Orange UK launch iPhone 3G/3GS on 10 Nov, same pricing as O2
- ?
- Anonymous
- S35
- 03 Nov 2009
actually you will find the cap for o2 unlimited is a lot higher than you think, i work for o2 and own an iphone if the was a cap of 250mb or even 750 mb i wouldnt be able to use fb and msn on my phone all day long which i do and never get charged, you will only get charged for excessive usage or if you use it out of the uk, same as unlimited text from o2 the cap for that is actually 12,000, nearly impossible to send that many a month dont you think? i will continue my contract with o2 as thier fair usage policy is unlikely to hit top end and charge me
- ?
- Anonymous
- SbD
- 03 Nov 2009
Charlie from Virgin, 02 Nov 2009Orange may have poor coverage where you are now, but over t... moreorange aint doing anything three they are only taking over t mobile and thats not been conformed yet, that should be signed this month providing everything is ok between them both
- ?
- Anonymous
- SbD
- 03 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2009Fair usage policy of 750 mb on orange, that's not going to ... moreto be fair your unlucky orange has the best 3g coverage of all the mayjor networks
- J
- James
- 3aK
- 03 Nov 2009
There are some differences on the Orange packages compaired with O2 that are not mentioned here.
1: The prices are a few pennies ceaper per month as Orange work out the Vat differently to O2.
2: Orange give you a higher data usage of 750MB per month compared with 250MB from O2.
3: Orange offer a £29.36 a month tariff on 24 months, O2 do not offer anything lower than £34.26
4: Orange give you 125 Min and not 75 min on the lowest spec tariff.
5: Orange offer a bespoke tariff at £125.00 a month with unlimited minutes, texts, some EU call allowance and a 3GB Tethering limit. O2 have no such tariff yet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xe
- 03 Nov 2009
There is still a limit on it! Whether you have unlimited texts, calls or internet, there will always be a limit on it! O2 customers might want to read this BBC report...
I think Orange are just a bit more open about what the class as "unlimited" compared to other networks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- D8X
- 03 Nov 2009
they dont look identical !!! hence the 750mb data limit !!!!
and 250mb on payand go , o2 offer a real unlimited data package !
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3xe
- 03 Nov 2009
Apple set the prices tarrifs for the iphone not the networks, they set it for O2 and the set it for the rest of the networks, hence the non competetive prices.
Orange may not have the greatest 2G network coverage but when it comes to 3G coverage they outbeat all the other networks.
All the networks have a FUP clause, check your T&Cs! You'd be surprised what you've signed up too! There is always a limit to "unlimited" services.
Finally, why would anynone buy an over priced iphone when you can get a Sony Ericson Satio for cheaper and on better terms?
- A
- Alex
- D8X
- 03 Nov 2009
Yeah nice one... 3G is completely different to GSM voice... Well done for showing yourself up. It is widely regarded that O2 probably have the best GSM network in the UK, so yes... Orange may have superior 3G coverage (by the way, promoting something on the weaknesses of others is never a good thing) but what's the point if you can't make calls?
- A
- Arron
- SbD
- 03 Nov 2009
to all that say Orange has a rubbish signal in the UK read the below statement from OFCOM....
Shhhh all
http://www.trus tedreviews .com/networking/news/2009/07/10/Ofcom-Slams-O2-3G-Coverage/p1
- ?
- Anonymous
- j{k
- 03 Nov 2009
Dunno wat u guys r arguing about...iphone here is about 0„5250...2G network nd no data nd no sms free....ya rite...nothin is bundled...hav 2 pay 4 evrytin....peace
- ?
- Anonymous
- va9
- 03 Nov 2009
Go to any country with multiple networks and guess what, all the plans are roughly the same.
Here in Australia all the plans with iPhones are the same across five companies with minor differences such as amount of data, bonus options, SMS options etc, now here's the main thing, the plans aren't exclusively for iPhones there is a range of phones to choose from on exactly the same plans.
The iPhone is a phone just like any other high end smartphone, the only thing that most carriers insist on is that it has data bundled with it, this is mainly to protect consumers from bill shock as a result of data costs.
For those in the UK your government should push for unlocking, now that the iPhone will be on more carriers.
- D
- Deep space bar
- kJq
- 03 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2009Why does this website attract so many uninformed childish @... moreAnd your the nub here
Cause apple sells the iphone to network providers for a price,it gets subsidized apple sets a plan after the subsidy and the providers agree on it to sell
Why do you think the network providers have a 500mb data average
Think about it
- b
- bummy
- 9xE
- 03 Nov 2009
why does Wi-Fi have unlimited* as well?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mEk
- 03 Nov 2009
Why does this website attract so many uninformed childish @ssholes?
Apple don't set the plans, otherwise you'd see the same plan with every provider globally.
Android and Maemo drstroying OS X?
First of all Apple has sold 50 million iPhones, and handsets with Android sales are just under 10 million. Maemo is not even been released, so 0 sales.
Handsets are locked because they are subsidised, and the network doesn't want you to use another providers sim on what is their phone which they gave you free on contract. Simple.
O2 gives you unlimited texts for £7.50, Orange does not give you this option.
Any other irrational remarks that need correcting? Jeez this place is full of noobs!
- A
- Adel
- LhQ
- 03 Nov 2009
Is that locked?? Bcause O2 has got it, vodafone and orange are going to release it, so what is the point of locking!!!
- A
- AQ
- k@5
- 03 Nov 2009
me 1st
- ?
- Anonymous
- n$g
- 03 Nov 2009
wats the point...
- P
- Pleb89
- n5V
- 02 Nov 2009
The basic tariffs are essentially the same but i would like to point out that in terms of text messaging O2 currently offer an extra 500 texts for about £7.10... giving you a maximum of 1000 texts on contract... In contrast Orange are offering an Unlimited Text bundle for a about £7.30.. Now i don't know about anyone else but i need more than a 1000 texts.. and for the same price as O2 have 500 at its a bargin.. and on a better 3G network
- D
- Deep space bar
- kJq
- 02 Nov 2009
muze, 02 Nov 2009WTFone Report @ agreed. Living in Canada is ideal thing to ... moreYour telling me man i wanted Wind Mobile to come out to canada but something happened with the licensing for the company
I have rogers pay go with unlocked 5800
Honestly bro
Iphone is a FAD phone
And droid and maemo are distroying OSx mobile now
- D
- Deep space bar
- kJq
- 02 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2009Who is going to buy an iPhone now that the Droid is coming ... moreApple set the plans that's why they fail two different mobile phone providers with the same plan XD
So stupid...actually really stupid....i'm guessing it's let the best ad win XD