Motorola RIZR Z8

Motorola RIZR Z8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mJZ
  • 20 Mar 2007

Mr PDLx, you speak of Moto as if their phones have no flaws. Your views are biased and cannot be trusted. After discussions with reasonable people on this forum it is clear that different people will like different phones from different companies. Variety is the spice of life. You go on and on about Nokia copying but this is how technology improves. Nokia has the humility to see an interesting idea, learn from it and develop and incorporate it into its phones. Nokia is being sincere. Why should they pretend to be blind to what is current? Toyota and Ferrari were not the original inventors of the motorcar's internal combustion engine. Should they be derided and called copy-cats because they use that engine in their cars???Phone companies copy from each other and this has sped up technical development because they can all make contributions into a general pool. PDLx you believe your own propaganda. Moto are not the only innovators.

    • r
    • rajaram
    • kDm
    • 19 Mar 2007

    sony have high mega pixel camera but motorola allways low 2.mega. sony now 3.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PDL
      • 19 Mar 2007

      Some of "Motorola Innovations":
      - Motorola the First Tattooed Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First Dual hinge Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First Swivel Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First Slim Flip Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First Slim Candybar Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First HSDPA Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)
      - Motorola the First Bluetooth A2DP Mobile Phone (Nokia copy cat)

      "Motorola Fan's" can add other "Motorola Innovations".

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PDL
        • 19 Mar 2007

        Motorola Earns Top Ranking for Customer Satisfaction

        VDC Recognition Marks Motorola’s Fourth Accolade Since Award’s Inception

        TEMPE, Ariz. – 19 March 2007 – Venture Development Corporation (VDC) has recognized Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) as a Platinum Embedded Board Vendor, the highest level category that VDC presents for demonstrating excellence in customer satisfaction. The 2006 ranking marks the fourth time that Motorola has earned top honors in this category.

        “This achievement highlights Motorola’s customer-centric focus and rich heritage in the embedded board industry,” said Paul Zorfass, director of the Embedded Hardware and Systems practice at VDC. “In addition to this recent honor, Motorola also has consistently received the Platinum Vendor Award from award inception in 2002.”

        Conducted as part of VDC’s annual Global Market Analysis of Merchant, Computer Boards for Embedded/Real-time Applications research report, data for the ranking was gathered through an online survey of embedded board users. Users identified their most important non-product criteria in evaluating a vendor including elements such as availability/delivery, price, reliable/long product life, experience/relationship with vendor, cutting edge technology, technical support, and a variety of other service and support factors.

        User rankings revealed Motorola as one of the top five percent of companies for the Platinum Vendor Award, and also recognized the next 10 percent with the Gold Vendor Award. Both the Platinum and Gold ratings were generated entirely by user feedback entered into an impartial model created by VDC.

        “Motorola is very proud to be recognized by our customers with VDC’s Platinum status for the fourth year, as this recognition validates our long-term commitment to deliver unparalleled products and customer service,” said Jorge Magalhaes, director of marketing, Embedded Communications Computing, Motorola, Inc. “Our ability to offer one of the industry’s broadest product portfolios spanning AdvancedTCA, MicroTCA, AdvancedMC, CompactPCI and VMEbus technologies as well as comprehensive software and services offerings is once again being recognized for making a significant contribution to the embedded industry. Motorola will continue to lead in the embedded arena by offering a combination of next-generation blades, modules, shelves, application-ready platforms and communications servers to address the industry’s ever-changing communications needs.”

        The full VDC press release can be downloaded here:

        This is our "Motorola Fan's" Proud.

          • t
          • tracy
          • 0hi
          • 19 Mar 2007

          i love it.

            • b
            • burb
            • ibj
            • 19 Mar 2007

            I compared both The Z8 n N95 cos i kinda like this 2 phones.., im currently using v3i n n70 n i intend to upgrade my v3i one of these phone. so after comparing both phone i think i will go for the z8 due to these few reasons.

            1> design.. z8 having the better looking design. n95 looks like a plastic toy phone which i can find in the night market.
            2> features.. i admit n95 is offering more features but most of them are irrelevant to me. i do not need a GPS as i dun travel to foreign countries alot, i dun need a 5mp cam as i did not intend to print such a big photo. n as for the wifi/wlan, i still prefer to use a laptop as the screen is definately bigger. for me 3g is more on video calling.
            3> price... if i choose the n95, i need to fork out more for something useless to me...wats the point of paying more for something useless.

            p/s: to all the user of mobile phone. its up to u to choose whatever model u like. go and try the phone b4 u buy to make sure u do not regret. reviews and comments are for reference only. u r the one who will be paying n using the phone.

              • C
              • Cain
              • m4e
              • 19 Mar 2007

              Yeah. Nice "world peace and prosperity" speach. Still, you take a lot to your own hands, and decide what is "best" and which way should the future developement of mankind go. While I am talking about freedom of choice. I don't think all phones should be metal, with 1.3 cams (like mine). I'm saying that we should have ALL sorts of phones. I am perfectly fine with SE pumpming out more mpx every month, and I myself recommend such phones to people who care about camera. Do you want a Nokia phone with million of features ? Hell, fine with me. I don't accuse you of not having taste or brains (even if you do put me in "fashion victims"). Among all other manufacturers that rush to beat each other at tech stuff, why not let Moto offer an alternative for people who don't care much about gigapixels and WIFI, but do care about style and built. And give them credit for it. If the situation was totaly different, and all brands were offering "material" phones, except one who would be pursuing cameras, I would still be glad we all have a choice, even if I don`t care about cameras. So, we can see each other as "fool who spends his money on tech poor phone" VS "fool who spends his money on a plastic toy phone", or we can see each other as people who have different styles and needs and choose their stuff to their own personal liking.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • mJZ
                • 19 Mar 2007

                Cain, you fail to understand and accept simple truths. I am talking about features which is a function of technology which is objective and is what drives progress. You are talking about YOU. A subjective attitude that puts absolute importance to stuff like whether or not a phone is made out of metal or plastic; whether or not the phone has the right look. These subjective points do not bring development and progress. The phone would never have been invented if the scientists had your subjective fashion approach. Instead of empirical technology they would put more emphasis on what was important to certain individuals like yourself. Understand this: the most important thing is the evolution of technology so that mankind can attain better communications and NOT the whims of a fashion individual.

                  • L
                  • Lev
                  • n3m
                  • 19 Mar 2007

                  Motorola is the best! Nokia, Samsung and other phone manufacturers were sleeping when motorola was developing communication devices.

                    • C
                    • Cain
                    • m4e
                    • 19 Mar 2007

                    No, YOU re missing the point. Moto does give me the choice of a decent phone, with great build, and material quality. That is the most important thing for ME. I would not choose a plastic phone over a metal one even if it had 10 mpx camera and WIFI 2nd generation, because such stuff is not important to ME. Do you honestly think YOU know what is best for ME ?

                      • K
                      • Kal
                      • Pxq
                      • 19 Mar 2007

                      have been reading the chaos for quite sometime..did moto got any award in 3GSM? yeh its for the cheapest get over it guys. The way I see it, time is running out for both Nokia and Moto...adding all these features hastly and leaving others simply shows their desparation to keep their position.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nUk
                        • 19 Mar 2007

                        I had in my possesion at past all of this moment,i have a nokia,but i believe that nokia has generally ugly phones,sonyeric gives you more for less money etc.etc. But my next phone is gonna be RIZR Z8,not for the characteristics or price,but just for the looks.Just loved it.Which is the best phone is relative...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mJZ
                          • 19 Mar 2007

                          kSax, if Moto are upgrading their phones because that's the way technology works why did they put a lousy 2MP camera in a current, high-end phone. That is not an upgrade but a serious downgrade. In the same breath they put VGA video at 30fps. As if they were desperate to equal Nokia in a key multimedia feature. This is an obvious case of copying. You cannot reconcile a 2MP camera with VGA video. it shows confusion and a lack of sincerity. Anyway, my main point is that Moto should not underfeature high-end phones. I am certain if pushed, Moto can produce far better phones. Its like they're holding back on us.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PDL
                            • 19 Mar 2007

                            Differen brand different focus. Motorola focus on design, not for the features before. Only from design of Motorola can make growest global market share than Nokia? Wow... That's amazing. "Motorola MS550" is the first CDMA mobile who has 3.5 Mega Pixel Camera. What is Nokia can do for Nokia CDMA mobile? Hahaha...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PDL
                              • 19 Mar 2007

                              Oh, come on "Nokia Fan's". What is Motorola copy from Nokia? 16 million color screen, 2 Mega Pixel Camera, VGA Video is from Panasonic.

                              Nokia doesn't has innovations. "Motorola MPX 300" is the first phone has WLAN, WiFi, Infra Red, bluetooth, dual hinge, and more in one mobile than Nokia. "Motorola Q" has GPS. Nokia only make mobile with "Stereo Sound"? That's old. "Motorola E680i" around 2 years ago already has "3D Surround Sound". Nokia only has 5 Mega Pixel Camera, Samsung already has 10 Mega Pixel Camera. So what is Nokia innovations? The answers: No innovations from Nokia.

                              Get real... Nokia is junk mobile.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • kSa
                                • 19 Mar 2007

                      , Motorola is upgrading their phones because that's how technology works and that's what consumers expect not to mention that's how they stay competitive. They are not *copying* Nokia by adding these features..LOL. If Toyota put a V10 into a sportscar are they copying Ferrari? LOL!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mJZ
                                  • 19 Mar 2007

                                  Kenny, I never said that Nokia were the innovators of the 16M colour screen or VGA video. The point is Nokia have the largest market share so other companies take notice and copy what Nokia does. Moto is copying Nokia in that it is upgrading the features eg VGA video. The problem is on a high-end phone like the Z8 the user expects important features such as WLAN and a decent camera to be included. Remember that this is no longer a mere phone. It is a multimedia device. I was shocked when Moto put yesterday's camera on a today phone. It shows a lack of sincerity and vision. I believe that Moto can be great but it's going to take a little shove from YOU, their supporters.

                                    • D
                                    • Duck
                                    • Pv8
                                    • 19 Mar 2007

                                    Im Happy with my brand new N95... And Im not an
                                    Nokia fan.

                                    I have a MotoHeart but I am going to hope that motorola introduce to the market an equipment with the same characteristics of my N95 to buy it, since always belive that Motorola is synonymous of Cellular.

                                    but at the moment I just prefere the WLAN, the 5mpx cam, the stereo sound of the bozzers,the DVD streaming quality, the GPS and many more things.

                                      • k
                                      • kenny
                                      • 2A3
                                      • 19 Mar 2007


                                      copy-cating the 16M screen from nokia? panasonic have the first 16M screen since the introduction of 2mp cameras on phones. VGA video? this have been the innovation of Xcute DV1 3mp camera phone which was the first DVD like video camera. why saying copycating when the technology grows rapidly and the companies have to equip those features to their future's like what if moto put WLAN,GPS in their RIZR Z9 then you'll definitely say they copycated the features of the N95? this is insane.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mJZ
                                        • 19 Mar 2007

                                        Cain, you are missing the point. Moto do not give the customer a choice. Their phones are simply underfeatured. You must admit that technology is evolving. Yesterday we had only VGA cameras. Today we're talking megapixels. Are you telling me you prefer a VGA still camera?? Moto are pretending that this is a cutting edge phone and yet key features such as WLAN are missing. Why did they put a lousy 2MPcamera instead of 3.2?? Total insincerity, and if we don't complain they'll never change.