Reuters: Sony is open to selling its mobile phone business

13 January, 2015
The Japanese tech giant forecasts a loss of $1.9 billion for the fiscal year ending in March.

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  • y
  • yassid04
  • 2@v
  • 16 Jan 2015

Anonym, 14 Jan 2015I don't see why! Sony took the right steps with AOSP and th... moreI really started loving the design of xperia since xperia z2, they have amazing devices

    • D
    • AnonD-48141
    • Hkt
    • 15 Jan 2015

    Hope it's just a hoax ..if not all we have to do is move on.....

      • A
      • Aamir
      • sBU
      • 15 Jan 2015

      monsoon , 15 Jan 2015no SONY... u are a hero.... u shouldn 't die... u have to... moreSony! U R Hero, U R the King of quality Products and I believe U will remain King of the Smartphone world.

        • D
        • AnonD-342102
        • ubI
        • 15 Jan 2015

        Samsung should buy it instead of blackberry.

          • F
          • Fanboy
          • 7XH
          • 15 Jan 2015

          I love Sony based on how their looks and the UI's are stunning but oh well some people complain about some of their phones were factory defected and sony services representatives doesn't give a F*ck so that's why they stick to other phones like Samsh*t and F*ckPPLE . Anyway its 2015 you know, I hate them now. Guess I will try Microsoft devices and Asus Zenfones these year. Sorry for my bad english :)

            • m
            • monsoon
            • 6iM
            • 15 Jan 2015

            no SONY... u are a hero....
            u shouldn 't die... u have to wake up...
            u have to pull up yourself... come on SONY...
            RISE.... u can do it....!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7Xq
              • 15 Jan 2015

              Anonymous, 14 Jan 2015Respectable, hmm... Mobile hardware division, hmm... Respec... moreForgot...
              Sell to:
              Google (we could see the first Sony-Google collab on a Nexus phone or even on a One)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 7Xq
                • 14 Jan 2015

                Respectable, hmm... Mobile hardware division, hmm... Respectable mobile hardware division, who needs it the most? I think this could be Microsoft's opportunity. If the following hypothetically made deals to Sony, my list would go...
                Sell to:
                Apple (though, Apple most likely not be needing hardware division unless they want to work with Sony to radically change their hardware design language)
                LG (this one has TV business)
                Samsung (has TV business, too)
                Sharp (this one has both TV and mobile biz, they can both collaborate on further improving IGZO technology)


                Joint venture with:
                Lenovo (and be one of its kids, together with Motorola)

                  • D
                  • AnonD-64830
                  • pJj
                  • 14 Jan 2015

                  yassid04, 14 Jan 2015Does that mean, buying any xperia flagship right now could ... moreSony has double standards.
                  They offer Android Lollipop only on its expensive Z Series Androids.
                  When asked about the other current handsets such as Sony M2 and M2 Aqua being updated to Lollipop Sony Mobile UK just tells you about the Z Series and does answer the question.

                    • c
                    • capes
                    • JJf
                    • 14 Jan 2015

                    I have been à great fan of Sony gadgets, what need to be changed is (1) the directeurs. (2) les talk of dépressive action, more of improvement of the présent gadgets. For ex: luck of info on gadgets - Sony Tablette P, I was in Sweden, England, spain n Switzerland, which I think is à beautiful gadget, was Never hear of or seen in the Shops. Management of Sony should be fired. Keep Sony phone going. I am for Sony always.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-185880
                      • wvQ
                      • 14 Jan 2015

                      Man some people need to chill out, its only an option to sell their business they arent selling their Xperia divison right away. Plus this hasnt been confirmed by Sony. Theyre only playing it caution to the wind in which I think is the right thing to do. Less phones the better i reckon, too many phones requires more resources for support and updates. Good luck Sony, I love your product and will keep using your products til I die!

                        • r
                        • richie
                        • 0p4
                        • 14 Jan 2015

                        I just bought my Xperia Z2! Should I regret it or not after these news? Will future Android updates stop and will technical service for the Xperia smartphones continue?

                          • A
                          • Anonym
                          • NCe
                          • 14 Jan 2015

                          yassid04, 14 Jan 2015Does that mean, buying any xperia flagship right now could ... moreI don't see why! Sony took the right steps with AOSP and there is a growing active community supporting their phones.

                          You just have to live with the stock Android look and feel, but then again, that shouldn't be much of an issue given how Sony stock ROM is one of the closest to that feel (only surpassed by the likes of Motorola).

                          If you mean hardware support, I'm sure there will be plenty of replacements parts for a really long time.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-89174
                            • thc
                            • 14 Jan 2015

                            The mobile phones that Sony produces are too good compared to some other companies. I think the reason why they lag behind the competition and struggling for their survival is because of the way they make availability of their phones so limited! Look at its fellow OEMs that have names and reputation like Sony which are Samsung, LG, HTC and Apple. All those 4 giants have been making their devices available with carriers in the US while you hardly see Sony tie up with these big networks not just in the States but all over the world! They always make their phones unlocked most of the time when in fact a lot of people are awed everytime they release such flagship device but based on what I observe, especially here in the Philippines, people who have money to pay straight cash for a flagship device mostly go with Sony even if it is almost as expensive as Samsung and Apple and costs more if not on par with HTC and LG. I should say that Sony might be struggling but it won't die. Look at what Microsoft did to Nokia, they killed the world's once upon a time's best phone maker and just as we thought that it will no longer be existing, here they are again with a banging tablet Nokia N1! Sony will recover and I also hope Sony finds its way on how Asus does the game. Producing quality devices without making their devices too pricey! Sony is Sony and I have the pride of saying I am a Sony lover coz they produce quality devices and though my family has one of the latest Bravia TVs out in the market, still we keep a 24 year old Sony TV that have not had any issues ever and still looks good and sounds good! I am writing this comment on a 2 yr old Xperia Z device that still has its flaps on and no issues with any of the ports for water resistance, no shattered glasses and runs on the latest update 4.4.4 Kitkat with a great battery life. I also got Asus Zenfone 5 as my extra driver plus a Nokia 1520 and all I can say is that Sony and Nokia (of course Asus) are the best OEMs that should be considered by the consumers now. I got no complaints with their products and services.

                              • s
                              • sHAdStoNEd
                              • bHm
                              • 14 Jan 2015

                              yassid04, 14 Jan 2015Does that mean, buying any xperia flagship right now could ... moreI would say yes... I would be holding off regardless of this announcement as the Z4 should be out sooner than later.

                                • y
                                • yassid04
                                • 2@v
                                • 14 Jan 2015

                                Does that mean, buying any xperia flagship right now could be a bad idea

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-352127
                                  • 2@c
                                  • 14 Jan 2015

                                  Sony is going nowhere..
                                  They had just appointed new mobile dept. Cheif and they will surely give him a chance plus if u read hirai words carefully then u will notice that he plans to play a cautious game by producing less devices per year and aim for profit not for market share..

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PGg
                                    • 14 Jan 2015

                                    R.I.P Sony

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-39334
                                      • thY
                                      • 14 Jan 2015

                                      I'm always in awe with the Xperia line up design. But the things that barred me from getting one is the questionable built quality. The built in batteries. Those flaps that worn out overtime. And Sony's pricing on their devices are just way too expensive. It's just too late for Sony I guess, though it is sad that this brand name of mobile phone will be the next to disappear.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-183154
                                        • 9Aw
                                        • 14 Jan 2015

                                        Sony phones are great but not hip enough. All the hipsters use Samsung in 2013 and HTC and OnePlus in 2014.