Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • t
  • tian wang
  • 02 Oct 2004

we got this phone in our store a week ago, i have personaly used this phone for 3 days. honestly, it sucks. i switched back to my p910i. sure, its pretty thin, but the bottom is not thin, also, the back, where the battery cover is, its not straight. the lcd is pretty big but the camera stays the same. 0.3 megapixtal. which is the same shiatty camera thats aviliable in v220. good job moto, hello?

    • .
    • 01 Oct 2004

    hey is this phone out in england and how much is it there?

      • M
      • MeoW_MeoW
      • 30 Sep 2004

      it does have mp3 ringtones, it says it right there in the description

        • J
        • Justin
        • 30 Sep 2004

        Yeah the cingular place told me today that he is getting in around october 15th and its gonna be $450 with a 100 mail in rebate. sounds alot better than 850 online

          • b
          • brandon
          • 29 Sep 2004

          slick design love the aluminum my only complaint is the polyphonic ringer

            • J
            • Justin
            • 25 Sep 2004

            To the guy that said the A840 is ugly
            Your totally right. All im saying is the features on that phone are alot nicer than the ones that the V3 offer thats all. And to the other dude its supposed to be out in Oct, or dec

              • W
              • Win Win
              • 23 Sep 2004

              I brought one just because of the looks & feel of the material.

                • k
                • kel
                • 23 Sep 2004

                this is really a classy design, but really too bad tat it has only 5.5mb memory. it's not a phone tat u can always hold on. and i bet it will be quite expensive.
                no offends :)

                  • -
                  • -to: Justin
                  • 22 Sep 2004

                  "A840... features ... blow the V3 out of the water"
                  Well: A840 looks like yet another ugly plasticphone with antenna, almost 50%larger and 20% heavier..... hmmm

                    • J
                    • Juan
                    • 22 Sep 2004

                    To Justin

                    Thanks, Well the A840 is not out yet...when do they plan to release it on the market???

                      • a
                      • ann
                      • 21 Sep 2004

                      i like the design... it's so slim and sexy!

                        • J
                        • Justin
                        • 21 Sep 2004

                        to Juan,
                        Hey man I dont think that it has a MP3 player. For that you should check out the A840. The features on that phone blow the V3 out of the water

                          • J
                          • Juan
                          • 21 Sep 2004

                          Hey guys from the looks this is a fantastic phone, real cool to showoff with. But I have a question Does it has an Mp3 player or can it be installed seperately??
                          If so this baby is going home with me!!

                            • J
                            • JMaseter
                            • 20 Sep 2004

                            This is one of the most stylish piece of art ever made, neat, classy, and unfortunately expensive

                              • N
                              • Nick Wells
                              • 20 Sep 2004

                              But wait, theres more:
                              Much of the diagnostic information available in clinical practice is obtained from radiographic, CT, and MR images. These imaging techniques reveal individual structures and their pathology in very different ways, making a thorough knowledge of normal and pathological radiographic anatomy essential to medical students, radiographers, radiologists, and radiologic technologists. The current emphasis on clinical relevance in medical teaching makes a thorough knowledge of imaging modalities and their interpretation increasingly important. Mosby's Atlas and Text of Clinical Imaging will be an invaluable companion text to the Weir and Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, presenting the core knowledge of diagnostic imaging in a clear, accessible, attractive style with a strong focus on clinical relevance and pathology.

                              The book is designed to be as accessible as possible to medical students. The text is concise, and chapters are organized by system with all the "boring bits"--radiation physics and general radiological principles--confined to the appendix. The chapters follow a consistent organization, moving from congenital through to acquired pathology. Over 650 images illustrate the presentation of disease through MR, CT, plain radiographs, and ultra-sound. The images are scanned direct from radiographic film, ensuring the highest quality of reproduction.

                              Mosby's Atlas and Text of Clinical Imaging covers all of the common and some rarer disorders through the various imaging modalities, explains the common symptoms and signs, and highlights the key radiographic features in a concise, aetiologically organized, and accessible book.
                              e already have a perfect song with intelligent lyrics, backed up by a fabulous video. What’s the last thing we need? A beautiful packaging. And who’s the only person who could create it? No one but Mark Farrow himself. His design of various Being boring single releases is simply, as the song itself, a masterpiece.

                              Regular releases present white background, wonderful sepia-tinted photos by The Douglas Brothers and black text written using one of the most beautiful fonts ever—Helvetica Neue. Being remixed records’ design does look remixed as well—instead of black and white palette it has navy blue background plus yellow and red text.

                              Does it look simple? Yes. But in this case “simple” means “perfect.” As a friend of mine once said, one look is enough to understand nothing better could ever be designed. Everything is on its place. Everything seems right. Nothing is missing and nothing seems unnecessary.

                              In my opinion Being boring (and similarly looking Behaviour) has one of the most beatiful sleeves ever. Along with 1995’s Alternative and 1996’s Before and, as a matter of fact, most of other releases from Pet Shop Boys, for me it’s the reason to be proud of my collection not only because of the music.

                                • N
                                • Nick Wells
                                • 20 Sep 2004

                                I've got something reallyboring to say:
                                Although comments here may not be technically correct, the answers here are in plain English to be able to grasp the basics of the complicated mobile communications structures.

                                TEXT MESSAGES

                                Why can't I send a text message from UK to USA ( or USA to UK )
                                ( or why you have to use our text to e-mail option )

                                The boring answers ( but on a need to know basis )

                                Main Reason But see bottom to see how to
                                Text messages go via the the transmitters within your country. ( See transmitter Descp )
                                Transmitters have a range of 2 miles max, otherwise your brains would be fried.
                                Radio waves travel in a straight line, so wont go round the bend in the earth to or from UK--USA, so would need billions worth of satellites.
                                ( See Other reason. )

                                Yes - But how can I text India and Australia
                                ( round the curve of the earth ) from UK and
                                not America from UK
                                In Theory, text messages are sent to your nearest network transceiver, then passed from transmitter to transmitter till it reaches its final destination.
                                The range of the transmitters is up to 2 miles ( no buildings in the way )
                                Slightly more powerful transmitters are placed on the coast of England and France
                                so there is a direct land mass route to India etc etc

                                Other reason is that from UK across to Australia, we use 900 + 1800 Mhz GSM systems, so no problem to send + receive text at 900 or 1800 Mhz.
                                North America use 800 and 1900 Mhz so a garbled message would be received.

                                But Australia ?
                                Either one satellite hovering above Australia and Indonisa to reach the nearest land mass, or island hoping across Indonisa to India, to send text messages.

                                Why then - cant we send text messages by satellite to America?
                                Until recently, text messaging was not an important life form in the USA, especially when they have free local land line calls. And to text outside USA was even less important. - Takes 2 to Tango. or is it....... 2 to text.
                                Even if the phone frequencies DO prevent transfer of text messages.

                                So - The answer is ?

                                1) You cant send text messages between UK and America.
                                ( However, before we are shot down in flames, - only one company will allow text messages, but it cost so much to set up, others have not followed.)
                                BUT - Use OUR text to E-mail

                                2) Send a text message as an e-mail. ( 160 character limit, - same as text message limitations )

                                USA phones,
                                Our phones ------ send message to ANY e-mail address.
                                Receive a text message via e-mail sent to your phone.

                                UK phones
                                Our phones------- send message to ANY e-mail address.
                                Receive a text message via internet SMS program sent to your phone.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 20 Sep 2004

                                  it's design is ok
                                  but the function....
                                  not so....

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 20 Sep 2004

                                    Mr. Bruce Lee. You're an idiot! Don't you ever read? It's made of METAL ALLOY and NOT plastic. Go back to your plastic plastic nokia then.

                                      • S
                                      • Stupid users...
                                      • 20 Sep 2004

                                      Damn Slim... My friend owns 1 damn CooL Man O.o.. i heard it is not megapixel but the color and design is good. Nice resolution for the screen, pixel is small and fine. But the speed only can say ok...