Nokia brand to be replaced with Microsoft Lumia

21 October, 2014
We knew it was inevitable but the legendary Nokia phone brand will soon come to an end.

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  • C
  • Carol
  • 3uW
  • 24 Oct 2014

AnonD-119024, 24 Oct 2014Well said friend. At least found one who know things. I had... moreYeah, sadly, really sadly, allot of comments here are made by clueless children who never touched old smartphones. And worse, they have never used other Systems but android, and some spoiled Kids, ios. Their experience with operating Systems in General is biased towords Systems they know, and let's be serious, they don't know them like really know them. they know just how to install apps and play some games thinking specs is everything. Anyways, it is true Nokia started to drop rapidly after q2 2010, which is funny minding the fact q1 was an increse in Smartphone sales. Still, as far as i know at the end of 2010 Symbian was still in 34 percent from all smartphones being sold. Meaning that was still at the top of smartphones being sold with android way behind. Nokia droping from 39 to 34. and then after elop anouncement, just going down. And now what do i see? Just looking at how much Hardware android Needs just to work normal, i want to puke. But each with his own. But this People to come here with unexperienced clueless comments is just unacceptable for me:)).

    • D
    • AnonD-119024
    • uux
    • 24 Oct 2014

    Carol, 24 Oct 2014Nope, nokia did'nt die because not choosing android. Nokia ... moreWell said friend. At least found one who know things. I had mentioned in my post below people just want specs. That's all they want.look at the New bb z30 with its old dual core processor it functions like a pro, feels like old meego.

      • C
      • Carol
      • J5C
      • 24 Oct 2014

      Anonymous, 23 Oct 2014As I said, all ignorant think that Nokia died because they ... moreNope, nokia did'nt die because not choosing android. Nokia die because choosing ms. And stop talking nonsense. 2010 was the top of the spear for nokia, cause in that year the market share grew from 31 to 40%. Then collapsed after all spreding lies and elop calling symbian and meego dead, while embracing a pretty much deadlier system that still doesn't do good at all. You guys all talk about spects like there is no tomorrow. YOU! Should stop being biased and look a bit further then in your spects mentality. Symbian could do more multitasking with 512 ram then android with 2gb. Not to say about other stuff in which symbian faced a hole lot of tasks while android is just a retarded power hungry system. Better battery, way way better multitasking, multimedia king of kings. All symbian needed was a boost and investment in it's browsing and social capabilities. A 1020 with symbian operating system or meego would have been like a ferrari vs. fiat in front of android. But, what am i talking about? Trying to give some senses to people that never really ised symbian or meego, but they talk. First learn it, use it, understand it. Then talk it;).

        • S
        • Sorry only biased
        • jJA
        • 23 Oct 2014

        Anonymous, 23 Oct 2014You have the Nokia C5-03 phone, but you don't even know whi... moreguy here is you. If you can for example exact android version of phone you used 4 years ago than maybe you can tell me I discredited myself, otherwise please keep it for yourself.
        No system can hold 80% of marketshare forever. 40% of marketshare for Nokia in 2010 was healthy and every normal person would take actions to reverse falling ang go up.
        Only crazy man would take plan to go for zero and hope for rising back.
        Mid range phones are those which are making marketshare and profit.
        Yes Nokia was behind in 2010 with HW paramateres, but to give up everything and go for featureleess WP was not the way as we can see.
        If they would focus strenght instead of WP to Symbian and Meego they would release N808 like phone earlier for sure.
        And for sure they wouldn't be on 0 marketshare as they are now.
        And sorry marketshare is important, but not allmighty. With 130 million devices sold yearly you have hell a lot of maneuvering space.
        For example Apple never had marketshare and they are making profit.
        And of course yesterday I forgot feature of N808 like:
        Sleeping screen where mobile is showing glowing picture, time and notifications in stand by helping you in the night
        No phone till today can do this.
        So must just say only and only reason of Nokia's end is diversive action of CEO Elop and later Microsoft policy.

          • D
          • AnonD-119024
          • uuw
          • 23 Oct 2014

          Anonymous, 23 Oct 2014Are you serious? You're talking about a phone from 2011. It... moreguys y cant u just understand what iam saying, u all are looking at the specs but not how it performs. for all those who are opposing my comments just search on youtube 'nokia n9 multitasking'

          thats it end of coversation. u can say anything u wish, it doesnt matters. once again iam not a nokia fan but a smartphone enthusiastic. i know android is better in spec in perfomrance, customization everything, iam using a htc butterfly s, i just said meego was a better os in performance, it doesnt needs heavy spec to perform well. in 2011 android was laggy everyone knows it. kitkat is the best update google ever made. android is the best now. But if nokia doesnt ends meego for windows, iam sure we may have seen nokia in the top.

            • D
            • AnonD-119024
            • uuw
            • 23 Oct 2014

            Anonymous, 23 Oct 2014Oh, so you are that kind of person who judge a phone by fan... morewho told u iam a nokia fan?? youtube nokia n9 multitasking, see n9 multitasks 48 apps without autoclosing the first one.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • HjB
              • 23 Oct 2014

              So Microsoft...what is the purpose of acquiring Nokia..? In the end you
              killed off the Nokia phone.. smfh

                • S
                • Shep - England (UK)
                • m}0
                • 23 Oct 2014

                Always been loyal to the Nokia brand, never had a mobile other than a Nokia, no reason to change as they are so logical to use and have never let me down. I am now on my ninth Nokia, a 1020, a terrific piece of kit. No need to be loyal anymore. My next upgrade in two years, well anything but Apple, probably get a Sony. Sad, a good brand name is a big big asset!!

                  • 2
                  • 2nice
                  • 3qC
                  • 23 Oct 2014

                  Such a shame ..

                    • a
                    • anyone
                    • PF$
                    • 23 Oct 2014

                    well after this post, I won't sell the two Nokia device I have and still use it right now. both E72 and C5-03 still works perfectly. except for the E72 that is dropped and slammed by niece and nephew, a lot of dent in this phone, but still works perfectly and the one device I can play GBA emulator smoothly as well. 3G whatsapp for 2 days always connect, with 2G it lasts for 3-4 days. Never again I met this kind of phone. Bye Nokia.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pqp
                      • 23 Oct 2014

                      PK, 22 Oct 2014Yes Nokia C5-03 is S60V5 phone, but it doesn't matter, I'm ... moreYou have the Nokia C5-03 phone, but you don't even know which operating system is running on it... (You've discredited yourself with it.)
                      That phone was just a low-end or midrange phone in comparison to the competition.

                      You can see on that diagram that the Symbian was constantly losing it's market share. The device sales means nothing. The market share is what matters. And don't forget that not everyone change their phones every year.

                      The Nokia 808 is nowhere near to the competition. It's just a camera-only phone. Nothing more. The 808 from 2012 is the match for the competition phones from 2010. Nokia should have to release it in 2010. So this phone is another good example for that Nokia was years behind the competition.

                      You are biased, therefore your arguments are invalid. If you don't want to use your phone for anything serious, then it's obvious that a lower range phone is enough for you. But since a low-end phone was/is enough for you, and you want to convince others with your own limited needs, you are biased.

                      You still don't want to admit the fact that Nokia is the only reason for it's own fall. Microsoft just saved Nokia: added a few more years to Nokia's life.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pqp
                        • 23 Oct 2014

                        The reply that I've posted for
                        "In reply to HD14 @ 2014-10-22 10:32"

                        is intended to be a reply for

                        "In reply to HD14 @ 2014-10-22 12:57"

                        And vice versa.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pqp
                          • 23 Oct 2014

                          AnonD-119024, 22 Oct 2014oh so u r that kind of person who judge a phone from its sp... moreAre you serious? You're talking about a phone from 2011. It's ridiculous.

                          N9 is a good example for that Nokia was years behind the competition. 2009 would have been the proper year for N9, not late 2011. Nokia N9 from 2011 is the match for the competition phones from 2009. What a shame. They should have to release N9 in that year.

                          You failed the challenge.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pqp
                            • 23 Oct 2014

                            AnonD-119024, 22 Oct 2014Well too much talking. I think u forgot to mention Nokia n9... moreOh, so you are that kind of person who judge a phone by fanboyism.
                            You know nothing about phones. Especially if you say iPhone has "better" "multitasking".

                            You should admit the truth about the death of Nokia and that the competition was/is better.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pqp
                              • 23 Oct 2014

                              bye Nokia , 22 Oct 2014Didn't Elop choose windows instead of android or symbian? ... moreAs I said, all ignorant think that Nokia died because they chose Windows Phone instead of Android.

                              But in fact, Nokia destroyed itself. Nokia was already dying and suffering, way before Elop.

                                • P
                                • PK
                                • jJA
                                • 22 Oct 2014

                                Anonymous, 22 Oct 2014My comment says the facts, the truth. The C5-03 is S60v5... moreYes Nokia C5-03 is S60V5 phone, but it doesn't matter, I'm just showing up how it was advanced in that time (2010), that also in today's time it has some features which were not beaten. Like standby time, small size, build quality and still after 4 years still usable like smartphone limited mostly by obsolete SW.
                                Here is picure with marketshare of Symbian:
                                You can see that number of Symbian devices was still growing on beginning of 2011 and reached 130 million devices sold yearly, overall maximum.
                                Yes overall marketshare was declining, but was still 40% beginning 2011.
                                I will say 80% marketshare is just unhealthy and can not last long. Declining marketshare of Nokia was understandable, because they were alone on the market before. Without stupid ending of Symbian in 2010 Nokia would end up today wit probably 30% Symbian marketshare and I guess 10-20% marketshare Meego.
                                Situation of Nokia on the end of 2010 was not bad, actually it was still amazing with selling 130 million devices yearly and 40% marketshare.
                                What happened after is only and only result of Elop's killing of Symbian and Meego.
                                So you are simply not right.
                                For N808 you are saying that camera is only good thing in this mobile, you are not right too. This phone was finally one with no gap in features, just balanced in everything. I will just pick up:
                                1. Camera - Just best
                                2. Full HD video with 3x zoom
                                3. CD Quality 140Db capable sound recording, no phone anywhere near today
                                3. Best contras display on sun ever. I found I'm rather surfing on N808 on sun, than my Android this time (Samsung Exhibit II 4G). Contrast is outside simply more crucial than resolution
                                4. Connectability - Wifi, Bluetooth, SD(64GB), NFC, modem functionality. Never found such complete in other phone
                                5. Material quality. After 2 years and million of falls still looks like new. You take it to hand and you feel that this device is sturdy and can take some beat.
                                6. Battery and Stand By time. With normal usage 2 - 3 days. No connection up to week. All this with 1,3GHz CPU and brightest display ever.
                                7. All 3G frequencies. I was on T-Mobile US 1700MHz this time and frequently traveling to Europe. No other phone offered in this time.
                                8. No other phone in this time, and also now had so much possible interconnection with PC. Nokia PC Suite and OVI suite were just great. I found it just awesome, that for example SMS message showed automatically on my laptop and I responded through laptop and my phone was all the time in my pocket. I saw on laptop that my phone is ringing somewhere in my bag or pocket...

                                And you just can not say I'm biased, because my current phone is just flagship Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and I had Xperia ZL before and Samsung Exhibit II 4g before...

                                Suma summarum only and only reason for whole Nokia's fall was Elop as CEO and all interaction with Microsoft.

                                  • C
                                  • Carol
                                  • J5C
                                  • 22 Oct 2014

                                  spide, 22 Oct 2014in a way im glad that nokia will live on, may be they will ... moreHmmm, for the Nokia name to come back to mobile phones there is a need of allot of money. So many, i can't imagine them comming into this market. Nokia sold their factories, and with them, they sold their best employes. Their is little to no chance we will se a true Nokia in the future.

                                    • s
                                    • spide
                                    • uun
                                    • 22 Oct 2014

                                    in a way im glad that nokia will live on, may be they will make phones in years to come.

                                      • c
                                      • cjs
                                      • dNA
                                      • 22 Oct 2014

                                      There goes the biggest part of credibility that WP has...

                                      • 👍
                                      • b
                                      • bbula
                                      • JGw
                                      • 22 Oct 2014

                                      What a shame, windows had potential but as for me it wasnt where it should be, i was hoping it will imporove over the time and i was considering swithing to nokia in the future but now, thanks to the microsoft, this idea got burried.