Nokia C5 goes official, puts the phone back in smartphone

02 March, 2010
The Nokia Cseries just went official - as expected the first member of the line is the Nokia C5. The new handset strives for simplicity, sticking to Symbian S60 3rd edition and is all about keeping connected with...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vj1
  • 03 Mar 2010

Big News...

I find steve jobs statement very ironic..yet they stole patented technologies of Nokia and Kodak..i hope HTC wiLL counter sued Apple for releasing baseless claims and the new logo of apple with have another bite on the other side

    • s
    • sekundes @_@
    • 9Lb
    • 03 Mar 2010

    nope.. have i implied that in any way in any of my statements? what im trying to discuss here is why apple's marketing is very effective.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vj1
      • 03 Mar 2010

      sekundes @_@, 03 Mar 2010why is apple so successful when it comes to mobiles? lemme ... moreU mean?nokia is not successful when it comes to marketing strategies?how many 5800/iphone 3g were sold as of today?let me remind you that every mid-range nokia phones are a sure hit..besides Iphone is the most love phone by operators coz it makes operators one step richer than supporting/carrying nokia phones on their portfolios..

        • A
        • Astroboy
        • PBR
        • 03 Mar 2010

        What is the deferent betwen nokia c5 and nokia 6730 classic ?

          • d
          • david
          • uC4
          • 03 Mar 2010

          i believe that nokia adopts a strategy to try their best to cater for various groups of ppl that is y u might find nokia's products ranging from high-end phones to middle class and to lower ends e.g monochrome display. apple and HTC are just focusing on cutting edge products which they may only find popular at countries with higher standard of living.

          however some ppl would pick on nokia's lower end phone to compare with some cutting edge and fancy phones of other brands...

          if u dun like the features of this phone then probably its not ur cup of tea but u must realize that some ppl would just appreciate what nokia is doing and this is the reason y nokia is still the most popular phone in almost everywhere.

          addressing to tech-geeks:
          if nokia has decided to tap on the middle and lower class market it would be non of ur business. anyway there are dozens of high tech products in nokia so u should go to those page and do ur critics and comparisons with apple or HTC. i felt that this page is just not for u.

            • s
            • sekundes @_@
            • 9Lb
            • 03 Mar 2010

            why is apple so successful when it comes to mobiles? lemme give you guys here a lesson..

            apple has released how many models for the past 2 or 3 years? only 3 respectively (ie 2g, 3g, 3gs)

            and nokia, se, and samsung.. how many have they released? too freaken many to mention @_@

            what's my point here eh? the more options you give a cust, the more they will think about it, the more they think about it, the more they will research on the product, the more they study the product, the more flaws or cons they'll see. the more cons they see the less likely it is that they'll buy. having too many options to offer is one bad idea when it comes to selling. when you sell, you only give one or two options to the cust.. either this or that, that way they wont have to think too much about which to get. the easier it will be for them to finally choose the item of their choice.

            this is the real magic of apple. they release new models every other year or two. that way, it will give custs the security of knowing that the handset they bought would still be "in" for the next coupla years or so. with all other brands out there, when you buy an N900, you cant say taht it'll still be a flagship after say 9months.

            the best part of being a great sales person is you dont lay out all your cards right off. you gotta hold on to your aces and only lay em out on crunch time.

            that'll all fer now kids ^_^

              • s
              • sekundes @_@
              • 9Lb
              • 03 Mar 2010

              id sticvk with meh 5630xm for now.. id go for wifi all day than gps.. who needs GPS if you have a pigeon? lols @_@

                • W
                • Wow
                • xkH
                • 03 Mar 2010

                [deleted post]I never said the N900 was a flagship device. That's what the ! in "=!" is all about. For example Motorcylce =! Car.

                "if i hated nokia then why am i using nokia 5800xm." Well, don't pay attention to the guy calling you "Nokia hater". You bought the 5800XM for the same reason I did, 'cause you wanted a new phone. It has nothing to do with loyalty. :)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • t7X
                  • 03 Mar 2010

                  Wow, 03 Mar 2010"market share doesnt mean nothing nowadays. progress m... moreWell, at least that small screen doesn't require you to have your fingers strewn all over it.

                    • W
                    • Wow
                    • xkH
                    • 03 Mar 2010

                    zabih zabih@london.c, 03 Mar 2010idont an iphone and i dont work for apple. market share doe... more"market share doesnt mean nothing nowadays. progress means everything."

                    How do you think market share is obtained? Progress, learn2business.

                    Wait wait wait, then you say "in 3 years apple got 12 percent market share beating SE and others." I thought market share didn't mean anything?!?!

                    "if n900 is that good then i dont see it with anyone. i work as a surveyour and i travel all over the country. 80 percent of the time i see iphone and htc hero in the hands of the public."

                    The N900 =! flagship device. Secondly, a product doesn't need to be all over your country to be good. The Macbook Air is a good product, and yet I see that thing ZERO times everywhere I go. lol.

                    "for ur kind informstion multi tasking on a small screen is worthlesss......."

                    Really then? Multitasking on a 2.2 inch screen is worthless? Tell that to millions of phone owners everywhere. I'm sure your opinion outweighs theirs.

                      • z
                      • zabih zabih@london.c
                      • Tr8
                      • 03 Mar 2010

                      sorry about my spelling and grammar mistakes i am writing these comments with 5800 xm phone using opera 10.5

                        • z
                        • zabih zabih@london.c
                        • Tr8
                        • 03 Mar 2010

                        idont an iphone and i dont work for apple. market share doesnt mean nothing nowadays. progress means everything. in 3 years apple got 12 percent market share beating SE and others. if n900 is that good then i dont see it with anyone. i work as a surveyour and i travel all over the country. 80 percent of the time i see iphone and htc hero in the hands of the public.

                        i didnt want to disappoint anyone but i am unhappy with both nokia and SE with their reactions towards iphone and htc. nokia and SE ANNOUNCES high end phones today and they release them after one year which makes the devices out of date and the reason why ppl dont buy them. good example would be n900 and satio. for ur kind informstion multi tasking on a small screen is worthlesss.......

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3H2
                          • 02 Mar 2010

                          Rudeboi, 02 Mar 2010Zabath, you must either work for Apple or to broke to buy a... moreTotally agree with you dude.

                          Look at these haters coming here especially apple fan boys. Iphone is garbage period.

                          What nokia have done is remarkable, they have put a open source smartphone, sat nav, music player, video player, webkit browser with flash 3 (unlike iphone or blackberry), 3g, etc etc......the list goes on and on, all into a affordable price and available in every market. Only nokia can do something as good and consumer focused.

                          It may not have wifi but at this price its not bad what you get for it, you have to remember in a lot of countries the economy and average spend is not as much as developed countries and not everyone whats or can afford a blackberry or iphone or n900

                          You guys need to stop hating on nokia, your forgetting nokia is the biggest mobile phone maker and has the biggest share and thats how it will always be.

                            • W
                            • Wow
                            • xkH
                            • 02 Mar 2010

                            This phone has everything you need (except Wi-fi) for only €135. It even has a secondary camera for Skype over 3G! Free navigation for life. People are hating 'cause it's from Nokia. The average consumer won't care which brand. They'll buy the most affordable and the best deal, so I'll get tissues for the haters when this thing sells like hotcakes.

                              • A
                              • Andrew
                              • 0Bj
                              • 02 Mar 2010

                              Anonymous, 02 Mar 2010Engadget sees this pone for what it really is: http://ww... moreYou will be disappointed in every phone if you want to see them only as high-end gadgets! Maybe you are addicted to N900, N97, then yes - this phone is not good for you. But for me, for example, this phone is exactly what I want! And I'm not only person, who thinks so.
                              As every quarter Nokia's finance reports shows, this kind of phones are top-sellers. Not N900, N97 ...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • pTx
                                • 02 Mar 2010

                                Engadget sees this pone for what it really is:


                                  • A
                                  • Andrew
                                  • 0Bj
                                  • 02 Mar 2010

                                  Zabih (zabih@london., 02 Mar 2010People have the right to slag NOKIA Down, Nokia have been t... moreApple caching up Nokia? Apple with sold few ten millions phone in these 3 years against Nokia's every year hundred thousands phones?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • xrW
                                    • 02 Mar 2010

                                    Zabih (zabih@london., 02 Mar 2010People have the right to slag NOKIA Down, Nokia have been t... moreyeah Zabih i agree with you 100%.Nokia is like Honda or Toyota.Its been there so long,people just trust it.So even if they give you crappy stuff people still like it.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • jJL
                                      • 02 Mar 2010

                                      Does it come with digital compass?

                                        • R
                                        • Rudeboi
                                        • 4DD
                                        • 02 Mar 2010

                                        Zabih (zabih@london., 02 Mar 2010People have the right to slag NOKIA Down, Nokia have been t... moreZabath, you must either work for Apple or to broke to buy a N900. My N900 will put your Iphone models (that's all all 3 editions) to shame. I know for a fact cause I gave my girlfriend the Iphone 3g's cause it's not in the same league as this phone. You have no ideal what your talking about. Keep spending your money for uselss apps and playing games and browsing the internet cause that's about all you can do cause it doesn't give users a real internet experience like the N900 does nor does it really multitask either. Video play back and music experience kills the Apple, HTC, and others period. Stop posting something which you have no knowledge about.