Motorola RAZR V3

Motorola RAZR V3

User opinions and reviews

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  • c
  • cingular_guy
  • 4Fh
  • 28 Mar 2006

Ok let me just go down the line here FIRST:
to "keith" check the settings found here:

To Ian yates:
we aren't behind persay LOL we dont' have the techonlogies first yes, you are right about that.... but the ones that do have em aren't really taking that much advantage of them...VIDEO CALLING hasn't caught on anywhere there its avaiable (neither has VIDEO calls in your home phone remember USA has had it for years LOL) and i mean we have 3G already in 3 of the 5 mayor carriers and the last 2 are about to deploy...and the band thing...well he had already asigned the 900/1800 bands to emergency unites so we had to use the 800/1900 bands that's the reason he had those band FIRST LOL. and about the att/cingular american idol the same thing if you are ATT or cingular you both can TEXT for legal purposes the ATT wireless name cannot be advertise!

To: Rahman
1800-801-1101 file a claim get a new RAZR no charge just make sure you are under 1 year if not the and "early upgrade" and get a new one at a discounted price...

bottom line the razr has been sold for over 1 year.... how many phone model's have done that ...not many... the razr broke the "sales" record that the STARTAC set which was the higest selling phone EVER... so the razr ROCK...period

    • t
    • tone
    • nHD
    • 28 Mar 2006

    Is there any software u can download for free to delete the preset ringtones for the v3 plz

      • K
      • Keith
      • m2p
      • 28 Mar 2006

      Just got a V3 a few weeks ago, but I can't seem to receive video or picture messages. It keeps trying to "download" them and then fails. Anyone else with this problem and how can I fix it?

        • I
        • Ian Yates
        • jfF
        • 27 Mar 2006

        Answer to Nicks response.
        The answer is that you need a Tri-Band phone.
        When family comes overto Los Angeles from England they still text their friends back in England back & forth.

        You have to accept that the USA is way behind the rest of the world when it comes down to features on your phone.

        For example, Last year, you could text your Idol votes with AT&T. This year it won't work because the show changed it to Cingular Wireless. How lame is that? Isn't it time the USA got caught up with the advances you find in the rest of the world?

          • R
          • Rahman
          • jV7
          • 27 Mar 2006

          Three Major Defects Found with me and four others of my friends RAZR V3

          It drops the call all sudden, when you are talking with someone
          When you are not calling just flip open your phone and put the ear receiver on your Ear and listen, you will get always static sound like ultrasonic sound coming our from ear piece. I Tested wilh 6 different RAZR V3 all has same problem
          It interfare with Car Radio and Speakers of your PC always.
          I called Motorola they tried to hide this problems, if you have same problem please call Motorola at 1800-331-6456 and inform them the problem

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • jV7
            • 27 Mar 2006

            its not just the v3 that turns itself on and off, all motorolas do it through time

              • c
              • critic
              • Rxc
              • 26 Mar 2006

              It's a good phone! Very interesting to have one. Display is crystal clear, good looks, good sound and PC syncronization.

              I dont understand why some critics would bash this phone and would otherwise advice people to buy a Nokia instead. Poor ignorants! If you would advice people not buy a Motorola, be reasonable at least to recommend a Siemens instead. But never a Nokia that is never better than anything.

                • v
                • v3_user
                • 45G
                • 26 Mar 2006

                this is to tush, many people have the same problem as u with the dust behind the screen. esp the v3 u would get from signing contracts. so you're not the only one with this problem

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • F4p
                  • 25 Mar 2006

                  I think its a problematic phone. I caution all of u not to buy it and even any other motorola phones until they prove their products worth it. I dun understand why there are so many good reviews for this phone. Within 3 weeks, i sent it for servicing because the phone shuts down itself. After servicing, the preblem recurs and even got worse. Sometimes refusing to on! The detection using blue tooth is also very weak. No infra to support when some of my friends still using infra. Haiz... the camera i admit is good. But... what else? hmmm, i take ages to type a message and after weeks of training, i still take ages. haha... On the day i went to service my phone, i told the lady that my phone has time lag and slow in responding. She just told me. ALL motorola phones are like that! hmm... think thats threatening right? dont Motorola know such problems? why is it so focus on the design of phone but not the performance? I learnt my lesson. Be objective, and not be bought over by looks.

                    • J
                    • JuNaiD
                    • iKt
                    • 25 Mar 2006

                    Im using this phone for like 2 months now and belive me its amazing. till now no problems at all. Im lovin it.

                      • m
                      • money mal
                      • QF0
                      • 25 Mar 2006

                      why cant i put songs on my phone from my pc i need help with this asap

                        • c
                        • chrissie
                        • my$
                        • 25 Mar 2006

                        The v3 is really disappointing i mean the memory is so low. but the design is wkid but wats up wit da memory i mean u can't even get video on there
                        if u go for style then buy it
                        if u go for features den NO its a definatly no no

                          • g
                          • gal
                          • ib4
                          • 24 Mar 2006

                          y my v3 dun hv video cam n chinese language?

                            • t
                            • tush
                            • San
                            • 24 Mar 2006

                            does anyone have the same problem - i get lots of dust particles collecting up behind the screen making it in sunlight impossible to use????

                              • J
                              • Jay
                              • SkE
                              • 24 Mar 2006

                              Im talking about the regular RAZR V3 and not any upgraded versions. Mine did not have any memory card facility. As of 15th march 2006, it is selling for 690 dirhams (that’s 187 dollar). I bought the one without warranty – with warranty would cost around 30 dollars more. I have owned many phones and never had a free or paid service, so I did not find any use for the warranty. These things don’t go wrong if u don’t break them. And if u break it, its not covered anyway. In anycase, mobile repair shops are dime a dozen now.

                              Good things first. For a flip phone the Razr’s design is fantastic. U cant improve the style anymore. Perfect for a male. Its okay on a lady too. It is right sized. I had the black one and it really looks sexy. Display & Ringtones—Superb. No need for anymore downloads. No radio. Thank god. Im tired of radios in my home, car and even supermarkets. The display looks really nice. other than the design the display was the thing that I liked most. Photoes—So, so. But that’s okay. It isn’t a very expensive phone anyway. 60 seconds per clip Video recording --good sound, so-so pic quality. I do not agree to some people who say that a phone should not be rated for its camera. But there are many non-camera and non-video camera moments that could be photoed/videod if u have a reasonably good camera in ur phone. (I don’t hold the same flexibility when it comes to radio. It’s a big useless waste of money in a phone.) The reception is taken for granted in all major brands and no complaints on that. The loudspeaker is something great. Clear and really loud. Much more than my 6230. Battery was okay. Blue tooth will switch off after 60 seconds automatically. the shop guy said that it can be programmed for more. But I didn’t bother to see whether that is really possible.

                              Now for some drubbing— . I was in a 'fashion' mood when i bought it. But that changed to 'Usefulness mood' in about a weeks time after my purchase of Motorola razr. I was secretly craving for my 6230. I felt so bad that I pawned that and paid about a 50$ more and got this razr. Finally I gave the Razr to a friend who was in the ‘Fashion mood’ like me about a week back, and got almost the same money that I paid for when I bought this new. This is not to mean that the Razr is not good. It did not suit me. To be fair, I should not be comparing a clamshell with a candybar. Clamshells have a certain style (candy bars too). If u are a clamshell fan its fine. I found it quite a bother to open to answer and to make a call. Each day about 30 times, I like the candybars simplicity.

                              Talking of simplicity..thats what many non-nokia phones lack. Nokia’s genius is in simplicity. Any fool can be complicated. Even the simplest task of deleting a contact from the RAZR V3 phone book is a mess. 2 presses in two buttons then 2 or 3 downward movements to accomplish the mission of deleting ONE contact! I was scared of adding names to the phonebook, considering the fact that if one day I have to gift or sell it, I would be spending couple of hours on deleting alone. In most Noks it wouldnt take 30 seconds. Not to speak of camera, organizer etc. All there, but all complicated. Setting a reminder on a particular date would take about a minute or more. In my Nok it would take 20 – 30 secs. I have started writing more on my dairy (the paper version- the ones that you keep in your table and open. You can write using a pen or pencil in stuff called paper.) Even the words in a Razr are deliberately made to sound needlessly geekish. Example: Calendar is called Datebook. Nothing terribly wrong, but just an example of how they twist simple things. Like some American words (“Tire” for Tyre. Im not sure what they would say to mean “Im tired”—Probably “Im tyred”! Looking different is the issue, u see). Almost all functions are there, but almost all with a few more button presses than a nokia. To get to my one minute video recorder, I would take about the same time if I were to take my JVC video camera from its pouch in my car. The only problem- I cant carry the jvc in my shirt pocket.

                              I have felt that Samsung rates better than nokia in Inch to Inch, Dirham to Dirham (Well, that’s currency), build quality and finish. What the major competitors to Nokia vz, Samsung, Mot and SE should emulate is the simplicity, if they want to be no.1.

                              Overall I would rate RAZR a good phone that’s not good for me. The sum of many good parts in a Razr is not necessarily a good product. I had done my research and read many reviews on the Razr. One thing that one guy wrote, I will quote here “it’s a nice phone, until u start using it”. It wasn’t that bad. But im sure he’s used only nokia. A razr is good for you, if u like a well built flip phone, on a low budjet, like good ring tones and display and are not keen on appointments and more such features
                              comments/brickbats to--jaykrb()

                                • v
                                • v3_user
                                • 45G
                                • 24 Mar 2006

                                this phone is good overall, i had it for a while and still only charge it once every 5 days, i make alot of calls, u only need to charge it once a day if u use bluetooth or mess around with the phone like (use the cam for no reason every 5 minutes) its sleek and stylish. good phone for a good price

                                  • d
                                  • david
                                  • nCL
                                  • 23 Mar 2006

                                  i have one of this mobile ... how i can use MP3 ???

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • myB
                                    • 23 Mar 2006

                                    its not just the v3 that turns itself on and off, all motorolas do it through time

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • n1c
                                      • 23 Mar 2006

                                      this phone is poo, it keeps turning itself, screen goes white, then turns on again.

                                        • r
                                        • ranglo
                                        • iLY
                                        • 23 Mar 2006

                                        About the bluetooth sure it can work with other phone because bluetooth is a platform for all the phone so any cell phone can connect to any other one through the bluetooth