iOS overtakes Android in the US in Q4 2014, report says

04 February, 2015
According to analyst house Kantar Worldpanel, Apple's OS was once again the most successful in the US.

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  • D
  • AnonD-229512
  • C6m
  • 05 Feb 2015

Srb, 04 Feb 2015Android had its time ...and think about it...EVERYONE makes... moreYes samsung makes car, search for samsung renault

    • D
    • AnonD-356176
    • syd
    • 05 Feb 2015

    0.1% is statistical noise, I see this as just a PR stunt used to throw themselves in the media.

      • D
      • AnonD-274519
      • pWQ
      • 05 Feb 2015

      AnonD-279350, 04 Feb 2015Samsung galaxy s5 isnt the best android smartphone. Actuall... moreSony could be good, but build quality-related problems are still the deal-breaker for me.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 84e
        • 04 Feb 2015

        swf, 04 Feb 2015what a stu... comment is that? Windows over android ? loool... moreThe best phone is that suit your needs (i tryed note 4 great device..but it has nothing i cant do on my lumia;) even more complicated..)..Neither is best, for some is android for some ios, for me WP etc etc. Old story new and same comments xD every os is good for someone. Even blackberry one. What is the point of this conversation? Technicaly Microsoft can put down android if they have a interest in makeing money just on phones. Cause they have a lot more profit as a company than whole android phones around the globe. So think..With WP 10 and some inovations and implementations, solutions, android cant match, it is honestly still dirty coded os, unsorted non modern. So ill say wait and see. And statistics are not thing, the other thing is..who use one os will not use another, unless it gets better..and more easy to use it..

          • S
          • Srb
          • LaD
          • 04 Feb 2015

          Anonymous, 04 Feb 2015An an Android fan and user, I DO care who is the leading th... moreAndroid had its time ...and think about it...EVERYONE makes with android exept Apple..

          Apple is a brand with its ADN of being an company that last for 200-300 years
          Sony was a great company in the 90, Microsoft was in the 90
          Samsung will always live because it makes everything that other makes, probably even cars in the future
          Apple was is and will be a top company because they have a different mentality than others

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • D3%
            • 04 Feb 2015

            AnonD-89109, 04 Feb 2015Even going by this article iOS has 47.7% over Android's 47.... moreAn an Android fan and user, I DO care who is the leading the OS marketshare wars. It's not just because I think Apple sucks (they do) and so I can brag about it in front of non-Android users. It's more so because the largest number of users drives app development. While iOS still gets many apps first and have more games and other exclusives, the gap has been shrinking, and that's because there are more and more Android users. If Android controlled 90% of the market, do you think developers will still develop for iOS first and treat Android like 2nd class citizens? Of course not.

              • D
              • AnonD-185880
              • wvQ
              • 04 Feb 2015

              If Sony sort their sh1t out then they would be a good rival to Apple in the US after all they offer the best Android phones.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • akZ
                • 04 Feb 2015

                Android will be dead in a few years. Just like Symbian and Bada.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-89109
                  • ute
                  • 04 Feb 2015

                  Even going by this article iOS has 47.7% over Android's 47.6%. What a massive difference!

                  First of all no one cares what is the distribution of different mobile OS in one darn country, and that too with that 'huge' difference.

                  Oh dear! How many people need to get a life God knows!

                    • D
                    • AnonD-89109
                    • ute
                    • 04 Feb 2015

                    swf, 04 Feb 2015what a stu... comment is that? Windows over android ? loool... moreLOL, and you had to feed the troll.

                      • s
                      • swf
                      • 9E7
                      • 04 Feb 2015

                      Striker, 04 Feb 2015Apple domination is clear, no doubt. But what still amazes ... morewhat a stu... comment is that? Windows over android ? loool . Android always will be #1 u cant change that :)

                      btw. had Iphone 5s and Lumia 925 now I has Note 4 and im not gonna change that for sure.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-85193
                        • 3Wd
                        • 04 Feb 2015

                        AnonD-341196, 04 Feb 2015You had 64 bit processors 2 years ago? Which phone was that... moreThere was a 64bit Android phone about 3 years ago, but used a hacked version of Android to enable 64bit made by a Chinese company never really took off and came with 1GB Ram, trying to look for it but is hard find now since the search results are all for the snapdragons etc. was much easier to find when only the iPhone 5 was present and nothing for Android.

                        AH i think i found it.


                          • D
                          • AnonD-279350
                          • m@9
                          • 04 Feb 2015

                          Samsung galaxy s5 isnt the best android smartphone. Actually the best android smartphones are Sony it always was and always will be

                            • D
                            • AnonD-237024
                            • nG%
                            • 04 Feb 2015


                            iB0ys everywhere

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • LaT
                              • 04 Feb 2015

                              What a load of tripe.The percentage difference is so small you could not prove or disprove these results , no more than you could prove or disprove apple are behind these people. All we know is at timing critical to any positive samsung happening, these people pop up with some apple enthroning statement.Apple don't even need to advertise, the media, have every article , every website, every newstand with apple pushed to the front, you'd almost think they were being paid for it wouldn't you, remember the gsma story about the German tech guys who wouldn't tow the apple line ? As for these people if they said good morning, I would go looking for my pyjamas, there's certainly a lot of positive "a" news every few minutes, now, the s6 is on its way, nearly everything seems to be down with android and down with samsung, say Sherlock, wonder if we could narrow it down to one company who's biggest threat in the world, is sambo + andro.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 7sk
                                • 04 Feb 2015

                                AnonD-341196, 04 Feb 2015iOS and WP8 >>>>>>> AndroidYou got that way wrong dude. Globally ios is still declining, last year by 0.1%, which is good news. Apple said that 4" is the perfect size right? oh well, the 6 and 6+ got the wrong sizes, hahaha.

                                  • S
                                  • Srb
                                  • LaD
                                  • 04 Feb 2015

                                  Android like other company had up and downs and now will get to the bottom in the next 2-3 years because there is not in their ADN to be a company that last for 200 years like in Apple ADN is. Like Sony back in 90 has up and down and now its just a n ok smartphone company because the tv is meeh not like in the 90 the sony vaio are gone and so on.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-152638
                                    • mhB
                                    • 04 Feb 2015

                                    Not surprising, since none of the big players on the world wide market (thus including US) released anything of interest in the 2nd half of 2014. (perhaps except for the Note 4, but the note owe half of it sales or so, to the fact that by that time the S model feels out of date, most are not looking such a big device, and take a look around, how many iPhone 6 plus, do you see people using, I've only seen one this far).

                                    For some years the statistics have suggested that except for Apple, the other big players need twice a year flagship releases to keep their sales up. A spring release to jump start the market, that still sufers from the holiday season. And a fall release, to have something fresh for the holiday season. (Most likely Apple would sell even more units, if they had a twice a year update, but considering how many units they still shift in the spring season, it's not sure that it would make financial sense, having to pay for R&D and marketing for that 2nd unit)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • NT9
                                      • 04 Feb 2015

                                      Well, if most Android phones are launched in Q2 and Q3, wouldn't stand to reason that Apple's phone sales would be high in Q4, the quarter their phones are basically released?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-341196
                                        • 6u9
                                        • 04 Feb 2015

                                        [deleted post]You had 64 bit processors 2 years ago? Which phone was that?

                                        EDIT: Also you are copy and pasting the same comment again and again in every article. Can the Mods please look into this?