iPhone 3G and 3GS heading to RadioShack, maybe Verizon too

08 November, 2009
Oh, iPhone. Every shop wants thee. RadioShack, or “The Shack” as hipsters call it, announced that it will be offering the iPhone 3G and 3GS by the end of this month to a limited number of stores initially...

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  • W
  • WTFone
  • 01A
  • 11 Nov 2009

Anonymous, 11 Nov 2009and also i have tested the touchscreen of nokia n97. there'... morethats cos u used resistive touchscreen instead of capacitive. nokia currently only has 1 device which is supposed to use capacitive and thats x6.

but try capacitive touchscreen like on most android phones and some samsung phones. also lg pradas and lg crystal. htc also has hd2 with capacitive. anyway u shudnt compare resistive to capacitive. resistive allows u to use a stylus for handwriting recognition and was needed on most winmo 6 devices.

    • o
    • o2 employee
    • iIR
    • 11 Nov 2009

    y is that on evry iphone related thread, there is always the fan boys slating other devices, i have used blackberrys, imates, htc, sony ericson, nokia, motorola, sagem and iphone, and the iphone is a fantastic toy, if your bored on the train, download an app, if your clubbin and want to know the song/tune, use an app, if u wanna take a quick photo, use the poor camera, its fine aslong as u keep it on the iphone, but if you want a comunication device, use something else, so if you want a device to comunicate, buy anything else, if u wanna cool toy, buy iphone

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • uZ9
      • 11 Nov 2009

      and also i have tested the touchscreen of nokia n97. there's no way to fight with iphone's and not even close. i found if the touchscreen is not smooth, regardless how good is the features, it's useless to me.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • uZ9
        • 11 Nov 2009

        nokia n97 is lagging. a lot of my friends bought it a few weeks ago and now want to sell it at half price. what a phone from nokia!

          • V
          • Virtual
          • 5%X
          • 10 Nov 2009

          Virtual, 10 Nov 2009Please tell me, when did I mention the iPhone? I was talkin... moreSorry, incomplete post.

          The specs? They are the same. I don't care what type of material the device is made. I just want to know that it's durable, got specifications according to the generation and will work correctly.

          But as I see. There's a lot of people that just buy them because it got the Apple logo in the back.

            • V
            • Virtual
            • 5%X
            • 10 Nov 2009

            Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009What a silly rationale you have. The iphone only came out ... morePlease tell me, when did I mention the iPhone? I was talking about all the Apple devices in general. Learn to read what others write, not just what you want to see.

            And it's true. And I can take for example the iPod Shuffle. Please, go to this web page:


            Now check bot iPod Shuffles published there. The second one, as told there, in "sleek polished stainless steel" costs $20USD more than its plastic counterpart. And the specs?


            If I'm incorrect then please teach me your Apple fanboy logic, because I'm not able to understand it.

              • E
              • Etolix
              • 0w7
              • 10 Nov 2009

              Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009Being advanced should know practicality and should not comp... moreI shouldn't have wasted my time on replying you:). I am software developer and little company owner for design, I have $ to buy what I need, that's why I followed Apples marketing to try iPhone, unlikely with Touch Pro and Bold where I carefuly picked specs and tested devices on few days 1st. When you buy toy, you don't look at its specs :D. iPhone is used by lawyers and others cause their work demands simplicity so they can work faster, mine from other side demands complex use of functions, for example I organise my events so well with Touch Pro, can atleast that be done by your phone? No. You're nerd kid, unlike you I don't claim for myself that I'm smarter, I have my goals, I follow them. You are child, you are advising and teaching me stuff? Me, pro with business experience over 8 years? Spare me, kid. As I mentioned before, you are one of the masses, I have nothing againist you or your iPhone, but againist acts that dummies like you do. I saw your posts everywhere, you flame every brand and every other phone than iPhone, how that is called? And excuse me, at one post of yours I saw your talks againist religions, is that act of an normal person? This is phones comment area, go to forum, flame your bull$ht there, not here. I don't get it why you didn't get ban yet. Spare others from your menthal illness on site for gadgets(saw your posts on other sites, you flame everywhere), from all iFans I ever saw(and don't hate them at all) you are the worst version. You made me laugh a lot at 1st, but now you seriously worry me kid, I hope that someone help you in there, I would, nevermind that you are fanatic and put shame on your nationality, race, and iPhone user group.

                • W
                • WTFone
                • m{k
                • 10 Nov 2009

                Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009Interesting discussion here. The iPhone is definitely a ... morei agree the iphone is for ppl who dont care much about hardware, but even if other companies make a device which is more userfriendly, prettier and overall better, apple fans cannot accept this.

                for example:
                wat is the point of buying a macbook air? its thinness, cos if u wanted specs u wudnt buy such a thin laptop. so u wud assume that wen a company makes a laptop thinner than macbook air, ppl wud be more interested in that laptop. thats not the case as it turns out. wen a mac product has better specs, mac fanboys emphasize this. wen it has worse specs, they ignore it. look at dell adamo xps. its roughly 1/2 the thickness of macbook air, has more ports, a user replaceable battery, a bigger screen with more resolution, and a more creative/innovative design than macbook air. however some of its specs r worse than macbook air so fanboys bash it deliberately.

                  • W
                  • WTFone
                  • m{k
                  • 10 Nov 2009

                  Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009I didn't even know that nokia had a touchscreen phone even ... morei h8 iphone cos of its success. its cos of ppl like u that other companies make less profit and dont invest as much in their superior devices.

                  the following companies hv all had touchscreen phones b4 iphone:
                  sony ericsson
                  neonode and many more

                  if u had actually paid attention to my post (which is not expected of a mac fanboy) u wud hv noticed the iphone imitates multiple other companies. proof? nokia mite sue apple for 1billion+, apple cant sue palm bcos they used so much of palms patents. how hard is it for u to realize other companies had those features b4 apple? but if u buy a worse "phone"* thats not my problem.

                  * it takes longer to dial a number on iphone than most other phones with a keypad and it has so many dropped calls in the states. is that wat u r looking for on a phone? cos if u r that just shows how much u know about phones.

                    • W
                    • WTFone
                    • m{k
                    • 10 Nov 2009

                    Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009You do not make sense. Why would you buy an iphone or any d... more1st of all: i nvr said i wud buy an iphone. if i end up with one, as if i win it in a contest, then i cant return it. where i live, i cant sell it. all my family has phones way better than iphone. i mite as well make an interesting video and post it on utube. just like all the other mac fanboys, u too know nothing about phones and think that others r copying iphone when it is the other way round. i am annoyed that such a device sells so well cos other manufacturers who make phones with good specs dont sell as well and thats cos of iDiots like u.

                    iphone 3gs has outdated specs whether u wna acknowledge it or not. u cant argue with facts. it has a worse display resolution than nokia 7710 which was available 5 yrs b4 iphone! its processor is outdated when there r snapdragon processors. its camera is definitely outdated - there r now 12mpx cams with flash and an amazing thing called settings. its os wont support flash web browsing cos apple doesnt want it to interfere with the sales of apps. the only decent technology is the capacitive touchscreen and even iphone is not the only phone to have it. name any feature u want on iphone and its outdated or is on other phones with better overall specs.

                    if u wna be ignorant thats ur problem but dont pretend u know, cos u obviously dont.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • iy{
                      • 10 Nov 2009

                      Interesting discussion here.

                      The iPhone is definitely a device which is getting a tremendous amount of attention - and buyers.

                      Imho, the most intriguing fact is that all those journalists/editors/testers/users/owners seem to fully accept, sometimes even glorify, all the deficits of the iPhone. The iPhone hardware is definitely not the best, but so many people seem to ignore that fact.

                      I do believe that the iPhone is the perfect device for the casual user. In addition, those casual users seem to just ignore the fact that their beloved device comes at a hefty price tag - while all non-Apple phones get massive criticism as soon as they get close to that very iPhone price tag.

                      Personally, I think that this success will continue for 1 or 2 more years, until the competitors of Apple finally will understand what people really want: User friendliness, perfect look and perfect haptics. A large portion of the average users do not want tech specs from space. As soon as one of the big manufacturers will really understand this, they will really be able to make something which offers the same or a similar user experience like the iPhone, but at half the price.

                      The price, at the end of the day, is the biggest weakness of Apple: Their greediness opens doors for others. But as of today, they all are too stupid. They have to lose even more market share to Apple to learn that very lesson. The closed eco-system of Apple is well-known to everybody, but nobody dares to take necessary steps to compete - yet.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • FJT
                        • 10 Nov 2009

                        Virtual, 10 Nov 2009Sad but true. Apple is one of those companies that like ... moreWhat a silly rationale you have. The iphone only came out 3 yrs ago. How can you say that the iphone only depends on their fanboys? Iphone users were nokia, lg, samsung, se users and fans before we converted to the iphone. And that truth is killing you :)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • FJT
                          • 10 Nov 2009

                          Etolix, 10 Nov 2009Being simple means not advanced. Living urban is using al a... moreBeing advanced should know practicality and should not compromise as well. Packing a device with features knowing that it would compromise performance, is impractical. That is what gives iphone the edge. It does not compromise performance just for the sake of an impressive spec sheet. You bought the iphone just because of its marketing? Do you know how silly that sounds? A smart buyer would always try a device out and do their research before spending money. Can I call you silly? Lol. You don't hate, you just like going into every iphone article and post hateful comments. Lol. And please don't lecture me about tech. I can afford any device. Maybe that's why I bought the iphone. Why? I don't watch movies through any phone, because I have better technologies for watching movies like a laptop when I'm on the go, and my 55" hdtv with 1080p resolution. So maybe that's why I could care less of the iphone's resolution. Same with the camera, I have a canon camera which has better technology than any camera phone. So please save it. I don't depend on a phone for everything I do, for I own other devices that no phone technology can match. So save it :) Get a job. Maybe then you can afford to find real devices other than your phone :)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • FJT
                            • 10 Nov 2009

                            [deleted post]Lol, what a bitter loser you are dude. All these touchscreen trend started after the iphone was released. From proximity sensors, to accelerometers, to safari, to multi touch, to screens bigger than 3.0, to the App Store, to itunes, to its icons, to kinetic scrolling, etc. It's the iphone that integrated all of those features and services, and the rest are following. Only a silly iphone antagonist in denial like you would say otherwise. What's trashy is your silly mentality :) Every respectable tech and gadget magazines and pros give kudos to the iphone, yet you, a simpleton nobody denies where credit is due. Doctors, celebrities, lawyers, businessmen, etc., owns iphones. Are you going to tell us that you are smarter than the rest of us? You are nothing but a bitter loser who cannot accept facts :) You're pathetic :)

                              • E
                              • Etolix
                              • 0w7
                              • 10 Nov 2009

                              Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009All the things that you have enumerated are either not true... moreYou are tucker :D please reply me with iDon't :D:D:D

                                • E
                                • Etolix
                                • 0w7
                                • 10 Nov 2009

                                Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009What you set is, impracticability. Packing a device with n... moreBeing simple means not advanced. Living urban is using al advancements available. I didn't got iPhone as a gift, I bought it, simfree(even simfree iPhone is not simfree, lmao!), I got caught by marketing and overhyped comments about it, I thinked it must be god of phones, so when i got one for 900 euros, and when I explored it, I felt like stupid naive child, so I hurried up to sell it to some dumbo with 40% off the price I paid, cause I couldn't find childish iFan person to buy it in my area, and then I got myself HTC, I don't hate, I have my honour, I'm being hated by kids like you that still are growing, I am not loyal to brand, I have Bold and few SE java phones also. You are over-selfrespective, so brainwashed, or just too simple to step into world of more powerful community. Numbers mean nothing to me and people like me. Stay in your 3rd party area and listen what others order you to do, that's your purpose, so does to millions of people of people like you. I'm still waiting explanation over that 3Gi, oh, don't say you have no comment, perhaps you don't. Tucker.

                                  • V
                                  • Virtual
                                  • 5%X
                                  • 10 Nov 2009

                                  WTFone, 08 Nov 2009actually its possible that apple make a worse iphone. thats... moreSad but true.

                                  Apple is one of those companies that like to use their millions of fanboys to sell outdated and worse-than-the-original devices showing them as new and innovative.

                                  It's like Activision and Guitar Hero, for example. They know they can sell their songs as DLC but know that their stupid fanboys don't mind paying outrageous prices for more plastic guitars.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • FJT
                                    • 10 Nov 2009

                                    Etolix, 09 Nov 2009I set example for an race with goal to bring more load, it'... moreWhat you set is, impracticability. Packing a device with native features that are not really useful for everyone. The key word is practicality. Don't bring a leather jacket and a fur coat in your luggage when you are going on a trip to a tropical island in the summer. Sure it would be nice if I could even pack everything in my house and bring it with me everyday, wherever I go, but it would not be easy because that would mean I would need several trucks to carry all my appliances everywhere I go. That is what you are trying to do with a small device and then you wonder why it's slow or why it crashes a lot. Be realistic and practical. No one uses video calling, so don't cry just because the iphone does not have it. And again, the iphone's resolution is good enough for metro people. Ask the millions of people who bought the iphone :) You know which device I demand better resolution on? My large screen hdtv, because that is where resolution truly matters, not on phones with 3.5 displays. You are a liar. You never had the iphone 3g. You hate the iphone, so why would you buy it, and please don't tell me that it was given to you as a gift, lol. And hello, we have free will. No one forced us to buy the iphone. You on the other hand seem to be the one on a leash to whatever device you're worshiping that caused you to hate the iphone so much :) Loser :)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • FJT
                                      • 10 Nov 2009

                                      WTFone, 09 Nov 2009- if ur talking about nokia, they had touchscreen phones ag... moreI didn't even know that nokia had a touchscreen phone even before the iphone. If they really did, nothing happened to it because there was probably nothing special about it. Because if it was good, then other phonemakers should've followed suit, but no one did until the iphone came out 3 yrs ago. Same with Samsung, SE, HTC, and LG.

                                      But it was only the iphone which did it right, and now all of them are imitating the iphone. And because of the iphone's success and popularity, you're hating it, hahahaha. Loser :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • FJT
                                        • 10 Nov 2009

                                        WTFone, 09 Nov 2009i hv used iphone b4* and if it was mine it wud hv thrown it... moreYou do not make sense. Why would you buy an iphone or any device for that matter and throw it on the floor or put it in a blender? Only a silly person would do that. And just like other bitter losers out there, all you could say is, the iphone is an overhyped device, lol. You're silly to say that it has outdated specs when all its competitors are imitating the iphone. You don't know anything about the iphone. You just live to hate it because you envy its success, and because your device lost to the iphone :)