Motorola RAZR V3
- B
- Bluejacker
- 15 Oct 2004
Just wondering, with the class 1 bluetooth on this (100m range), if I can reach other bluetooth phones from a distance, will the connection still work if they have normal 15m range bluetooth. I belive it needs a steady connection between both phones so I'm not sure if it will work, any ideas?
- s
- sab
- 15 Oct 2004
the phone itself looks the dogs bollocks, the only draw back 2 the phone is it looks squre! but still an excellent handset
- r
- rowena heuvel
- 14 Oct 2004
is the v3 the same as the v3razor
- t
- treephet
- 14 Oct 2004
v3 so beautiful phone,
no comment,short life battery-no problem forme.GREAT
- R
- 13 Oct 2004
Brian: Well, this sites developers and Database Admins seem be related to the same person you spoke to at Motorola!
My correct temp e-mail address is:
- R
- 13 Oct 2004
Brian, I don’t know where you’re getting this information, but the V3 is available in the US. I just happened to stumble on this site and noticed your posted question. Don’t listen to some jackass on the other end of the line from Motorola. I’ve created a temp e-mail so you can correspond with me regarding the purchase of the V3 retail boxed, SIM Free & Unlocked for the same $700 price I purchased it for on 10/04/2004. And yes, they are a reputable company that I’ve purchased equipment from in the past 3 years. I will e-mail you the information directly if you are serious and not wasting my time. The Rep is my Company’s corporate account sales manager & I don’t want a bunch of parasites harassing him for an item they can’t afford nor intend to purchase & ruin my relationship with him or his company. Please note that this assistance is sole reserved for Brian & only if you are absolutely certain that you would buy this unit. Like I said, the only relations I have with their company is that I happen to be one of their corporate clients. And I’m in a good generous mood to offer my assistance to you. Your call chief…
- N
- Niki
- 12 Oct 2004
I get my V3 from Dubai. It`s a nice looking phone but it has some bad points. First,the life batery - too short, only 2 days. Second - low memory and 3 - less features compared with other models. But the design is great. I like it .....
- F
- Fred West
- 12 Oct 2004
I 've heard this phone has clas 1 Bluetooth with a 100m radius, how would this affect headsets, i.e, if i was driving would i be able to pick up other peoples calls?
- B
- Brian
- 12 Oct 2004
I really want this phone. Can someone tell me when it's coming out in the U.S? I called motorola and they told me that it will come out this year. Oh ya?
Anyway, any kind of info will be helpful.
- A
- Anthony Clarke
- 07 Oct 2004
It's the BOMB i would really love to use tyhis one
- B
- BJ
- 06 Oct 2004
I just earned enough points in my Moto Contest. I get a V3 and HS180 heasdset for free!! Whoopie!!!
- b
- breakersrevenge
- 05 Oct 2004
Got the phone on a handset only and put my pay as you go sim in it!
I have always been a nokia man from day 1.
But when I first saw the V3 I had to have one, As I have been used to Nokia's - still trying to get used to the way the phone works. But the build quality and the looks are in a place of its own, Much better than the 8910i I had before.
Paid £420.00 for it-is it worth it,based on looks alone - yes!
- m
- mr noodle
- 05 Oct 2004
I got this phone yesterday. It has some very good features and you can tell thought has gone into it for customer satisfaction... it ISNT a bit big as some people say, i would rather have a phone you can slip into a tight pocket than a smaller width/thicker depth one that creates a bulge! The camera is vga and creates a good quality picture.. better than the SE t610 The phone tools apckage is very useful too... the ringtones are superior to the t610 too... even ones transferred from the t610 sound better on the v3! They are decent funky tunes better than the SE ones. They are loud and clear in the pocket too.
I bought mine for £99 on a £35 per month contract.
some options are hidden in funny places.. ie message tones are found under 'loud ring detail' or vibe & ring detail' etc depending on which profile you are on.. i would expect to find it under 'ringtones' or 'message settings'! it took me ages to find out how to change it!
I think ive bored you enough now, but i just thought i would let you know!
- b
- bruce lee
- 04 Oct 2004
u can get these on prepay for £20 from blackmarket if u want i can get u 6
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Oct 2004
good phone uh??
- J
- Justin
- 03 Oct 2004
hey man thnaks for the info. But I heard that a cingular store near myu house will be getting it in about 2 weeks.
- a
- aroldo magalhaes
- 02 Oct 2004
this is telephone has PTT(radio)
- B
- Brad
- 02 Oct 2004
@ justin
the phone was released in Hong Kong earlier this week , i think the 27th and yesterday in the UK. People from the U.S. can buy them from certain websites and through eBay. if interested, tell me and ill tell u a few web sites. but youll have to pay like 599.99 plus shipping.
- d
- david
- 02 Oct 2004
got one love it but and its a big but,its just a motorola nothing new inside
- J
- Justin
- 02 Oct 2004
How did u get that celly already?? motorolla says its not even out yet.