The GSM encryption algorithm was broken

29 December, 2009
Put your tinfoil hats on - GSM encryption has been broken. This means that Evil Doers can listen in on your calls and read your SMS messages. Law enforcement agencies already have that capability...

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  • w
  • waihan
  • PUB
  • 30 Dec 2009

Anonymous, 30 Dec 2009If they are after you, they will hear you anyway, they may ... more{During call to your friend, you hear a double voice as a copy, that means "others" is hearing you, it's trio line connection, switch of immediately the call, and go to settings and add not to send your phone number, and try call again if the delay double voice is goon off, and if still the same again, if you have not dun anything wrong, you can go straight to your company to complain about it, why you are being spied your privacy, but i em not sure if they can do anything about it!

this is actualy not 100% correct .. sometimes when u hear double voice it means >>Caused by direct coupling of the microphone and the loudspeaker of a fixed mobile handsfree unit.
Caused by receiver's handset volume which is set too high.
Caused by leather casing of a handset causing another form of multipath effect of the sound.
but if u heard electric echo
Caused by imperfect decoupling between the receive and trasmit access of two to four wire converters used between the connecting exchanges to fixed line subscribers.
Caused by physical transmission loops and crosstalk between terminals and cabling in a network.
haha it might be hacking process =P

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • n7f
    • 30 Dec 2009

    navixtc, 30 Dec 2009ill be honest and say I use GSM to save battery :D ill p... moreIf they are after you, they will hear you anyway, they may ask permission from justice to retrieve rights from server network admin for the right to access your phone line.
    If your phone is okay and you are not using much during the day, but if you see that your battery is drying to fast, than it's because your phone was working offline without your knowledge transferring requested data to the destiny, even talking on phone, the voice will be sent as encrypted data threw gprs or 3g.
    If someone of you fell like is a victim of this kind of atrocities, you can check your phone if no apps is running in background, by pressing and holding about 10sec the red bottom, if request pops up saying "data connection, disconnected" or "voice..... is disconnected" than your phone is being abused others or network.
    During call to your friend, you hear a double voice as a copy, that means "others" is hearing you, it's trio line connection, switch of immediately the call, and go to settings and add not to send your phone number, and try call again if the delay double voice is goon off, and if still the same again, if you have not dun anything wrong, you can go straight to your company to complain about it, why you are being spied your privacy, but i em not sure if they can do anything about it!
    Long as you have your phone with you, it does not meter if it has a GPS or not, the law enforcement can figure out where you are on the map in real time.
    Sure they track bank accounts to reveal identity, money laundering, special business and other crime.
    Few year a go in Belgium a woman was missing her husband just goon out to bay few things, and he is not cumming back neither hi is answering the phone, she told to L.E, than in 24h they found him murdered and berried in the ground in forest in Netherlands far away hundreds of kmts, and they found traces and murder, how that..., because he had small cheap phone in hes pocket, the murder was not interested in!

      • h
      • hijecx
      • v0q
      • 30 Dec 2009 what happened to the movie, "eagle eye", is likely to happen in real time??....LOL....just joking!!!!....who would listen to my phone calls anyway????

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Uij
        • 30 Dec 2009

        before saying some important info like passwords or some secure detail everyone thinks for a split second if some third person is hearing this conversation i don't think this is gonna help add security but hopefully like online banking phones will become more secure

          • n
          • navixtc
          • 2Ff
          • 30 Dec 2009

          ill be honest and say I use GSM to save battery :D

          ill probably be using UTMS now, but does that make a difference?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • P%n
            • 30 Dec 2009

            Dani, 30 Dec 2009I hate the fact that World Goverments and Agencies can hack... moreDon't forget they can also track where you are via GPS, if you have a GPS enabled phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • P%n
              • 30 Dec 2009

              This would mean that PSTN tones could also be listened into and recorded.

              Better not do any phone banking over the mobile network.

              3G Internet banking should still be safe, it uses higher levels of encryption.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • k9G
                • 30 Dec 2009

                Pish let people lisenin to me talk on my phone all they will here is me talking about balls weners and turds

                  • U
                  • Uncle SAM
                  • P@c
                  • 30 Dec 2009

                  el_venga, 30 Dec 2009of course CDMA is inmune, TOTALLY! its much more secure tha... moreIs it also immune from the snoopings of the CIA? :P

                    • i
                    • ii
                    • 2x5
                    • 30 Dec 2009

                    5.1 has been broken a few years ago by Russian company by fooling the handset to downgrade the algorithm to 5.0. The limitation is the range of the system is very short about 100 meters.

                      • D
                      • Dani
                      • nF0
                      • 30 Dec 2009

                      Anonymous, 30 Dec 2009It's not like wiretaps weren't used before gsm...Someone should invent Wi-Fi calling like Skype but a network within itself.

                      Now that would be a good invention!

                      a SkySM Network like GSM, Skype, but another network like a substitute to 3.5G/4G but a new level

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pqB
                        • 30 Dec 2009

                        It's not like wiretaps weren't used before gsm...

                          • F
                          • FilipinoKid
                          • TfX
                          • 30 Dec 2009

                          This type of violation is rampant in the philippines, mostly being used by government officials to track down their oppositions namely activists, student leaders etc. So im not really surprised that this happened.

                            • D
                            • Dani
                            • nF0
                            • 30 Dec 2009

                            I hate the fact that World Goverments and Agencies can hack into someones GSM and listen to their calls and texts.

                            What the hell has this world come to. Now you get presidents agents stalking calls WTF

                              • e
                              • el_venga
                              • LGs
                              • 30 Dec 2009

                              of course CDMA is inmune, TOTALLY! its much more secure than GSM. in GSM they can do what ever they want to your phone even if its off, in that case the sim card must in at least i think.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • q{S
                                • 30 Dec 2009

                                is CDMA immune to this?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PfB
                                  • 30 Dec 2009

                                  Can GSM numbers be cloned now?

                                    • A
                                    • Andrew
                                    • nTW
                                    • 30 Dec 2009

                                    Jose Pidal, 29 Dec 2009well, some people in Philippines were able to tap the conve... moreHah, never doubt about politics corruption. They all are corrupted.

                                    Sad, that it's so official now, about GSM. They would better stay quiet - now everyone knows that GSM is cracked.

                                      • F
                                      • Fris
                                      • 0rm
                                      • 30 Dec 2009

                                      No big news here, if we the masses can do video calls and more what do you think the phone manufactures are people that invent this technology can do, its like the shi-fi movies sooner are lather everything becoms reality no mather how far in the future it may seem, nano technology is already a reality just not for the masses, batman the begining they do something with sonar and they could see you without a cam being on the phone, its like alien conspiracy's but if you worry about these thing you might as well live on air onley and stil even that is poison lol.. So just go on with are life and injoy

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4r8
                                        • 29 Dec 2009

                                        that is old, i think the government now can watch you playing in the back yard the only thing is they wont tell you.