Bars and pie charts: a survey into mobile phone usage and owners

26 February, 2010
Android users are mostly males and iPod Touch owners are primarily teenagers. How do we know? We stumbled on a very interesting survey courtesy of AdMob, that's how. For example, did you know that...

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  • G
  • Gamma
  • u1E
  • 26 Feb 2010

Thus this survey suppose to reflect the trend of the entire "English Speaking" globe?

1) "Respondents were sourced by responding to mobile ads throughout AdMob's iPhone OS, Android and webOS networks. There was no incentive offered to participate in the survey."

"There were 963 total respondents: 318 Android, 244 iPhone, 356 iPod touch and 45 webOS"

-The survey was not even available to anyone else other than iPhone, Android and webOS users.

2) "The respondents were sourced from English-speaking countries in the AdMob network."
-Geographicall too the survey was limited to the AdMob network.

More publicity stunt for iPhone form GSMArena, exaggerating a simple local survey. I rest my case.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • uSN
    • 26 Feb 2010

    HAHA! No symbian os. Nokia is sooo dying...

      • b
      • brynn
      • nFj
      • 26 Feb 2010

      no wonder cant get a signal for o2 gprs/3g except 3 times a day for about 40 minutes in night usualy,,rudy i-phone taking the bloomig lot

        • M
        • Matt
        • IaH
        • 26 Feb 2010

        This is all Bulls**t. This is aimed squarely at the AMERICAN-centric market. Elsewhere, the world doesn't give two tosses about Android, RIM and Iphone isn't the primary handset being used.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PId
          • 26 Feb 2010

          The data chart is biased favoring iPhone. It doesn't break iPhones into its 3 different models whereas other handsets are model based.

            • L
            • Lianne Chu
            • QI%
            • 26 Feb 2010
