iPhone 4G photos are real, the proof has been around for months

19 April, 2010
So, those iPhone 4G photos ARE real? It seems so and the proof has been around since the iPad launched, except no one noticed it at the time. Get ready... Update: More photos and a video!

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Y7E
  • 19 Apr 2010

An Indian
If you cant afford electronics, stop looking, sony and htc new products cost $699 also, and they don't last as long(no one devs for them) so iphone for the win. and this one looks awesome, aluminum sides, and scratch resistant back.

    • j
    • jjsoviet
    • qJm
    • 19 Apr 2010

    an, 19 Apr 2010iPhone rulez!!!:) ( I just like to tease these stupid iP... moreTroll more, please. And why do you call such people stupid? Clearly some do not prefer the iPhone for perfectly clear and understandable reasons.

    And the iPhone is not the best phone. It's a good phone, period.

      • a
      • an
      • 0pY
      • 19 Apr 2010

      iPhone rulez!!!:)

      ( I just like to tease these stupid iPhone haters;))) )

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • FJT
        • 19 Apr 2010

        I doubt if this is the real deal. Although I like the idea of the next gen iphone having a fiber glass back cover. That glass cover would actually be awesome on the current iphone 3gs design. The high resolution would be awesome. Zooming photos & web pages, & watching youtube videos would be more fun. I'm excited to upgrade.

        I wish non iphone users and non iphone enthusiasts would just stay away from iphone articles. This info is obviously not for you guys. You guys are just trashing iphone threads. Go to your supported devices' articles and express your love for your device there, not here.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • FJT
          • 19 Apr 2010

          I doubt if this is the real deal. Although I like the idea of the next gen iphone having a fiber glass back cover. That glass cover would actually be awesome on the current iphone 3gs design. The high resolution would be awesome. Zooming photos

            • c
            • cyber-shot under dog
            • t7x
            • 19 Apr 2010

            Tansen, 19 Apr 2010What can't the iphone do that the N97 can? Fm radio? big de... morewell the n97 can capture good image quality photos plus it has a led flash for flashlight, that's what the iphone CAN'T do..
            And resistive screens are more durable than the capacitive,but love the multi touch support.. Lols

              • B
              • Ben_UK
              • myU
              • 19 Apr 2010

              " If the 4th generation iPhone has this:

              -5MP camera with FLASH
              -(SUPER)AMOLED display with at least 480x800 res
              -NEW USER INTERFACE
              -1GHz processor

              ..I will not buy the HTC Desire. But I am pretty sure the Desire will end up in my pocket."

              I think this will be probable. Would be nice to at least 3.7" screen

                • D
                • Dusko
                • puy
                • 19 Apr 2010

                Does it have front camera for video calls?

                  • b
                  • benny
                  • LCe
                  • 19 Apr 2010

                  when will Apple add a QWERTY keyboard to their devices????
                  i was always hoping to see Apple put one on their Iphone.
                  the on-screen touch buttons aren't my favorite way of typing a long text
                  what a waste of Apple technology again.

                    • I
                    • Izmir, Turkye
                    • m5N
                    • 19 Apr 2010

                    What abour separate good quality batteries? No? Then for me no another new iPhone. iPhone 3G batteries so crapy!

                      • n
                      • nokian
                      • pdt
                      • 19 Apr 2010

                      I will buy this super phone if it will wash my dishes, cook the dinner and will walk my dog twice a day.

                        • e
                        • erc
                        • MpP
                        • 19 Apr 2010

                        Real LG style :D :D :D apple forget the own style :D :D D

                          • Q
                          • Qwerty
                          • m5N
                          • 19 Apr 2010

                          Where is QWERTY on iPhone!?

                            • j
                            • jjsoviet
                            • qJm
                            • 19 Apr 2010

                            Tansen, 19 Apr 2010What can't the iphone do that the N97 can? Fm radio? big de... moreI think people are glorifying the iPhone too much; it does have its limitations. Even if the iPhone can do everything, it doesn't mean people will love it more. More applications don't equate to better quality.

                            At least in the Symbian OS, it is a bit more open than the Apple OS, which is pretty much closed platform. Unless you want to jailbreak your phone, it depends too much on the iTunes software. Some people prefer the traditional file organizing system than a proprietary software program.

                            The Apple OS is lauded simply because it's very simple to use. Eye-candy visuals, basic featureset, the OS is like a downgraded Windows Mobile or Symbian phone with more bling.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • NCv
                              • 19 Apr 2010

                              Anonymous, 19 Apr 2010Thats all you Iphone fans ever come up with isn't it. Symbi... moreQuote: "Thats all you Iphone fans ever come up with isn't it. Symbian OS is not simple it apples but it is not hard to use either."

                              Don't group me with the rest of the iSheep. I am very picky and have played around with lots of phones. Must better prefer iPhone or Android OS, Symbian is just too clumsy for touchscreen interface. Hardware-wise I love the N97, I just wish I can run someother OS.

                              I'm glad this new 4th gen iPhone has much better hardware.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • kx7
                                • 19 Apr 2010

                                MicroSIM? LOL. Is that how they're planning to curb unauthorized use. Oh, wait, it's Apple we're talking about. I'm sure they're going to claim it is better to buck a standard and everyone will be using MicroSIMs in a few years. I know, I know... We just don't get it, but Apple does. Still no word on Flash, though, they're going to have to admit they were wrong on that one eventually.

                                  • T
                                  • Tansen
                                  • xnc
                                  • 19 Apr 2010

                                  TC, 19 Apr 2010N97 Mini is more usable than IPhone, but iphone may look be... moreWhat can't the iphone do that the N97 can? Fm radio? big deal I have pandora, which I consider to be better since I get it everywhere. Bluetooth file transfer? Nobody I know or even talk to knows what that even is, much less uses it. File system? I have never once needed a file system, and as I recall after having had a symbian phone, it was a MESS to try and find stuff that was downloaded to different places. With iphone OS, there is no need for a file system, but you are convinced that one is needed, so I can't help you there. Resistive touch screens? They are notorious for being difficult to use without a stylus and for being delicate and easy to break, and of course no multitouch. Plz tell me what the N97 can do better than the iphone, maybe I'm missing something.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 3Z5
                                    • 19 Apr 2010

                                    AHAHAHHAHA..apple, this is the start of your downfall..:)
                                    this is why..when iphone 3gs was launched it offered unmatched user experience at the time and loads of hype and marketing to people to go crazy about.
                                    since then, competition learned some lessons, and now the situation on the market for iphone to face is a bit different.
                                    there are phones that are outmatching iphone even today, like HTC incredible, desire or XPERIA X10(considering the future updated os)..and when it arrives, it will offer nothing "revolutionary"..instead it'll say hi to stuff like HTC EVO 4G, samsung galaxy S, and lg Apollo.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PId
                                      • 19 Apr 2010

                                      Larger screen. more resolution. Faster processor. Larger battery (for multi tasking)

                                        • S
                                        • Samsung 4 Life
                                        • 3Ce
                                        • 19 Apr 2010

                                        The desigh looks like a brick and the edge design is awful its like a rectangular box and it is not the same with the old iphone and the old iphone has much good design compare to this one