iPhone 4 arrives 2 days early for some, 512MB RAM confirmed

23 June, 2010
The iPhone 4 actually arrived two days early for some people - and it's already been unboxed on video, activated, used and torn down. There are new camera samples too, in more realistic conditions than the...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • smW
  • 23 Jun 2010

Gamma Sharma, 23 Jun 2010On a more groomy note, how is it that I always get a "... moresame here and its Microsoft security essentials giving the warning

    • /
    • /FwD/
    • u1w
    • 23 Jun 2010

    which phone is better??? just leave it, praise Apple's marketing. In comparison to the most advanced phones (feature wise) iPhone is a teen. And Apple's marketing is grand-pa of all marketing strategies present out-there.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • n5P
      • 23 Jun 2010

      Gamma Sharma, 23 Jun 2010On a more groomy note, how is it that I always get a "... moreYou might have ur antivirus settings to high

      Ps. COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • G
        • Gamma Sharma
        • u1E
        • 23 Jun 2010

        Don't know why the launch of iProducts are done as if the second coming has arrived? Corporations like Microsoft and Apple are all about Business Monopoly. Long live Open Source.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • n5P
          • 23 Jun 2010

          to be honest i dont get the hype on any iphones, ive played around with all the iphones so far and all i can see what is better than other phones is the support from apple, other than that all iphones r soooo behind the high end mobile phones, like come on the i8910 came out a yr ago and had all what this iphone4 has now haha how behind can the so called best mobile on the market be.

          the only reason iphone is a must have phone is simply coz its apple, to me just like clothes i dont go and buy things just coz of a name, i buy stuff coz it looks neet and does a better job, even if i was rich i still wouldnt buy an iphone and no im not a hater im just more into the future than the past and iphones and what they do is sooo in the past.

          i know so many people had a iphone and now has a blackberry, so i guess that explains it all on how the iphone is just hype

          i have a i8910 and yes the supports sucks, but with a lil help from modders my i8910 is a great phone.

          Ps. COME ONE ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            • G
            • Gamma Sharma
            • u1E
            • 23 Jun 2010

            On a more groomy note, how is it that I always get a "MALWARE WARNING" evey time i navigate to gsm arena?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Mx@
              • 23 Jun 2010

              Just to let you know the sim tool is in the box, as well as an easy to follow guide on the new features of the handset. tried and tested by myself. its the same as any other iphone with a better screen and camera capabilities.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Mx@
                • 23 Jun 2010

                just so you know the sim tool is in the box, comes with an easy step instructions but just doesnt include the wipe cloth. toolkit is provided

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • xKU
                  • 23 Jun 2010

                  some of you takes mobile phones way too seriously. buy a phone that suit your needs, that's all. forget what they apple or android fanboys are telling you. their strange need to have a better phone because it somehow makes them a cool and hip geek is frankly just sad.

                    • p
                    • phyne
                    • v0q
                    • 23 Jun 2010

                    when are they going to blend iphone 4? I'd love to see them wreck it up inside the massive blender...

                      • p
                      • phyne
                      • v0q
                      • 23 Jun 2010

                      got your point, and so i realized... That i'm not definitely spending my time to camp out waiting, spending my money for iphone... NOT GETTING IPHONE 4...

                        • J
                        • Jtk
                        • Kx$
                        • 23 Jun 2010

                        iPhone haters here are either employees from HTC,Nokia or Samsung or fan boys.Wake up!Did you see ppl camp or line up to buy those brands before?Or demand exceeded supply with just 1 model a year?Should learn from Apple in marketing strategy no matter hundreds of models with bombastic features release still couldn't beat the only handphone model from Apple.

                          • p
                          • phyne
                          • v0q
                          • 23 Jun 2010

                          i'm not getting iphone 4... I won't settle for something astronomically expensive even if i have a million to spend... It sure looks a teen's toy to me... Mediocre camera... Weak speakers... Multitasking on iphone? Yeah got 10thousands of apps, clutter apps.. FaceTime? Works seamlessly IF YOU'RE IN WIFI HOTSPOT... They say it doesn't need fm transmitter bec they can put it in a dock, so this means SPENDING AGAIN FOR ANOTHER IPHONE ENDORSING PRODUCT.. How practical and convenient to own an iphone (sarcastically intended)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pqB
                            • 23 Jun 2010

                            Cheap screen made out of plastic confirmed: http://tiny.cc/TheiPhoneFever

                            New apple super glass scratches like there's no tomorrow

                              • D
                              • Deep space bar
                              • kDi
                              • 23 Jun 2010

                              So gsmarena why is this so important i don't think anyone cares how much RAM is in the phone except developers
                              Plus why make big deal when 256 -512mb is standard

                                • b
                                • brynn
                                • mXK
                                • 23 Jun 2010

                                The inside of mobiles today is absolute military precision using every ounce of space inside,,its hard to believe how they keep all this high precision together to be strong enuf to withstand all the knocks and bumps its really amazing stuff..In the future all what you see in this i-phone will be the size of the A4 proccesor itself and you cant say it wont happen,, they said video recording in a mobile fone will NEVER happen its just impossible to get the electronics and lenses that small,,ha ha it happened..

                                P.S. Dont forget manufacturers we still want ultra high spec button fones..Thank You..

                                  • T
                                  • Tom-Helge
                                  • Srd
                                  • 23 Jun 2010

                                  Raksmey89, 23 Jun 2010according to the review from Engadget and a few other criti... moreIt still doesn't beat my XPERIA X10 in battery life.

                                  With moderate usage of my XPERIA X10, i can use my phone for about 2 days without recharging it.

                                  And 2 days is 48 hours.

                                  And this is even before the XPERIA X10 have got the fix that will fix the issues with the high power usage on the phone.

                                    • R
                                    • Raksmey89
                                    • P@T
                                    • 23 Jun 2010

                                    waijie666, 23 Jun 2010Is the real battery life known yet? I would like to know mo... moreaccording to the review from Engadget and a few other critics who got their test device about a week before the launch, they all say that this iPhone has the best battery life of any iPhones. Engadget say they got almost 38 hours out of it under heavy use and that it easily beat the competitions

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Mfx
                                      • 23 Jun 2010

                                      I think the iPhone 4 is a good piece of hardware it's just a shame about the software... there's no dramatic difference and multitasking is not true multitasking...

                                      When you start to look at the calibre of firmware’s with handsets being launched for a lower price also the economical struggle, which still exists, Apple may have had their time for this one… I’ve always said the iPhone doesn’t become competitive with the other present and future smart phones until you jailbreak it… sad to say but this is the only reason why I have an iPhone and potentially will consider buying the new one based on the fact I can jailbreak it…!

                                      Other than that my HTC Desire, right now stays warm in my pocket because of the features and the standard things we’ve been able to do with our mobiles for years since the SE P900 like bluetooth sharing, real multi-tasking not a stop and start process, access to files management, create, view, edit and send Word/excel documents..etc

                                      Yes the iPhone is easy to use.. call it the smartphone for dummies, I’m sure they have a book too, but unless they seriously up their game in the firmware and change the look and feel of the iPhone properly, next year will be the end of the iPhone and by GSMA 2011, we’ll know why too….!!

                                        • n
                                        • nicksti
                                        • kbh
                                        • 23 Jun 2010

                                        Bricked, 23 Jun 2010Word of mouth is good, but I'd trust a professional opinion... moreI never said people will not read a bad review. It really depends on what is being reviewed. Some critics thrive on being hypercritical and it gets them a large audience. Filthy Critic is very critical when it comes to movie reviews.

                                        Anyway, I have always said the truth is what you choose to believe. I find more comfort in 10,000 people giving the iphone a 7.5/10 than 20 critics giving it a 1/10 or 9/10. Yes, you will find fanboys and haters among the 10,000 but given a large enough sampling it will even out. Now 5 dirty critics skews your 20 sample by a larger degree.

                                        Last thing is that your best bet to get YOUR ideal phone is to actually use both. I couldn't care how many people say the iphone is great and the N8 is not because using the phone is going to be the best judge. I get to use my share of phones with the most recent one being the SE Vivaz. Admitted I have a personal bias against Nokia phones and this SE felt like a Nokia. I cannot stand Symbian S60. I hope Symbian 3 is nothing like S60. S60 ruined a great phone in the Vivaz.