Reuters: Sony is open to selling its mobile phone business
- v
- vinayak
- vw0
- 27 Aug 2016
if sony closed there mobile production so what about service center ia newly buy sony xa ultra plzz don't closed the service center plzz rply about service center
- v
- vinayak
- vw0
- 27 Aug 2016
i sony closed there product so what happen about sony mobile service center also closed or not.
- S
- Shrey
- F%J
- 06 Aug 2015
This is the saddest news i have heard this year.. I love SONY i am a big time fan.. i don't want them to shut.. I wish i was rich enough to turn their loss into profit.. I have no idea which phone i'll buy now :(
- s
- sandeep
- 7jW
- 18 Jul 2015
Very poor service by Sony center
- k
- kuldeep
- YQr
- 17 Mar 2015
IF Sony Closes its Mobile Division then one thing is sure people like us who use sony and have got addicted to it will have to forget the mobile phone usages as no other company can provide such good phones which have good camera as well as good sound as well as good music .. plus the water proof is something which is unbeatable.. Lets hope Sony CEO gets this message and does think of us..
- d
- dinesh kumar basitha
- Hkt
- 09 Mar 2015
Sony mobile is best mobile she is my favourite mobile
- D
- AnonD-368484
- uwS
- 27 Feb 2015
- P
- Paona Hijam
- t1$
- 22 Feb 2015
Sony is great and will be so on to me, i love sony xperia Z series. Your slimness, processor, water and dust resistant,camera and above all its speedy functioning... Why to give up from this competing age? I still consider you the greatest among all the trusted brands. Please don't give it up...
- M
- Mac
- w43
- 19 Feb 2015
Sony After selling its PC division to Japan Industrial Partners in sake of its Mobile business now its selling its mobile bussiness. Its a total management failure.
If it goes these way it gona follow Nokia Soon.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCH
- 14 Feb 2015
Actually even Samsung losing the market share to Chinese not only Sony.
- P
- Pallab
- KAe
- 31 Jan 2015
First Nokia and now Sony.
I think HTC also runs in losses.
I think now cheap chinese brand are dominated in market.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U@H
- 31 Jan 2015
rhyzan... , 16 Jan 2015I love sony innovation technology... Specifically in smartp... moreI agree 200%
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD{
- 22 Jan 2015
AnonD-89174, 14 Jan 2015The mobile phones that Sony produces are too good compared ... moreI agree.
- D
- AnonD-354789
- vC8
- 21 Jan 2015
Sony needs to restructure their mobile division by changing the way they do with the cycle of product release (Xperia Z-x phone) and cutting back on numbers of Xperia models (C-series, T-series, M-series, etc). Sony can't compete in the cheap Android phone market, and that's the reality, as that space is dominated by Chinese companies such as Xiaomi, Oppo, 1Plus, Meizu, etc. Even Samsung which is dominated on the higher end Android device (Galaxy S-x & Note x) has not able to compete in this cheap Android market. Sony mobile division needs to concentrate on one niche market which is Xperia Z-x model rather than multiple models of phone, as they need to stop releasing brand new Z-x phone every 6 months just as they have been doing. Sony needs to release Z-x model every 12 months just like previously. Other than that, they need to do something with their manufacturing, as Sony is the worst when come to the new product release: it took few weeks to get a hand of Xperia Z2 & Z3 in some countries, and that's bad. I really hope they don't sell this business division since I do like their Z-x product due to their hardware design and quality, as also with the software (less bloatware than other manufacture, and simple UI as it the closest thing to the AOSP.)
- S
- M5M
- 20 Jan 2015
first pc business and now phone business what kind of hell happens inside SONY ?! all companies make big money on smartphones only sony are losing !they should at the end give up and leave the market completely and looking for a new job .
- l
- lou
- 9LB
- 18 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 14 Jan 2015R.I.P Sony now that a good one!!!!!
- D
- AnonD-63308
- uC0
- 17 Jan 2015
AnonD-342102, 15 Jan 2015Samsung should buy it instead of blackberry. Hell no!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Xq
- 16 Jan 2015
Xiaomi uses Sony camera modules. Sony could partner up with them. Didn't they recently built or planned to build an Aqua Concept Store in Dubai? I'm not sure if it has completed yet. But they could opt to slowly closely down some of their stores that aren't of profit to them if necessary
- r
- rhyzan...
- 16 Jan 2015
I love sony innovation technology... Specifically in smartphone under xperia... Don't give up sony... U still have power...please...
- y
- yassid04
- 2@v
- 16 Jan 2015
sHAdStoNEd, 14 Jan 2015I would say yes... I would be holding off regardless of thi... moreSony may not be perfect but in that way every smartphone has some or the other flaws in them, it's just that not many of them can offer a good premium design with simple UI, still who what happens next on top of that Mobile World Congress will take place.... Hope for the best.