so thin... but too bad it's too wide. if only........

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 04 Dec 2004

                  just the looks, nothing special. another motorola more problem.................

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 03 Dec 2004

                    I can't believe I waited with such anticipation for this phone and yet was so dissappointed when actually able to hold it and try it out. Don't need it that bad. If you must have I recommend waiting till end of life cycle when you can probably pick it up for $50.00 all it's really worth.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 03 Dec 2004

                      Feedback to Mr.Unknown :- 2004-12-03 07:39:45

                      We do not wellcome comments from motorola sales like you. Pls. do not mislead us. We are wise consumers & not stupid suckers! This V3 do not even worth half the price motorola charge us for! Pls. do not bullshit to real consumer!!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 03 Dec 2004

                        Nice phone but doesn't have much features and the features of this phone just like v600. Also the bad thing is doesn't have video recorder and it's not a mega pixel camera.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 03 Dec 2004

                          Another Motorola crap. . .made in metal. One of the worst phone I have owned recently. This V3 phone is made for suckers only. Glad I sold mine yesterday.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 03 Dec 2004

                            simple + nice/clean + neat + slim + nice reception phone? V3

                              • J
                              • J J MAN
                              • 03 Dec 2004

                              this is a terrible phone! looks ugly! speaker volume too low! scratch easily! too wide! rust! poor manu!

                              this piece of crap made of matel is for stupid suckers only. . . . .!!!

                                • R
                                • RAZR Maniac
                                • 03 Dec 2004

                                Well, the handset market seems to be something different to any other market. Reading all these postings I am wondering why e.g. Porsche drivers don't claim that their car doesn't have a big luggage boot or why passengers can't seat comfortable in the back. People who are writing negative feedback probably don't understand the proposition of this phone. The V3 is something real unique that has it's price. If you're disappointed about 5MB memory, missing video capture and mega pixel cam then sorry, why haven't you read the technical description before buying the V3?!?!

                                  • M
                                  • Midfieldmaster
                                  • 03 Dec 2004

                                  A solid gem. At first it's all about design, then you realize it's rich colours and sounds are feast to the senses. Let's not forget it's a PHONE! Not a cam, pda, nor mp3 player! The call quality is superior to anything else I've had including the SE 610, SE k700i, Nokia 8890, LG, Samsung, etc....
                                  Hello MOTO...WAY TO GO!

                                    • m
                                    • mario
                                    • 02 Dec 2004

                                    This phone is really something "diferent"...

                                      • D
                                      • DPirate
                                      • 01 Dec 2004

                                      I have test this phone. Not impress at all. Motorola need chenge the GUI to a better one.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 30 Nov 2004

                                        Cingular wireless doesn't allow you to get insurance on it either. So if something happens to it, you're screwed. They claim its too expensive to replace. I've still got about 20 days left to return mine if I don't like it, maybe I'll trade out for the S710. I feel kinda uncomfortable without the insurance, ya know?