Apple and Android fans on reddit join forces to boycott CurrentC

27 October, 2014
Users get disgruntled after retailers started blocking Apple Pay and Google Wallet to promote their own CurrentC.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IWN
  • 27 Oct 2014

AnonD-23267, 27 Oct 2014when I read the first 8 words of the title, the first thing... moreFor that, someone has to sacrifice lol

    • T
    • The don
    • mpc
    • 27 Oct 2014

    Seems like the type of thing apple would do, remember Bose and beats.
    Tell me I'm lying...........
    Don't think so!!!!!!!!!!

      • X
      • X
      • Am9
      • 27 Oct 2014

      exxix, 27 Oct 2014There is a converse side to all this. Apple should make ... moreIf you want a Goggle wallet app in Apple Store, I think it can be done. But making Google Wallet work within the ApplePay is impossible, as they are different products. It's like you would request Safari to support Google Chrome.So why are you complaining about?

        • D
        • AnonD-23267
        • HsE
        • 27 Oct 2014

        when I read the first 8 words of the title, the first thing that came to my mind was "the world will be more peaceful now"

          • X
          • X
          • Am9
          • 27 Oct 2014

          Android, 27 Oct 2014Both camps are beyond puerile Are they intelligent to gr... moreSo Apple gets 0.15% commission from a transaction and that's such a big deal for you? Do you think that electronic payments are free somewhere? Retailers pay a commission for every transaction on their terminals, and it's a fix amount. For small amounts, the majority of the purchases, this commission amounts to up to 20%. So to cover for that, they increase the prices of products that are cheap, maybe more than 15c for a 1 dollar product, but you don't complain about it, do you?

            • D
            • AnonD-215676
            • uvv
            • 27 Oct 2014

            Anonymous, 27 Oct 2014Use your brain, if something costs 5.00 by cash, and 6.00 i... moreIt will eventually lead to increase in price for all transactions to keep them equal

              • e
              • exxix
              • N9@
              • 27 Oct 2014

              There is a converse side to all this.

              Apple should make their devices to recognize other payment methods as well.

              NFC payments should be universal across the board. All nfc platforms and nfc smartphones should be universally able.

              Apple perpetuates this closed ecosystem crap. This is the result.

                • A
                • AlphaBery
                • FED
                • 27 Oct 2014

                Android, 27 Oct 2014Both camps are beyond puerile Are they intelligent to gr... moreYour clueless on the benefits of not using cash.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nC6
                  • 27 Oct 2014

                  AnonD-324584, 27 Oct 2014What no one is trying to understand is that, this is one of... moreUse your brain, if something costs 5.00 by cash, and 6.00 if you pay using Apple Pay, will it work? No one will use it.

                  It will be the same like credit cards, the price is the same to the consumer, but the seller has to pay a percentage to the credit card company.

                  Please, I beg all the geniuses here, please use your brain, as painful as it may seem.

                    • S
                    • SomeGreek
                    • HB4
                    • 27 Oct 2014

                    Not my job to promote Apple or Google.

                    Besides that: cash only payments, for power to the people.

                      • L
                      • Lord Jeebus
                      • vCM
                      • 27 Oct 2014

                      Android, 27 Oct 2014Both camps are beyond puerile Are they intelligent to gr... moreStop whining about credit card fees. If people had no cash they rely on credit thus they are able to purchase a good and pay later. If they had no credit that good would not be sold. So you business retailers sooking for 5c in the dollar shows the greed arrogance and lack of knowledge why credit transactions keep businesses afloat. Credit allows us consumers to purchase over priced goods to keep selfish retailers in business. We should thank these credit card companies for this advanced payment system.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-324584
                        • vbM
                        • 27 Oct 2014

                        What no one is trying to understand is that, this is one of the foul play the customers are pulled into by retailers, cc processing companies and Apple. Apple will charge a fee which isn't finalized and revealed yet. Eventually when the foul play finishes play Apple fees will be revealed and so along the benefits it will pay to those retailers/cc processing companies thus ensuring a happy ending for consumers. People will think what a good settlement and these companies thought about their customers but NO!!. After this hoopla, you, me and every other consumer in the world will end paying more for every transaction made by NFC system. Try to think above the water. These companies are very big and any project involving their services can't go without consent. So be ready to pay more when using NFC payments

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 9LA
                          • 27 Oct 2014

                          Anonymous, 27 Oct 2014Not shocking at all, for those who read and analyse the fac... moreu are a fan boy go a head and take ur cash and pay with it ,,,,thats it,,,,or use cc then,,,,,stop ...

                            • n
                            • no
                            • jup
                            • 27 Oct 2014

                            Why is this an "unethical blocking" of Apple Pay? Crooked coverage, guy.

                              • l
                              • los
                              • 0pK
                              • 27 Oct 2014

                              Android, 27 Oct 2014Both camps are beyond puerile Are they intelligent to gr... moreOpen dictionary and lookup word privacy

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 31$
                                • 27 Oct 2014

                                [deleted post]So they think?? Hmmm intersting.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • SvC
                                  • 27 Oct 2014

                                  It speaks volumes about ApplePay when retailers disable NFC terminals across the U.S. just to block one payment system, inadvertently blocking NFC-based debit cards and Google Walket in the process.

                                  In fact, witnessing retailers blocking ApplePay is the biggest vote of confidence to date in Apple's new system.

                                    • y
                                    • yeah i said it
                                    • 8bK
                                    • 27 Oct 2014

                                    Anonymous, 27 Oct 2014Thats 90% of US population :P So what's next?? Why does all... moreApple said only 9 persons came forward with this problem, Android fanboys said hell no! not us , here in the U.S.

                                      • A
                                      • Android
                                      • 9E6
                                      • 27 Oct 2014

                                      Both camps are beyond puerile

                                      Are they intelligent to grasp the concept that security they profess to have only applies when they use the credit card with the phone as thus limits the transaction to the biometric details

                                      I wish these people would grow up, this hissy fit because I can't pay for my relatively small value item by using my phone

                                      So to all the pres schoolers who signed this petitions, it is about costs.
                                      THE CREDIT CARD COMPANIES CHARGE AN ARM AND A LEG

                                      If you want to pay by credit card then feel free to pick up the transaction cost if it means so much to you

                                      If yoy don't understand you tey walking around with some cash in uour pocket which is expected of somebody over 7 years old.

                                      Before volunteering a business to maintain the same sales but oay morw inn credit card fees direct your anger to the credit card companies
                                      If these card companies REDUCE THE TRANSACTION FEE everybody is happy

                                      All is rosy
                                      The current stance show a lack if basic economics.
                                      Fyi APPLE will be paid 15c per $100 spent ie the credit cards will pay Apple thatt fee
                                      Appole have invested ZERO $ in Apple Pay and is beyond contempt in ONLY activating the one NFC profile that supports Apple Pay

                                      So NFC on an iPhone6 NO, nien, nyat
                                      APPLE leads the way in sharing.... not

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • nC6
                                        • 27 Oct 2014

                                        Not shocking at all, for those who read and analyse the facts. I had already said in the previous article that it makes no sense for the Android fanboys who were hating on Apple Pay, since a monopoly on payment systems is not good for consumers, and the best is if Google Wallet and Apple Pay pave the way and compete for the space.

                                        And oh yeah, CurrentC is crap, archaic and cumbersome.

                                        Hopefully, more and more comments will be based on facts, as opposed to emotion and fanboyism.