Adobe unveil Flash Player 10.1 - the first multiplatform one yet

05 October, 2009
Adobe Flash Player 10.1 will be the first of its kind to support the full package of Flash services and will come for most of the mobile and desktop OS - Windows Mobile, Palm webOS, Android, Symbian...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • P%n
  • 06 Oct 2009

John, 06 Oct 2009The previous comment about Steven Jobs wanting to control y... moreAdobe has already made it possible to port Flash games to the App store:-

Although, like most Flash games they are pretty crap.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • P%n
    • 06 Oct 2009

    Anonymous, 06 Oct 2009MSs silver right is an alternative web application to the w... moreSo why doesn't Silverlight content e.g. Netflix run on Linux?

    Microsoft doesn't make the browser plug in for Linux, they also don't support the latest open web standards in Internet Explorer which was why Google released the Chrome frame plug-in.

    Just like Adobe took ages to release the Flash plug-in for 64bit Linux.

    Enjoy your closed in proprietary standards and keeping the Internet locked into Adobe's and Microsoft's control, I prefer Apple's push for open standards and browsers that don't require plug ins to run multimedia content.

    So you adjust your browser settings by disabling 3rd party cookies from your browser and you think you are protecting your privacy?

    Think again, thanks to Adobe Flash:-,39044901,62057930,00.htm

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ijD
      • 06 Oct 2009

      Senior Developer, 05 Oct 2009Is there a way I can help you? I got 30 years of coding exp... more'Senior Developer';

      Get real you fraudster... 30 years experience lying about your credentials and trolling the web for fat pigeon suckers to transfer you funds to do a job you cant and wont do before you disappear. Pfft. If you could you would have already and be selling it online.

      Then again theres enough stupid ppl who may actually take your bold lies seriously.

      Good luck with your fraudulent activity Senior D****bag

        • J
        • John
        • xr6
        • 06 Oct 2009

        The previous comment about Steven Jobs wanting to control your iphone is correct. Flash allows people to run arbitrary code for applications straight off the web. This defeats the importance of the app store and potentially hurts apple revenue stream from the app store.

        This is why you'll probably never see flash for iphone, apple are greedy control freaks.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • MWW
          • 06 Oct 2009

          Flash is available on all windo ws platform so your statement is misleading hence yahoo logo changes to flash frequently.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • MWW
            • 06 Oct 2009

            MSs silver right is an alternative web application to the web standard Adobes flash. MS doesn't force anyone to use their products.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • tDy
              • 06 Oct 2009

              mamo0n, 06 Oct 2009Why is iPhone running so behind? i have the iphone and usin... morehehehe superb expensive phone with cheaper features hehehe.

                • z
                • z
                • qKB
                • 06 Oct 2009

                what is iphone? never heard of it, i only heard about iCaveman.

                  • m
                  • mamo0n
                  • xx}
                  • 06 Oct 2009

                  Why is iPhone running so behind? i have the iphone and using it. But why cant it just include a tiny flash player in it. Itll make browsing so much better!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tDy
                    • 06 Oct 2009

                    dude, 05 Oct 2009Everyone except the iPhone?!?! WTF ADOBE why you leave us o... moreHuh? important? iphone market is not large like Symbian market :p

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tDy
                      • 06 Oct 2009

                      Anonymous, 05 Oct 2009Seriously, why no flash on the iPhone??? Because iphone suck XD

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tDy
                        • 06 Oct 2009

                        ilhan_P1i, 05 Oct 2009Hi! I wonder if it is going to support Symbian UIQ3 platfor... moreNokia not stoped UIQ but SE can't make UIQ survive. that why S60v5 born. Old Symbian have many different OS [S60 , S80 , UIQ & MOAP] New Symbian use S60 + UIQ + MOAP become 1 Open Source OS. CMIIW

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P%n
                          • 05 Oct 2009

                          Win7RTM, 05 Oct 2009Apple believes that Flash on the iPhone is an obsolete plat... morebtw Microsoft want people to use Silverlight, their version of Flash which is about locking users in to proprietary products in order to force them to use their products, in much the same way as Adobe with Flash.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • P%n
                            • 05 Oct 2009

                            Senior Developer, 05 Oct 2009Is there a way I can help you? I got 30 years of coding exp... moreWhy don't you start by buying the Adobe developer tools.

                            It's only $700.


                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • P%n
                              • 05 Oct 2009

                              Win7RTM, 05 Oct 2009Apple believes that Flash on the iPhone is an obsolete plat... moreAdobe Flash is proprietary, to develop for it you need to BUY software from Adobe, Adobe controls releases for it.

                              Apple along with others (Mozilla, Google, Opera) and others are pushing for open standards so browsers don't need security compromising plug-ins like Adobe Flash (Google "flash cookies").

                              Google even made the Chrome frame plug-in for Internet Explorer to make it more compliant with open standards.

                              Any way it's nice to see that having closed standards still has it's supporters who like being controlled by Adobe, without them in a few years Adobe Flash will be obsolete.

                                • i
                                • ilhan_P1i
                                • nvb
                                • 05 Oct 2009

                                Hi! I wonder if it is going to support Symbian UIQ3 platform too... or not(?) That is not clear (yet). As you all know that when it comes to symbian OS it should be considered like two different OS; S60 and UIQ, since they are not supporting each other. If the new flash player does not have UIQ support I wont be surprised. What i cannot understand is; Ok, Nokia bought Symbian and stopped the UIQ project under the scope of competition to other brands, this stroke Sony Ericsson as major invester of UIQ, but why SE could not do anything against this situation and left his customers (P1, P900, M600 etc users) as orphans. Here I am focusing mostly on Flash support. Has Adobe also been bought by Nokia, or Samsung, or HTC (?)... As a conclusion, No more SE products in life, even if they use Windows Mobile or Symbian(!) or whatever as platform in their future products. Looking forward to see Samsung Omnia-II available in the market. Regards...

                                  • S
                                  • Senior Developer
                                  • n1x
                                  • 05 Oct 2009

                                  Is there a way I can help you? I got 30 years of coding experience on the mainframe. Maybe I can write a adobe-plugin for iPhone. Please transfer me some start-funds, thanks.
                                  Your Senior Developer.

                                    • W
                                    • Win7RTM
                                    • C}v
                                    • 05 Oct 2009

                                    Anonymous, 05 Oct 2009Seriously, why no flash on the iPhone??? Apple believes that Flash on the iPhone is an obsolete platform and that everything should be encoded into H.264, when in actuality, it is a (more than) standard in browsing for websites. Apple won't be satisfied until they make a product similar to Flash for the iPhone. Microsoft isn't too fond of Adobe being in charge of this field either.

                                    In a nutshell, both companies don't want Flash as the standard. Apple just doesn't want them more.

                                      • L
                                      • Love mobile phone
                                      • PYN
                                      • 05 Oct 2009

                                      Anonymous, 05 Oct 2009Seriously, why no flash on the iPhone??? Dude, how can you ask for that, iphone is not a smartphone, i totally dislike iphone's it doesn't have many functions that have a standart phone. it doesn't record video, doesn't have mms, even bluetooth only has it for headphone, nowadays you can find many cell phones that capacitive touch screen so you can not say that iphone is better in any way. :D

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • pT{
                                        • 05 Oct 2009

                                        Seriously, why no flash on the iPhone???