Samsung Galaxy S arrives at AT&T as the Samsung Captivate

18 June, 2010
It's been a little while since rumors on an upcoming T-Mobile USA branded Samsung Galaxy S started circulating and now it turned out that AT&T will be the first US carrier to get its own Galaxy S, the Captivate, which...

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  • S
  • SE 2010
  • 0mj
  • 20 Jun 2010

By the way didn't anyone notice that samsung is not in the list??!! The reason is obvious, and it's that copy cats never earn respect as inventors and innovaters. Well before someone start attacking me like a little child, don't hate me because this is what people believe in and this is what people truly respect! Google and Sony were the most trusted and respected.

Apple ranked in the 6th place and Nokia followed it by being number 7. This truly proves that it's not only me that doesn't respect samsung, it seems that most of the world share the same opinion.

Sorry samsung geeks, but I know the truth hurts, but it's always a relieve to know the truth instead of living in your own fantacy world.

Source :

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • UGj
    • 20 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Samsung is nothing compared to Sony, Sony is the true creat... moreif what you says make sense, then why would a creator buy component from an imitator. 1.2 Billion is not a small amount to sony, you should know that, how much debt do they have now. But it is indeed a small amount to Samsung.

      • S
      • SE 2010
      • 0mj
      • 20 Jun 2010

      Do you want to know why the X10 is the best device in the world? Because it's an emerge(mix) between Sony and Google, pls take a look at this link and you will understand what I mean, now I know the real reason why samsung copied the X10! It makes total sense :

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Y6y
        • 20 Jun 2010

        IT LOOKS LIKE A SONY PHONE! BOO HOO! Who cares? There's only so much you can do with a big screen and little else. I'm sure ATT changed things up so that it didn't look so similar to the iPhone, which is also in their stable.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3WI
          • 20 Jun 2010

          hahahahahah now I know for sure that samsung are jealous of the x10 and therefore they want their own version of it hehe, get a life samsung.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0BA
            • 20 Jun 2010

            Giggles, 19 Jun 2010Sony is indeed one of the biggest Samsung's client these ye... moreSamsung is nothing compared to Sony, Sony is the true creator of technology. Sony creates and invents while samsung steals, this is a fact.

            Sony = perfection
            Samsung = imitation

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0BA
              • 20 Jun 2010

              Sony and Nokia!, 19 Jun 2010This looks like the x10 but an ugly version. crappy samsungExactly the same feeling here! Ugly samsung trying to copy the beauty of sony. shame on samsung they just proved to the world that they are a true joke when it comes to design.

                • G
                • Giggles
                • t7m
                • 19 Jun 2010

                Sony is indeed one of the biggest Samsung's client these years. Check this out:


                " Sony bought 1.28 trillion won ($1 billion) worth of components from its biggest Korean rival.

                Samsung reported 34.6 trillion won in first quarter sales.

                Sony has been acquiring flat panels used in everything from televisions to mobile phones from its joint venture with Samsung since July 2004.

                Sony has been known to purchase DRAM chips and flash-type memory devices from Samsung. "

                So those who are dreaming that Sony is still the leader in the technology market, please wake up. Samsung doesn't need to copy its own followers. If someone said this phone looks somehow like BB Storm, I may agree, but X10? It's just crappy. X10 is nothing more than a loser.

                  • d
                  • dee
                  • Bw@
                  • 19 Jun 2010

                  Flippy, 19 Jun 2010Has anyone really seen it in real life? Or you just look at... moreTip
                  Seen it. It's like an iPhone big and slim with a nice big screen...

                    • S
                    • Sony and Nokia!
                    • qLC
                    • 19 Jun 2010

                    This looks like the x10 but an ugly version. crappy samsung

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • njB
                      • 19 Jun 2010

                      Flippy, 19 Jun 2010Has anyone really seen it in real life? Or you just look at... morewhich component samsung has delivered to SONY?!!!
                      please name and give a source

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • njB
                        • 19 Jun 2010

                        i think samsung president has x10 now(after previous MOTO phone)
                        so he wants to have a sumsung phone with x10 design!
                        so good for sumsung that its president will have samsung phone!

                          • D
                          • Diego!
                          • 8E5
                          • 19 Jun 2010

                          It actually looks like Blackberry Storm 2...

                          Samsung you lost it!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3qv
                            • 19 Jun 2010

                            The backside of this phone is fake carbon fibre or real carbon fibre?

                            I would say fake, but given the fact that this is a high end phone... how could they dare to use fake carbon fibre for it?!

                              • F
                              • Flippy
                              • t7m
                              • 19 Jun 2010

                              Has anyone really seen it in real life? Or you just look at some tiny pictures and throw your comments? I can't find any common things between this and X10. I was never be interested in the X10, but Galaxy S looks really sexy in this new design.

                              Someone said Samsung only copy and never innovate? C'mon, don't you know that Samsung is the world leading technology company nowadays? They even deliver components to Apple, Nokia and Sony. Be human!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 2IX
                                • 19 Jun 2010

                                if all claim that Samsung copy X10 but is indeed much better that it, don't u think it deserve more than respect? SE should do more catching up instead.

                                  • w
                                  • wookash
                                  • mMF
                                  • 19 Jun 2010

                                  At least it's not so horribly glossy and fingerprint-prone anymore.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 0Ci
                                    • 19 Jun 2010

                                    Oh no! This looks completely like a Blackberry Bold!!!!111 Samsung sucks!!!111

                                      • X
                                      • X10 user
                                      • Tbv
                                      • 19 Jun 2010

                                      I really feel sorry for samsung, knowing that their designs are very ugly and boring and now seeing them just copy others even makes it worse. A lot of people are not interested in samsung's technology because they just hate the fact that the company is a copier nothing more.

                                      While others invent and innovate, samsung continues to only copy them. Design and style are very important in our daily lives, people now care about design the same way they care about the quality and reliability. We buy stylish cloth and stylish cars because style gives the impression that we are modern people and not outdated at all.

                                      One thing for sure though is that when it comes to style and design samsung are the worst, and it will remain the geeks choice.

                                        • A
                                        • Andy
                                        • kHj
                                        • 19 Jun 2010

                                        and u know what who gives a damn about the timescape and mediascape, they lag, touch wiz is good too, no one cares about the way a message or email or a tweet comes, as long as we can see them!