Galaxy S7 edge (Exynos) vs. iPhone 6s speedtest

08 April, 2016
Samsung's own chip can't catch up either.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3Uf
  • 08 Apr 2016

Samsung has 4x more pixels to push ...

    • D
    • AnonD-314066
    • AAF
    • 08 Apr 2016

    Here we go again with another non-real-world test. Let's all open up a bunch of games and close them shall we? I have ZERO games on my phone, so I guess I can't play.

      • D
      • AnonD-383454
      • q5N
      • 08 Apr 2016

      AnonD-322352, 08 Apr 2016You're thinking about the iPhone 6. The 6s with its 2GB of ... moreWrong

        • R
        • RejZoR
        • 3pt
        • 08 Apr 2016

        Of course iPhone is faster. You're comparing a PC with consoles. One has a multi-purpose OS used by millions of different devices and the other one has a highly specialized and optimized OS that only runs on what, 3-4 sets of hardware? Of course it'll be faster. Lol?

          • D
          • AnonD-411204
          • 8IB
          • 08 Apr 2016

          I know these test are just to give a glimpse or 'real world' feeling, but even in that case the producers of these videos should, at the very least, ask app manufacturers if the apps they are using have an optimized codepath for the architecture being tested. Maybe the S820 would perform much better with a different mix.

            • D
            • AnonD-119094
            • 0Un
            • 08 Apr 2016

            Anonymous, 08 Apr 2016That's not the main reason. The main reason to gain stabili... moreFinally a normal person to talk to,only haters out here.
            You have a really good point and yes...ios uses all the resources that are out there while android just quickly start eating a lot of memory.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0Tu
              • 08 Apr 2016

              AnonD-119094, 08 Apr 2016You lose less time than working to buy an apple device. An... moreThat's not the main reason. The main reason to gain stability is to kill multitasking. Ios is very strict with background processes ... background processes cause things like memory leaks (crashes) and battery leaks.

              It's the smart thing to do on phones, but not very smart on tablets (I often do more than one thing at once on a tablet, on an ipad it's hard to do that)

                • D
                • AnonD-119094
                • 0Un
                • 08 Apr 2016

                Jay34970, 08 Apr 2016This is certainly the best comparison you can do between th... moreYou lose less time than working to buy an apple device.
                Android=functionality(not for basic users that just wanna browse the internet and use fb)
                Ios=stability(basic users)
                of course that the ios apps are better optimized....i mean they have to work with like 20 devices....meanwhile android apps have to be compatible with every manufacturer(they are more than iphones out there)

                  • T
                  • Typhoon
                  • jeu
                  • 08 Apr 2016

                  Android users be like we need more Ramz/Corez yo!! lol..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3aK
                    • 08 Apr 2016

                    AnonD-521560, 08 Apr 2016Oh really? Isn't it your comment is crap? Hahaha cannot acc... moreCan you send a photo or contact or bluetooth though? Fastest brick around.

                      Cyr4x, 08 Apr 2016It's like comparing diesel engine to gasoline boxer and try... moreyup but comparison is required when they have around same price and try to compete each other in best way

                        AnonD-521560, 08 Apr 2016Oh really? Isn't it your comment is crap? Hahaha cannot acc... moreAndroid and iOS work in a very different way. Each has it's own strenghts and weaknesses. Comparing each other is a foolish exercise, as user experience will have the final say about performance of a given device, no matter what platform is.

                          • K
                          • Kalpak Khemka
                          • rxh
                          • 08 Apr 2016

                          What people fail to realize is that the S7 needs to push 4 times as many pixels as the iPhone. The 10s difference is very marginal, I'd even go ahead and say negligible when the resolution is put into picture.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 9LB
                            • 08 Apr 2016

                            Android users are really a pain in the a**. There is nothing you can do to please you android fans. Excuses i'm seeing here:
                            1. Screen resolution
                            2. Apps (Developers are not optimizing them right)...

                            Can you ever just accept that iOS is faster in some things and Android is better in some things as well. It makes ya'll look like ignorant kids that cannot get over yourselves because something was proven to you.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-249419
                              • Lip
                              • 08 Apr 2016

                              can't you see all of you just fooled with this nonsense they called " Technology "? 3 second faster 4 second faster, FOR WHAT? does it really helps you have a better life?

                                This test should not be run on different OSes, its completely pointless.
                                Yet even on the same OS, it could be pointless, the animation time for example plays a bigger role at this speed, that the actual capabilities of the phone, which is smth that can be changed on settings, so the end results is open to settings and not actual performance.
                                I would prefer videos that compare FPS on demanding games and apps, even on the the same OS, some may act differently depending on the optimization done for its resolution, or GPU etc.
                                And one last thing, the background freeze ios does, should not be called multitasking, thats misleading, malefic actually, ios cant multitask, freezing an app on the background is different than having it running simultaneously with the foreground app, thats why ios dont need more ram and multicores, but it cant actually use them, thats why it consumes less energy while browsing,because the ones on the background dont work, but they are freezed.
                                The test does give a feel of comparing phones on a store, but not actually owning them and use them...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • bJb
                                  • 08 Apr 2016

                                  SG N5, 08 Apr 2016David Rahimi is just awesome, he can prove iShit is quicker... moreand make people like u bethert soo much

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 46q
                                    • 08 Apr 2016

                                    Hahaha Lagwiz...I'm not an iPhone fan btw

                                      • M
                                      • Muthu
                                      • X$W
                                      • 08 Apr 2016

                                      AnonD-50024, 08 Apr 2016Hi GSMArena! Can we see the same comparison while it rains... moreI agree completely with you. It is like comparing 2 PCs - one with i7 6th generation and windows 3.1 OS Vs other with i7 4th generation and windows 10. Obviously, the former will be faster and useless. I will choose the second one any day even though it would be slightly slower but much for functional.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-411799
                                        • utF
                                        • 08 Apr 2016

                                        just add 8gb of ram in it.