Consumer Reports dismisses iPhone 6s 'Chipgate' after thorough testing

20 October, 2015
Testing reveals negligible difference between the two chipsets in real world use.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • sHX
  • 21 Oct 2015

AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung doesn't produce anything; OS from android;camera fr... moreLook up s6 teardowns. The S6 is the most in-house phone on the market.

Apple does not design any of their components. Apple only buys technology they like, because they're not smart enough to do it themselves.
Even their A9 is just a culmination of other companies' technology.

    • C
    • Carol
    • L71
    • 21 Oct 2015

    AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung doesn't produce anything; OS from android;camera fr... morePs. Crapple waited always for Nokia to do the innovation;). They just made the idea "better", so, as they say. I call it: More popular, cause their brain washed users will believe Crapple more then they believe God. Well, god is god. Vut crapple, wellcrapple is the God:))). It is funny and sad in the same time. The worst part is the pathetic one:).

      • C
      • Carol
      • L71
      • 21 Oct 2015

      AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung doesn't produce anything; OS from android;camera fr... moreYou're funny:)). Yeah they do the design, i wander which one, cause for sure isn't the one for mainboard, capacitators, cooler, chips, screen, camera, cpu, gpu, ram and allot of other parts that are needed in a phone. If you really think that, well: I am glad this guys make money with their 200$ devices overfreaqing priced. When the buyers are so abnormaly fan"azied"! Or probably i don't, cause that will make me a part of their al-queda politics.

        • D
        • AnonD-457505
        • 0hM
        • 21 Oct 2015

        AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung doesn't produce anything; OS from android;camera fr... moreSomething wrong with you? As we told you over and over, Samsung does make smart phone totally in house, including EVERY SINGLE component like SOC, camera, RAM, display, you name it. What is it don't you get? Meanwhile, Apple has to outsource EVERY SINGLE component from other manufacturers. In addition, Apple recently lost law suite to University of Wisconsin for stealing their patent for CPU enhancement. So yea, Apple enhanced ARM cpu design, but apparently had to steal someone's patent to do it.

          • C
          • Carol
          • L71
          • 21 Oct 2015

          AnonD-362866, 21 Oct 2015beeeee boy? Right ok then. Lets see if your right. I could ... moreSad to here that this is a 90% of your time. You should go find something better to do then staying here and comenting in a useless manner just to defend the ones that suck the money out of you (or your parents) like their is no tomorrow. As for the thing a said, well i state! I was refering to today, tomorrow, and the year that comes... And not five years from now. In five years apple might not be anymore (a thing i hope to heappen, also hopeing their policy will go down the drain with them, i am tired of this alqueda of technology). So, let's stay at the assumption that crapple, as you said, can today go for other manufacturers, right? Well, as i was saying...wrong;)!

            • C
            • Carol
            • L71
            • 21 Oct 2015

            Anonymous, 21 Oct 2015Also, this "Apple designs" propaganda needs to stop. App... moreSpot on. Exactly what i keep saying but with a more "raw" language:).

              • D
              • AnonD-292154
              • mXy
              • 21 Oct 2015

              Anonymous, 21 Oct 2015Also, this "Apple designs" propaganda needs to stop. App... moreSamsung doesn't produce anything; OS from android;camera from sony; cpu from QUALCOMM. They need 1 year to make a screen. Everything is designed by Apple from scratch in iPhone. And Samsung is only pushing the specs up every year;they never bring something exciting ;they wait for apple to bring it; so they can copy it. Apple is a software company; that's way they need companies to produce their parts . Samsung is a hardware company but they still can't produce their camera or cpu.( 99% of Samsung phones have a snapdragon cpu)

                • D
                • AnonD-362866
                • NHU
                • 21 Oct 2015

                Carol, 20 Oct 2015Don't flatter your isheep to much;). I don't like samdung, ... morebeeeee boy? Right ok then. Lets see if your right. I could almost guarentee your not, but I wont waste my breath, time proves my points, a good 90% of the time ;)

                  • D
                  • AnonD-362866
                  • NHU
                  • 21 Oct 2015

                  Anonymous, 20 Oct 2015Who will be the replacement? Intel is too expensive and o... moreClearly you havent been keeping yourself up to date ;)

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1034
                    • uS}
                    • 21 Oct 2015

                    Iam not iPhan, 21 Oct 2015the attraction in the comments is still going on. people ar... moreBut on inside...
                    Its all useless...

                      • I
                      • Iam not iPhan
                      • 3xy
                      • 21 Oct 2015

                      the attraction in the comments is still going on. people are still arguing that Apple is not that smart, which is not wrong due to the following facts:

                      1- the most glamorous and appealing (in smart phones) is iPhones launch.
                      2- the most awaited event is the annual Apple event in September.
                      3- the flagship smart phone that cells the most is the iphone.
                      4- some people arguing that apple is not smart as they are not making iphone component, which is, in contrast, reflects a smart company that can make a success by only designing.
                      5- All companies, without exceptions, are trying to copy the attraction of iphones by shifting to all metal body (do not tell me that they are copying from other lusterless companies which made the metal body before Apple, you are biased, people try to copy from, emulate, the success stories and not the failure stories!!)
                      6- success is measured by the sale value, brand value, and customer satisfactions. Apple is the most or one of the most valuable brand(s), so do not tell they reached this by being dumb or without being smart. even good marketing is a smart way for success.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sHX
                        • 21 Oct 2015

                        heynekko, 21 Oct 2015They should have extended the experiment to find out which ... moreWell, if you're looking for differences, Tom's Hardware reported that Samsung's version had the same processing power as TSMC's, but was 3.5-10% more energy efficient.

                          • h
                          • heynekko
                          • IV8
                          • 21 Oct 2015

                          They should have extended the experiment to find out which area of usage will produce the greatest difference in battery life. Post all the settings that were used in case someone wants to replicate the test. Post the detailed results. That is how a researcher should act. But then again they are probably just wanting to confirm apple's statement. They probably were paid by apple.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sHX
                            • 21 Oct 2015

                            Anonymous, 21 Oct 2015The Camera sensor is 50% Samsung and 50% SONY. The SoC is ... moreAlso, think about it like this:

                            If Apple really does design the components themselves, why do they need a high-income country like South Korea to do it? That makes no sense.
                            They would have a low-wage country like China or a South East Asian country manufacturing their components, since they would only care about capacity and how the know-how of how to design and fabricate their "designs".

                            This just shows Apple doesn't really "design" anything. Manufacturers like Samsung and LG design components and market them to Apple. There was a story floating around some time back with LG trying to sell their flexible display technology to Apple.

                            Ultimately, Apple gets to choose whose technology to buy, but Apple itself is not involved in the development of the technology that goes into their products. Apple is too stupid.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sHX
                              • 21 Oct 2015

                              AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung =android OS CPU=snapdragon camera=sony All the i... moreAlso, this "Apple designs" propaganda needs to stop.

                              Apple IS NOT SMART ENOUGH to engineer their own components. Apple has always been a repackager, not a component engineer.

                              Manufacturers design components. Apple only buys them and uses them, nothing else.
                              I know it must suck, because the truth isn't as rosy as your delusional fairy tale of Apple designing everything, but it's the truth. Apple just isn't smart enough to do the harder things in life. What more can you expect from a company whose only known for making pretty rectangles?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • sHX
                                • 21 Oct 2015

                                AnonD-292154, 21 Oct 2015Samsung =android OS CPU=snapdragon camera=sony All the i... moreThe Camera sensor is 50% Samsung and 50% SONY.
                                The SoC is from Samsung.
                                Android OS > iOS.

                                Let's look at Apple.

                                Display = LG and Japan Display
                                Camera = SONY
                                Modem = Qualcomm
                                RAM = Samsung
                                Storage = Samsung
                                FLASH = Samsung
                                Image Processor = Samsung
                                IC = Samsung

                                Apple doesn't "design" the components, you tool Apple just buys them and uses them. A non-manufacturing firm like Apple can't "design" their own technology, since it would cause issues with a manufacturer's supply chain.
                                Manufacturers like Samsung design components and sell them to multiple companies like Apple in order to benefit from economies of scale and bring costs down.

                                Apple isn't smart enough to design their own components. Even their own A9 SoC is just a layout with other companies' technologies.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-292154
                                  • dQ1
                                  • 21 Oct 2015

                                  [deleted post]Samsung =android OS CPU=snapdragon camera=sony All the iPhone parts are designed by Apple and produced by different company. Samsung is getting the OS for free from google android and you are paying lots of money for their copycat phones.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-292154
                                    • dQ1
                                    • 21 Oct 2015

                                    AnonD-457505, 20 Oct 2015Samsung uses both in house sensor as well as Sony: http://... more They use a sony sensor. 99% of their phone are using a QUALCOMM cip ; and probably they will still use it in their future phones. They use the exynos because the snapdragon 810 had some problems.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-457505
                                      • kDA
                                      • 20 Oct 2015

                                      AnonD-292154, 20 Oct 2015 They get the OS for free from android and they charge you ... moreSamsung uses both in house sensor as well as Sony:

                                      As for the qualcomm chip, sure if they use snapdragon. But if you will notice, they switched to in house Exynos processor SOC exclusively for Galaxy S6, S6 edge, Note 5 and S6 edge plus.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-292154
                                        • dQ1
                                        • 20 Oct 2015

                                        AnonD-457505, 20 Oct 2015At least Samsung makes everything in house including memor... more They get the OS for free from android and they charge you the same or more money than apple; for what? 99% of shamesung phones are using QUALCOMM cip. The camera is also from sony.