Nokia N97 and 5800 XpressMusic are Vodafone UK’s best sellers

17 July, 2009
After the encouraging financial report yesterday Nokia have another reason to smile today. Vodafone UK published their list of handset that make the most sales recently and two of the Finns' devices...

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  • K
  • Kev
  • 0Rx
  • 18 Jul 2009

Go Vodafone!

    • d
    • drmansor_kL
    • 25G
    • 18 Jul 2009

    I like my n97 very much.. after 2 weeks using it, as incredible as my n95.8g & as good as my htc touch HD. Nice to use it... if u really explore & appreciate its. Don't just condemn it b4 u go into it.. try it..

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nvx
      • 18 Jul 2009

      of course this good news will not go down well with the fruit apple fanboys, keep this piece of news in the bottom of inside you. good job nokia

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • q}K
        • 18 Jul 2009

        Ok I under stand how you feel but I dident like iPhone eather and I get the new one and started to us it and think they have a good thing going i can say not the best thing on the market but very good don't don't think any one sould bash the iPhone it good prodect and every phone get the goods and the bads so
        don't just bash it every time some one says iPhone becouse every phone has prublems remamber

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pqy
          • 18 Jul 2009

          David, 18 Jul 2009Seriously, now i am getting annoyed. Why are Apple fans so ... moredavid,iphone was made for american tastes. they are very retard,they don't know any foreign language,they don't know universal history,art,basic things from these domains,who was michelangelo for example. they don't know to show on a map:london,paris,berlin,bucharest,moscow,dubai. they don't know anything,except american universe:kitsch cars,retarded televison channels for oligofren people,fat girls,ugly ghettos,unhealthy food. they are all a copy of michael jackson. they become happy when rotate iphone and the water falls on the screen. that's their way to live and iphone and american cars will never be on the taste of europeans,especially east europeans wich are very conservators in tastes,religion,family,clothes,music and mobiles

            • D
            • David
            • M8T
            • 18 Jul 2009

            Seriously, now i am getting annoyed. Why are Apple fans so retarded? Is there some kinda of radiation from the iPhone that messe up the brainwaves? I am not joking or trying to be "internet" abbusive, It's a serious question.

            They turn up on every thread to any other brand with their low self esteem and their inferior smartphone with wannabe smartphone apps made by 9 year olds on Appstore.

            Can't you just leave some threads alone? Is it so hard? Why do i constantly have to read about this inferior tribe that thinks they are worlds topsellers when there are only 20 million iPhone users in the World. There are 3.5 biilion Mobile users in the world, that makes the iPhone users like 0.6% of the total market.

            So wake up from your erotic webcam sessions with Steve and smell the coffee. You guys are so annoying it's not even funny.

            I actually used to own an iPhone 3G, but i was never behaving like you guys do on threads. I thought the iPhone was a good phone, but after awhile 2 things put me off.

            First i started getting anger tantrums on the program iTunes, could you make a more annoying software? Sometime u think, is it for real or did Apple create iTunes to screw up peoples good mood on a daily baisis?

            Second issue was the Apps. Yeah, there are thousands of Apps on Appsstore with fancy names and glamorous desciptions, i have tried at least 200 of them and they don't do sh*t. Most of them non-serious middle school versions of real smart phone "software" found on other phones, and don't play stupid with me, you know exactly what i'm talking about.

            It's like Apple invited all 9 year olds of the world to make apps. Apple have lost control over the Appstore amd beacaude private people can make of it, it's been invaded by 9 year old software "programmers".

            Kudos to Apple for selling alot of apps to kids and teenagers like my 8 year old little brother who i gave my 3G to, he buys apps all the time. But Iphone is NOT a smartphone, and it never will be. I have gone over to the Nokia E71 and i couldn't be happier over the oceans of quality seperating these two when it comes being a "real" smartphone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • wc6
              • 18 Jul 2009

              andy burgin, 18 Jul 2009We use to see all the best made phones coming from Nokia ,b... morei got 5 N86 and it work very well

                • F
                • Flames
                • BwV
                • 18 Jul 2009

                Let me break it down for you people so that it can forever and consistently be broke;

                Only a teenager, an immature person or a just downright crazy person would be dissapointed that another phone is selling better than their phone or preffered brand. If you are comfortable using Samsung, LG or SE phones I honestly don't understand why you should be dissapointed that the N97 or 5800 is outselling your phone or preffered brand. That's just being downright crazy as it suggests you live your life to please other people instead of being your own man. People on here need to grow up instead of getting worked up over phones...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pqy
                  • 18 Jul 2009

                  I have n86 made in china and 2 friens of mine the same. All 3 n86 i know for three weeks,work perfect,so don't lie about hangings! Nokia have excellent sales and image in the very high class:8-series and Vertu,a zone where samsung and s.e. Just dream to be and will never be,because hi life accepts like areally bling-bling only nokia and vertu. That's it! After all,nokia is making icons in the low and middle class with 3120,6700,6600,6500. Nokia 6310 from 9 years ago is selling now with 80-100 euro instant. Wich samsung or s.e. Even with 100 mp do you think will have simillar success?? No one!! Zero

                    • a
                    • andy burgin
                    • 3pH
                    • 18 Jul 2009

                    Anonymous, 17 Jul 2009Sorry, but that comment makes no sense at all. Are you comm... moreWe use to see all the best made phones coming from Nokia ,but Samsung are showing Nokia up now,as they used to produced the best mobiles,but because of Nokias good name we haven"t seen nothing from them that really stands out,i had 3 Nokia N86s in 5 days as they all froze an instead of creating a new type of mobile Nokia went on the cheap idea use the N85 body an put a 8 mega-pixel camera on it,then Samsung release a mobile that would be correct a 3" touch screen slider with keypads the Tocco Ultra,Why couldn"t Nokia design something similar

                      • s
                      • stefaan
                      • miN
                      • 18 Jul 2009

                      You can say all u want from nokia but they have like the best phones compared to the numbers they sell. I work in a cellphone store and nokia gives the least problems with repairs where others like samsung are like garuanteed to break

                        • S
                        • Sim
                        • 3Ka
                        • 18 Jul 2009

                        congratssss NOKIA :) :D

                          • T
                          • Tucks
                          • M3s
                          • 18 Jul 2009

                          Such a shame to see the ill-priced n97 on that top spot. People obviously care about about their rep far too much.

                            • d
                            • danny x
                            • k9W
                            • 18 Jul 2009

                            iPhone has a revolutionary doesn't have file transfer via Bluetooth.which I use very replacale battery!no delivery reports!it only deserves to be a second phone!I think phones like E71 which rarely are made,are more admirable!it's cool.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sUU
                              • 18 Jul 2009

                              hopes apple people reads this...

                                • A
                                • Abhinav
                                • vGH
                                • 18 Jul 2009

                                Flames, 17 Jul 2009If you don't like Nokia phones, it doesn't mean everyone di... moreI agree

                                  • e
                                  • europe
                                  • PAX
                                  • 18 Jul 2009

                                  Zugzug, 18 Jul 2009Wow that list looks pretty sad. Nothing but crappy phones. the list might be crappy for u and other people who have the habit of getting their ass shoved by steve jobs apple iphone

                                    • b
                                    • bummy
                                    • QDj
                                    • 18 Jul 2009

                                    n97 not that great for its price...
                                    What i see here is brand power =/

                                    n95 people simply migrating to next phone.

                                      • Z
                                      • Zugzug
                                      • 4AJ
                                      • 18 Jul 2009

                                      Wow that list looks pretty sad. Nothing but crappy phones.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • wYF
                                        • 18 Jul 2009

                                        These means nothing. Nokia is losing profit, too.