Nokia N8 first official video demo comes out, not bad at all

28 May, 2010
Nokia has obviously put a lot of eggs in the N8 basket and is keen to convince us that it's a phone worth having. Nokia has just released the first of a trilogy of videos that demonstrate the new Symbian^3 user interface...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • TjB
  • 29 May 2010

Anonymous, 28 May 2010First to N8 --- > I would consider buying it for 100-250... moregood then
more for everybody else

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TjB
    • 29 May 2010

    yawn., 29 May 2010same sh!t different company. somebody be innovative. nokia ... moreits still beta

      • y
      • yawn.
      • q{r
      • 29 May 2010

      same sh!t different company. somebody be innovative. nokia is STILL playing catchup. looks very fisher price.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • TjB
        • 29 May 2010

        Anonymous, 28 May 2010First to N8 --- > I would consider buying it for 100-250... moreits still in the works and it will come out in three months
        i doubt if nokia is f*cking lazy if they dont update this even better
        besides symbian has GPU hardware support
        meaning its ui is accelerated and does not need as much cpu speed and ram as android or other os

          • a
          • ann
          • uWx
          • 29 May 2010

          Anonymous, 29 May 2010Why are there always people comparing a device to another d... morei agree

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IAu
            • 29 May 2010

            Why are there always people comparing a device to another device? It makes no freakin' sense whatsoever. Thats is why there are so many mobiles to choose from. Would everyone be happy if there was just a single mobile manufacturer a few devices to choose from? Would that be better?

            It's a no-brainer. If the N8 isn't for you, get something else for God's sake. That's the beauty of commerce.

            As for people comparing Samsung's high end devices....there is no way, under any circumstances, that I would shell out that much money for an all plastic mobile. In fact, other than Moto & a few HTC handsets, all the other manufacturers rarely, if ever, use metal in their flagship devices. The Satio, X10, I9000, 3Gs, S8500 Wave, many others are ALL plastic. It is just not right to command a premium price for non-premium materials.
            On a side-note. The people comparing the N8 to the

              • D
              • DanT
              • 0Cd
              • 28 May 2010

              Spyroscesarsc, 28 May 2010Some points from your comment: 1) It costs the half of ... moreIt seems you forgot about some other N8 advantages over Samsung i9000S like HDMI, FM Transmitter, five band HSDPA, free GPS navigation, Java applications support in the OS and if you compare weights why not compare also sizes, N8 is smaller in width and height (even if not thinner). And I think the video even at 25 fps will be a lot better than 30 fps on the smaller sensor of Samsung (and you should note that PAL video standard has 25 fps and NTSC has 30 fps so maybe it's more about the European Market vs US Market - even if the Nokia can connect directly to HD TV sets, but it also has a TV-out cable which of course needs to get out signat at 25 fps for European PAL TVs). Anyway, N8 is more like a multimedia device (great camera/video, HDMI/TV-out, FM Trasmitter, WebTV, etc) capable also of business while i9000S is targeted for those in need of something more like a tablet (big screen with higher resolution, better processing power, more memory) but also offers some good multimedia features. At this moment, I prefer a more multimedia oriented phone like N8 (and i9000S may be too expensive for me and many anyway, even N8 is not a cheap phone). Samsung has a different target, more for business than multimedia guys.

                • N
                • Nagin
                • kNq
                • 28 May 2010

                Folks, N8 looks impressive and looks like Nokia is in the race..Most importantly the Touch Interface seems to be very Responsive. I guess thats the Primary aspect for any Touch Interface device after Apple has set the people agree or not.

                  • l
                  • light
                  • uWx
                  • 28 May 2010

                  doesitreallymatter, 28 May 2010please if u hate the os dun leave a comment i agree, down wid de haters and tRoLLs

                  evry1 noes dere adopted

                  nd besides its not such a bad phone 8.5/10

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 2SF
                    • 28 May 2010

                    First to N8 --- > I would consider buying it for 100-250 Euros.... the slow processor, the lag of RAM and the small screen, even the thickness of the phone is a dealbreaker for me that cant even be fixed with a 12mp cam....

                    -----> no wait the actual dealbreak (dont wanna go off topic) is this OS i hoped it would be fast and sexy but i looks just as bugged as 5th ed.... no more symbian for me .... ever....

                      • n
                      • n900 users
                      • 4Xt
                      • 28 May 2010

                      Bingo, 28 May 2010As usual with Symbian, fonts are very small. You need to bu... moregoing blind are we?

                      (this isn't just towards you bingo :P )

                      so what if nokia is behind in this touchscreen race? they just started making touchscreen phones. they do make phones that fits everyone's lifestyle and not just teenybopper kids who want the latest and greatest apps. they make low end phones that fits people's budgets and higher end phones for people who are willing to spend that cash. Sure this phone doesn't have a 1ghz snapdragon, but for 680mhz, it runs pretty smooth.

                      As for the N900, they finally do something right with maemo, and now they aren't doing anything for us, instead they are focusing on MeeGoo, which I'm sad about because I do like the UI and Maemo, it's just a great phone to mess with since it's completely open source.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 2SF
                        • 28 May 2010

                        Spyroscesarsc, 28 May 2010Some points from your comment: 1) It costs the half of ... moreniiiice gotte love how you took that guy apart.. i also really hate people that make comparisons without back ground checks
                        thumbs up!

                          • u
                          • urfather
                          • uWx
                          • 28 May 2010

                          stop commenting if ur gonna start trolling

                            • b
                            • bummy
                            • 9xE
                            • 28 May 2010

                            wow, that texting method is not going to work.
                            Overall not very impressed.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 95b
                              • 28 May 2010

                              going to be a blast for nokia if it hits at a reasonable price

                                • d
                                • doesitreallymatter
                                • uWx
                                • 28 May 2010

                                please if u hate the os dun leave a comment

                                  • S
                                  • Spyroscesarsc
                                  • 3AY
                                  • 28 May 2010

                                  David, 28 May 2010I think people forget that this in not a Nokia flagship pho... moreSome points from your comment:

                                  1) It costs the half of Galaxy S? Galaxy S is 650euros pre-order and its cost after release estimated at 550 euros or less (based on Wave's prices: pre-order 490euros and after release 390euros)... So, you say that N8 costs the half. Half of pre-order which is 325euros? No! Or Half of normal price which will be about 225euros? Of course not!

                                  2) N8 isn't the flagship of Nokia? Really!?! I thought it was... Do you know something about an other phone by Nokia better than N8? If know something about an other Nokia flagship which will be launched before 2011 could you give us a link?

                                  3) Are you sure that Galaxy S is Samsung's flagship? I'm not sure yet. We wait some WinMo phones by Samsung, and the successor of Omnia2. Also, it is said something about an android with qwerty(Galaxy S with qwerty or totally new device)... And finally it's almost sure that Samsung will make a phone with Symbian^3 and this phone may launched before N8... Also, I want to remind you that Samsung put an 8MP camera on Symbian device back on 2008...

                                  4)You said N8 has 2 times better specs than Galaxy S... So lets see where N8 is better and where Galaxy S.
                                  N8 is better:
                                  -12MP with flash against 5MP without flash.
                                  -10Mbps HSDPA against 7.2Mbps HSDPA
                                  -GPRS & EDGE Class 33 against Class 12 (Notice: I live in a village of 100 people in eastern europe and i use only 3G(+), and never GPRS or EDGE)
                                  -USB with OTG
                                  -Metallic body

                                  Galaxy S is better:
                                  -118g against 135g
                                  -Super AMOLED against AMOLED
                                  -480x800 at 4" against 360x640 at 3.5"
                                  -5.76Mbps HSUPA against 2Mbps HSUPA
                                  -512MB RAM against 256MB RAM
                                  -1GHz processor against 680MHz
                                  -1.500mAh battery against 1.200mAh
                                  -720@30fps video against 720@25fps

                                  So: As we see, N8 isn't 2,5 or even 2 times better than Galaxy S! If you want nice pics, you buy N8 for sure. If you want the best screen out there you buy Galaxy S... They are 2 very good phones but for different people! :)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • s8e
                                    • 28 May 2010

                                    Bingo, 28 May 2010As usual with Symbian, fonts are very small. You need to bu... moreHow stupid are you? There's always an option in Symbian to increase/decrease font size. You Nokia haters would always be finding reason to throw up on Symbian.

                                      • B
                                      • Bingo
                                      • pgu
                                      • 28 May 2010

                                      As usual with Symbian, fonts are very small. You need to buy magnifying glasses to read the screen. That is why now i buy Samsung, their font is Huge.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • up2
                                        • 28 May 2010

                                        Saurabh, 28 May 2010Things come and things go but some things choose to stay an... moreso you think your n97 is the best???wtf!!!go back to dont deserve any room in this