Motorola RAZR V3
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7Y
- 28 Nov 2005
i hav heard that when the moto v3 is flipped dwn it is the same size as a credit card is this true...and when it is opened out how big in (cm) would you say it was PLEASE HELP ME i am thinking of buying this for christmas so i really need to know whether 2 get moto v3 or samsung d500???????????
- K
- Kaushik Chaudhuri
- Pxx
- 28 Nov 2005
Could someone please share their experience of synchronizing their contacts with Microsoft Outlook or any other PC-based contact management software? I require regular and quick synchronizations of the type mentioned. Thank you.
- P
- Ych
- 28 Nov 2005
i like the design of the v3 but itz a bit 2 wide 4 my pocket thatz probbably why the commercials always show how thin the phone is but not how fat it iz, and iz it me or do all motorola phones look the same when you go 2 the menu i recently went to the store to purchase a s1710(sony ericsson) and saw a man returning the phone because it kept turning off, my friend TIRATH TAGGAR iz on hiz 3rd razor and has spent nearly 1800$. FOR A QUALINT PHONE LOOK AT THE SAMSUNG D510 AND IF U THINK IM WRONG E-MAIL ME AT PAUL SANGHA AXS ABOUT ME
- F
- Fu D-Block
- YcX
- 28 Nov 2005
What a useless phone i have never ever been so dispointed. After spending 600$ on this phone i thought i would be paying for not only style but some usefull features to but since i have had this all i have gotten is problems from day 1. Screen freezing, not turning on, battery life short. All i can say is this is a usless phone!
- A
- Andrius
- mEw
- 28 Nov 2005
Can anyone tell me about the characteristics of the batery?
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7Y
- 27 Nov 2005
i hav heard that when the moto v3 is flipped dwn it is the same size as a credit card is this true...and when it is opened out how big in (cm) would you say it was PLEASE HELP ME i am thinking of buying this for christmas so i really need to know whether 2 get moto v3 or samsung d500???????????
- J
- Jean
- DVr
- 27 Nov 2005
I recently bought this phone and its quite good. I bought the pink version because I wasn't too keen on the black or the silver. I did my research before I went out and bought it and its really paying off.
The reason why people don't like it is because they don't know how to bring out its full potential. Its currently one of the best phones on the market and its incredibly good looking for a phone. I have had eight phones currently (yes, I am a woman surprisingly) and in the mesh of eight phones I had five Nokia's. Motorola by far have the best graphics and features plus their phones are user-friendly. I've noticed a lot of bad comments are down to the camera, its lack of features and having a dodgy phone! Simple, the camera is quite good and the large screen really helps. You aren't going to go out and take award winning pictures with it, are you? Or with any phone for that matter. The features can be improved on if you use your head and resources. Also no use slating the phone if its a bit dodgy, thats the manufacturers fault not the phones. Also you can turn it into a video phone with a bit of know how again and the correct connections. But as a female thats where the men come in :)
Overall its a great phone but you have to use your smarts in order to make it a fantastic phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7Y
- 27 Nov 2005
i hav heard that when the moto v3 is flipped dwn it is the same size as a credit card is this true...and when it is opened out how big in (cm) would you say it was PLEASE HELP ME i am thinking of buying this for christmas so i really need to know whether 2 get moto v3 or samsung d500???????????
- A
- n19
- 27 Nov 2005
And if you are wondering what colour to go for, make it SILVER!, its the only colur that suits the V3's exclusive presence. Dont go for black, it hides the V3's beautiful lines and FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T GO FOR PINK, ITS DISGUSTING!
- A
- n19
- 27 Nov 2005
its big when you open the phone up, whell, not much bigger than your average flip phone. but trust me, it redeems itself by being shockingly thin, when i use my v3, the looks i get is unbelieveable. If i am at a business meeting at work and i whip out a standard motorola flip phone, people will think i have no style and no money, but if i whip out my razr v3, people automatically think that i have loads of money and expensive style, when i set it down on the desk just above my files, it says something about me, the V3 isn't just a phone, its a design statement.
- n
- needhelp
- TS}
- 27 Nov 2005
can anyone tell me how to send picture or mp3 via bluetooth to others phone by v3?
i can't do that....
- A
- Alexandra
- TS}
- 27 Nov 2005
i jst got the this phone ystrday. the black one. but 10 minutes ago... i read a review from another site which says v3 black discolouration. there was 2 user who used the v3 black version for 6 months and it started turning into whitish silver. so am wondering if any1 is facing the same problem...? thanks.
- m
- mel
- m7Y
- 26 Nov 2005
is this phone big in size????
- M
- MoTo RaZr
- P@U
- 26 Nov 2005
One of the best looking phone ever made by motorola & also one of the best looking fone avilable n the market. unique design but crap features and camera. But with looks like that who cares?? coz this fone was never meant 2 be a feature packed camera fone. so if u want good O.S... good camera.. no its not the right fone 4 u... but if u care about looks.. then go 4 it.
- t
- taukeer herl
- P%v
- 26 Nov 2005
i am really imressed with the design and everything. i am using sony ericsson K750i at the moment and i plan to to sell it and buy razr v3 in 2 or 3 months.
- m
- mel
- m7Y
- 26 Nov 2005
hi i am thinking of getting this phone and i really want to know whether this phone is big because it says it is the size of a credit card is this true as i dont like huge mobiles... could some please reply who as this phone and tell me whether it is big...thanks
- r
- razrFan
- YfT
- 26 Nov 2005
OK. First off, I was not going to buy this phone intitially but now that i have it i have to say that IT IS AWESOME!!!
for those who have ragged on this phone, you can't expect it to perform as some of the larger phones do...those are very unrealistic expectations of a phone with such a slim profile.
honestly, with the features it has, plus camera and video capture, speakerphone and bluetooth along with the everyday tools such as calculator and calendar, what else could you need?
it has all the necessities in a very intriguing design.
I own the Black Razr V3 for Cingular and it was awsome when i bought it and after hacking it a lil with info from i am very happy with my choice.
- K
- Kris
- 26 Nov 2005
Having always had a Nokia I have just taken the plunge and got the Razor v3, ....I would have to say it is the best phone I have ever had, and so easy to use, I need a phone that has to perform as I have over 400 numbers stored in it and it gets a hard life, V3 has just stunned me with it's simplicity and ease of use. I wish I had discovered it before. Thank you Motorola.
- s
- strawberry
- ib6
- 25 Nov 2005
im still consider tat wan to buy NOKIA 7610(white) or MOTOROLA RAZRV3(blk)i like the 7610 function but i like the design of v3..!!! damn hard to choose one.. can u all compare both of tis phone for me..
- d
- disappointed person
- 23 Nov 2005
When i first saw the phone,, it looked really good but when u actualy pay for that piece of metal crap, u really regret it.i have to admit that the design is really one of the best i seen by now.the features and performance is just not worth it,i could even prefer a nokia 3300 then this v3 if it was not for the design.i bought my razr and it worked fine just for one day.after that when i tried to put it on,, it was just restarting itself like crazy until i took the battery out.i would really discourage someone to buy this phone as its not worth the price and it sooner or later ends up in the service department for a couple of months.unfortunately this didnt happen only to me but to also to my friends and people who i know who bought this fone,their`s also land up in the service after a few days and stays there for weeks.Final decision is yours if u r buying this metal crap, be ready to regret it...