Microsoft Lumia 650 to be priced at around $222
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6vu
- 16 Jan 2016
Again sd 210. Who will buy sd210 powered phone for this price. Please use sd 410 for a $199 phone.
- D
- AnonD-466006
- X}G
- 16 Jan 2016
Yet another 210...even 630 had 400...Guess Microsoft should quit mobile's over a year and even Windows 10 is not ready yet....
- D
- AnonD-287788
- 6ux
- 16 Jan 2016
Arun, 16 Jan 2016Who will buy this product with SD 210 and with such exorbit... moreYou are right , some brand like Microsoft never learn , Microsoft when ! Lenovo leman 3 & xioma redmi 3 can do ! Why you can't do like them ! Microsoft sorry you can't help windows 10 mobile OS! You need Asian brands to save windows 10 mobile OS.
- D
- AnonD-393912
- 61B
- 16 Jan 2016
Jin1234, 16 Jan 2016Windows10 software itself is already expensive. Minus the l... moreGood luck on explaining it to every single of your possible customer who used to see android spec grade.
It'll run smooth, i doesn't doubt that. But this is a step back from last gen lumia 640 and there is a lot of other tough option in $220 smartphones. Fighting that competitors in most front (like spec) should be the priority.
- J
- Jin1234
- tue
- 16 Jan 2016
Windows10 software itself is already expensive. Minus the less power consuming in windows phone, I think SD210 is very reasonable. Windows phone originally never use such powerful chipset like SD808 or 810. Even the ram is usually less than 1gb or so. It still work smoothly.
- D
- AnonD-393912
- 61B
- 16 Jan 2016
laoplayer, 16 Jan 2016Microsoft phones are not going to make it in the smartphone... moreMicrosoft actually developing "easy conversion" program that advertised last year for Windows 10.
Basically it will automatically convert Android based or iOS based program into Windows 10 program. This is technically possible (tough it might need mild correction after conversion). The program was hoped by microsoft to be able to bridge the app number gap exist in the mobile, but the problem is the program have gone dark. not sure why...
All in all, one move that Microsoft surely can do, is tizen/xiaomi move. Create a very appealing product in affordable price that people doesn't mind it's using windows OS as long it run basic function well (social media and the like). While that is actually happening in lumia 640 which is pretty hot stuff in its era (in discount it'll be at $150~180, LTE, 720p with cool glance screen, gorrila glass, quad core, 2500mAh, 8/2mp camera)
but its definitely didn't happen in lumia 650 era
- A
- Arun
- g3s
- 16 Jan 2016
Who will buy this product with SD 210 and with such exorbitant price ?some brands never learn. Microsoft phones will slowly but surely fade away if this is their attitude. How can they price it like this with SD 210 inside?
- j
- johnny
- sAq
- 16 Jan 2016
$220?? Best joke in 2016
- w
- wp lover
- Hkt
- 16 Jan 2016
You buy Nokia for this....what r u doing that.Why spend lot of money to buy Nokia.
- w
- wp lovers
- Hkt
- 16 Jan 2016
You are making joke of wp lover are you sure these specification enough.......?Think
- l
- laoplayer
- Tdn
- 16 Jan 2016
Microsoft phones are not going to make it in the smartphone business. No matter how much ads they put out. ios and android rule the land and windows is a far far way behind 3rd. The best thing Microsoft can do is to put android on their phones just like Blackberry about to be doing this year.
- M
- 16 Jan 2016
It seems they are an impasse now. You must come up with new models of phones because the 950 series is already outdated .
- n
- nostradums
- JGg
- 16 Jan 2016
I think it is a mistake when they communicated price.Actually forgot to put a comma or point after the second digit of the price .. :)
- D
- AnonD-393912
- 61B
- 16 Jan 2016
While i'm not exactly too keen on spec for smartphones as all i usually cares about is 250+ ppi, LTE, and large batteries. Afterall, all i used it for is social media and reading.
but still, a $220 phones should at least have a 410, not 210.
I mean the previous gen Lumia 640 have 400 chip with 1.2 quad where the next gen Lumia 650 have 210 chip with 1.1 quad? Not to mention lumia 640 have 2500 mAh yet somehow lumia 650 have 2000 mAh battery?
"but the chip is more energy efficient." All in all, the supposedly next-gen lumia 650 is a near equal in performance compared to last gen lumia 640 but cheaper to make with addition of "premium" steel-like casing sides?
Do Lumia developer actually want people to use their product?
- n
- nickarad
- 0Ud
- 16 Jan 2016
And something else that Microsoft knows to do ? ;)
- D
- AnonD-234961
- ndn
- 16 Jan 2016
Raky, 15 Jan 2016Yes you can, and then just like me, have screen with yell... moreMy Nexus 4 had yellow tint. iPhone 5 is well-known to have yellowing problems. My Surface Pro 3 has a yellowish band on the left. My LG G2 has a yellow sport on the upper right corner. And guess what. They all cost a lot of money and if you replace them, the replacements may have the same or even more problems.
- S
- Skyfall
- awW
- 16 Jan 2016
All well and good , but you have to be crazy to pay that amount. It's not worth it.
- D
- 16 Jan 2016
This phone is neither bad and not pleasant. I notice that Microsoft after XL 950/950 series has not done anything.I hope so as I heard working , a new phone that can be successful if the configuration and the expected sale price will be the right ones and not for profit absurd .If their target will be the average consumer , I can get really among the largest producers of smartphones .