The Nokia Ovi Stores hits 1.6 million downloads per day

14 April, 2010
Only a month ago around 1.5 million apps were downloaded from the Ovi Store each day and now the down- loads per day reach 1.6 million. That sure sounds impressive. But the App Store could only laugh at...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • pvZ
  • 15 Apr 2010

Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010Oh no, not the old "idont" link, which is ironic ... moreAnd with all thouse thousands of apps, don't you even have a decent browser?

I mean this is what opera mini runs on:

Of course smartphones have opera mobile.

So the much acclaimed safari, replaced by a java browser? this is just sad...

I mean look at Nokia's flagship: Has it's own very advanced browser that handles flash flawlessly, has Firefoc, has Fennec(mobile firefox) and Chrome(the desktop version.

All this in 4 months...

It took 3 years for a browser manufacturer to even consider iPhone...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pqB
    • 15 Apr 2010

    Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010Oh no, not the old "idont" link, which is ironic ... moreAs outdated as iPhone is it's sad it can't even handle one desktop :(
    -stream flash video
    -have week view on the calendar
    -use file transfer *without iTunes*
    -use bluetooth
    -have stereo speakers
    -a front camera
    -and heck an tiny USB port wouldn't be bad compared to the ancient "dock"

    As for multitasking, yes they get slow after 30 to 60 apps running :))
    So you see we may always have to download our apps from 10 different sites,

    but iPhone still has years of catching up to do.

    On the other hand, it's ok for rudimentary people like you that cash up without too many questions ;)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • IaH
      • 15 Apr 2010

      [deleted post]Oh no, not the old "idont" link, which is ironic in itself, as that page is as much out of date as Nokia fanbois think the iphone is :)

      And the old multitasking argument, *yawn*, we might be getting a limited version, but at least it will work on release without slowdown, unlike other version 10.0's OS by Nokia.

      I just downloaded a great little game called Bird Strike on the App Store, and guess was free. Constrained? If they keep giving us great free Apps like this, I won't care :)

        • r
        • rainclouds
        • 2Ca
        • 15 Apr 2010

        if ovi store made 1.6 million.. that certainly a big number, considering that i download from every where. I usually install software from corresponding publisher's site. e.g. fring from fring's site. getjar.. and lot others. I even have some of my favorite program stored in my PC. so if i need to reinstall them... i install it from my PC.. not from ovi store.. Also consider that.. nokia supports flash/video stream supporting complete range of browsers ( nokia browser, opera mini, opera mobile, skyfire, bolt...) so i dont need a app for every site!! The more complete your handset is.. the less you need to add on... easy math ..isn't it?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IaH
          • 15 Apr 2010

          Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010The App Store is easy to use, and has a search feature. How... moreYeah, you don't need apps. Just like you didnt need Internet Radio, Sports Tracker, Accelerometer activation, and a decent Task Manager and calculator.

          Never say you don't need apps and that your phone is perfect out of the box. You never know what Nokia R&D are going to bring you in the future.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IaH
            • 15 Apr 2010

            Xena, 15 Apr 2010That is not a benchmark of success... number of apps downlo... moreThe App Store is easy to use, and has a search feature. How can you not find anything??

            And I see now that the Ovi store is failing, that Nokia Fanbois have changed their tune. When ovi was launched, it was all "it's gonna be bigger than the App Store", now they are ssying they don't need it. LOL
            Another case of Fanbois not letting the truth get in the way of bashing Apple. XD

            Oh, and how can downloads not be an indicator of success?? What sort of logic is that? More delusions.

            Enjoy your cracked, buggy games that are likely not even optimised for your phones! :P

              • m
              • mr. mills
              • 3sE
              • 15 Apr 2010

              It looks like west africa is a no go for major phone companies and their app shops? What's with the discrimination? I live in Ghana and cannot access ovi store, blackberry world and apples' why do all these manufacturers hawk their products to us so we can only make calls and receive sms msgs? Please stop this open discrimination to us in Africa because we are some of the biggest new markets you have and account for huge chunks of your revenues and therefore deserve better!!!!

                • b
                • bosun99uk
                • fuN
                • 15 Apr 2010

                Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010If only nokia wld help us in nigeria to be billed via our n... moreWhat we also need is that our mobile operators should give us better data plan for internet browsing on phones.i.e like what is down for blackberry phones

                  • X
                  • Xena
                  • GgK
                  • 15 Apr 2010

                  That is not a benchmark of success... number of apps downloaded! I have an iPhone and I have to download apps for it from the App store coz stupidly, iPhone doesn't support some basic functionality which every other phone comes built-in with!

                  I also have an old N97 and a Xpress Music 5800... I don't need to download apps from the Ovi store coz that would just be redundant, considering the phones have almost everything already.

                  But yes, there are thousands of silly apps available on the App Store which when downloaded in a frivolous mood still counts as so many downloads! And iTunes and App store diligently send you a mail saying you have downloaded something even when it is free and useless... of course, they don't have to differentiate between some crazy, useless app and something useful.

                  I am sure Ovi store has enough useless apps of its own. But, I have seen by my experience, that it is when I go to the App store looking for some useful app (or a functionality conveniently missed by Apple) that I end up trying out a lot of unwanted apps (just for the heck of it). I don't go to the Ovi store coz I really don't need anything more than what the phones already have. :D

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • N9@
                    • 15 Apr 2010

                    If only nokia wld help us in nigeria to be billed via our netwrk when downloading cuz its nt makin d ovi store really useful ova ere

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Iax
                      • 15 Apr 2010

                      Anonymous, 15 Apr 2010Ovi store will not reach the same level as the app store be... moreYeah, you keep deluding yourself and remain ignorant : /
                      Everyone I know has willingly swapped their old phones for the iPhone, and have never looked back. They aren't "isheep" or "slaves" like you say. Save your Apple hate for the ipad, and use iPhone owners will continue to enjoy its excellent support and seamless app store :))
                      Nokia/samsung etc owners don't know how good it can get. Free LEGAL apps, that aren't buggy hacked warez on dodgy websites.

                      I noticed that globe trotter celeb extraordaire Stephen Fry still uses an iPhone as his first choice device :))

                        • a
                        • aamir59
                        • syj
                        • 15 Apr 2010

                        ovi is slow cuz of all other symbian applications blogs,sites,etc and ovi is still giving 1.6 million application downloads each day i think its enough for it

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 9xC
                          • 15 Apr 2010

                          Ovi store will not reach the same level as the app store because nokia treats its customers as human beings not slaves, they let us have choices. Ovi is just one of the thousands of sites or forums from which we can download applications. If fact all the unfree stuffs from ovi are available free in many sites. We buy nokia because we chose it and we buy/download the apps from wherever we want. Choice, that's what makes us different from iphoners.

                            • B
                            • Black Bird
                            • wdP
                            • 15 Apr 2010

                            I've downloaded hundreds of apps for my N86 but not a single from ovi store. Guys head over to ipmart, mobile9,,,, etc. Lots of free apps, cracked apps. Just register and download. Free !

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • u73
                              • 15 Apr 2010

                              Ovi store is failure if nopkia insist on not letting thier phones to have graphic chip

                              and why i cant find windows livw messenger in ovio store
                              Tomtom gave up symbian
                              no decent games

                              nokia wakes up

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tDS
                                • 15 Apr 2010

                                there are many symbian apps download sources out there.
                                ovi is just one of them.
                                if all of those were to be counted, i'm pretty sure the number will reach billions...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%n
                                  • 15 Apr 2010

                                  Someo, 14 Apr 2010Nokia needs to add more apps. to Ovi store to be more used.... moreWhy would people make applications for the Ovi store when pirates just steal them and host them on pirate sites as has been mentioned before in this thread.

                                  Are software developers just slaves who shouldn't quit their day jobs?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • P%n
                                    • 15 Apr 2010

                                    [deleted post]Hey which fart application is better for my N82?

                                    Maybe i should get some of these:-


                                    The quality of applications seems so, so...


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3AY
                                      • 15 Apr 2010

                                      Stop mentioning the freaking $@&")/;(
                                      it's better , it's simpler , it's super. We know
                                      all about that. Now leave us alone

                                        • j
                                        • jay
                                        • myE
                                        • 15 Apr 2010

                                        [deleted post]okay then. yes the ovi store is not as good as the app store but at the moment the iphone cant install other apps or multitask. it doesnt even have a decent camera its not a smartphone at all so what it has lots of apps that you have to download to make the thing useful