Intel wants to kill the 3.5mm headset jack too

27 April, 2016
Last week LeEco unveiled three new Android-powered smartphones that have one interesting thing in common - neither of them features a 3.5mm headset jack. Instead, you're supposed to use the USB Type-C port for all your audio needs.

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  • D
  • AnonD-5197
  • QDj
  • 27 Apr 2016

Fatter wires, bigger ports, maybe even extra usb port for headphones + charging usages. Only decent solution would be wireless headphones but that will require charging and not to mention they dont last long... Not seeing many benefits that will outweigh these drawbacks.

    • D
    • AnonD-1825
    • p77
    • 27 Apr 2016

    AnonD-531044, 27 Apr 2016The first company that does this will kill their sales. I'm... moreSo i see you missed the news from yesterday which said LeEco sold over million phones in two hours without 3.5 mm jack

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vV5
      • 27 Apr 2016

      3.5mm heatset jack is fine why change to USB-C?
      Unplug and connect charger and headser jack etc to the slot become frequently, will it still durable?

        • G
        • Gibby
        • Ixj
        • 27 Apr 2016

        AnonD-345931, 27 Apr 2016It's a brilliant idea if you think about it. This might mea... moreI agree.
        The advent of wireless charging / Bluetooth headphones will make this more achievable/acceptable

          • D
          • AnonD-523334
          • XuZ
          • 27 Apr 2016

          If every phone will have 2 USB c ports, I have no problem. But the problem is, no one will provide 2 USB c ports. Too bad. :(

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • RYf
            • 27 Apr 2016

            This is probably a good idea. If we want audio to move forward we need a different connector. Also, it would remove a weak point from the phone, structurally speaking. In a couple years, everything could use the same connector.

              • P
              • PG
              • nqE
              • 27 Apr 2016

              We've all hear about programmed obsolescence and creating artificial needs.
              But, what abouty ecology?
              What about creating unique plugs, adapters, or standard safety measures?
              No way. They'll produce a dozen different ways of achieving exactly the same (mini, micro; nano; 2.5"; 3.5") and then manipulate consumers into a new, improved, much better trendy ephemeral "standard" (what about "universal" SB 3!?!) which will be sold and exchanged whenever they feel profit margins are neeeding a boost.
              * On the way, they'll even stupidify masses of fanboys and haters... *
              Carbon footprint? Capitalism says "No comprendo!"

                • D
                • AnonD-207445
                • y$6
                • 27 Apr 2016

                i dont need a smarter headphones
                i want a better sounding headphone jack and a better sounding headphones

                screw space constraints alibi, why not use a balanced 2.5mm audio jack instead? you get less thickness, and you also get better sounding headphones because it's a freaking balanced output!

                  Who cares about better sound quality, not me. I use to own an alcatel ot800, it had one major flaw, no 3.5mm jack so every thing had to be done by mini usb so no radio while charging nor headphones. Now manufacturers want to go back to those days. Any phone without a 3.5mm jack i am certainly not buying.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-375713
                    • Pkp
                    • 27 Apr 2016

                    AnonD-531044, 27 Apr 2016The first company that does this will kill their sales. I'm... moreNooo don't worry! You can just buy a....
                    Active USB DAC to replace the connector that should be there in the 1st place! And it's just USD 50,00!! (US pricing, wherever else it should be more expensive, get ready)

                    For starters, phones will still need to have DACs inside themselves: how else would the speakers work? Just another ripoff move try, up to us consumers to just ignore and boycott it.

                      • r
                      • randomGuy
                      • spt
                      • 27 Apr 2016

                      Not a good idea indeed!
                      Audiophiles will need a dedicated set of headphone for their smartphones and decent headphones with built in DACs will most certainly be quite expensive.

                        • l
                        • lumia lover
                        • uvn
                        • 27 Apr 2016

                        Terrible one
                        Charging and music together......
                        Hahaha impossible
                        Might be 2 USB type-C lol

                          • D
                          • AnonD-531052
                          • Nvm
                          • 27 Apr 2016

                          They said Space constraints are also in play...why don't they use a 2.5mm jack instead of 3.5mm jack if it's about space? Using USB type C headphones is a bad idea. People will not use their devices when charging...a 2.5mm jack is a good idea

                            • S
                            • Subzz
                            • bCX
                            • 27 Apr 2016

                            Hate the idea.. Throw away all ur favourite tangle-free, beautiful, multi coloured or whatever micro USBs as wellnas youe costly 3.5 mm headphone jacks... And ya, star spending on new usb type c products...

                            end result??? U cannot use headphone+charger at the same time.. So ya, start spending ur hard earned money on adaptors as well..

                            And ya, for pcs? Well, they still use 3.5mm, right?? So buy all stuffs for pcs seperately.. Or well, get a new pc, that has got USB-C "only" as well??

                            While many complained, I actually loved the fact that samsung retained the micro-USB on their flagship.. Coz, at the end of the day, I have bunch of USB-to-microUSB lying around -- car, desk, bed-side-table -- i mean I have a lot..

                            What I mean by all these is that, USB-C is definitely the future.. But isn't just too early to switch everything to type-c? Let brands launch usbC earphones, headphones accessories and then start withdrawing the other ports from phones and pcs.. Its just too early.. Trust me..

                              • S
                              • Subzz
                              • bCX
                              • 27 Apr 2016

                              First up, the micro USB.. Now, the 3.5mm..
                              Moral of the story:- when theres no major innovation and all phones are similar to others, do one thing... Start changing the ports..

                              "Now that we cant innovate phones, only way to keep on the profit is keep changing stuffs.. Atleast people will start replacing their bunch and bunch of micro usbs and 3.5mm headphones.. Wow"

                                • D
                                • AnonD-345931
                                • Kh2
                                • 27 Apr 2016

                                It's a brilliant idea if you think about it. This might mean we get to have better quality in audio output.

                                Only thing they need for this to properly work is the availability of 3rd party USB type-C OTG hub. Then I can connect my old analog headphones to the phone with a 3rd party adapter and charge the phone at the same time.

                                Don't worry. Soon all manufacturers will adapt this and you'll see for yourself why this is a good thing.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-467404
                                  • YTY
                                  • 27 Apr 2016

                                  may be an extra port will be better than using USB C for everything

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uv2
                                    • 27 Apr 2016

                                    Not a good idea, how well will usb C port take abuse like when you throw your device in your pocket and accidentally pull the cable. I know 3.5 mm port can take such abuse and still continue to perform properly without problem, only thing that takes the damage is the cable or the jack itself.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-441865
                                      • rKy
                                      • 27 Apr 2016

                                      [deleted post]You've got a point bro

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-375713
                                        • Pkp
                                        • 27 Apr 2016

                                        Pure ripoff idea. Seriously please stop trying to find "good reasons" for this. You can take this as opinion of course (after all it is to an extent), but I'll debunk each and every right now:
                                        "First off, it's an analog connector otherwise surrounded by digital stuff, built into multi-purpose devices, but it's still a single-purpose affair."

                                        THAT'S IT'S ENTIRE PURPOSE. You can use the multi purpose interface (USB) while you use the single purpose one, unobstructed by other accessories.

                                        "Plus, if everyone was to use digital ports such as USB Type-C for audio, this could enable smarter headphones - for example ones that may even track your health data like temperature."

                                        ?? Well more expensive device to do a task I don't want to. Great. If I was to go out running with headphones that track my health, do you really think I want the wires bothering me to the phone's USB? Heck no, wireless all the way.

                                        "Headphone makers will be expected to build digital-to-analog converters into their accessories, which might be a good thing since not depending on different handsets' hardware for this purpose could result in better (and more consistent) audio quality regardless of what particular device you connect your cans to."

                                        You'll need more expensive parts for this. You'll be buying every time a new DAC, for a device that breaks way more often than the playing device. Just friggin make the sending device better, do you really expect cheap headphones to come with decent (let alone good) DACs? it's likely just be consistently worse.
                                        I can easily see it being a waste of power as well, since the headphones will need to power separate devices and amplifiers outside the SoC. There's a reason SoCs exist at all, and power efficiency is one of them. You would need to provide yet another power converter (to get the battery's 3.7~4.2V to 5V USB), another step down converter on the headphones' circuits, their amp's supply and all the likes. Don't try to tell me about the losses on the long copper wire, they are way too minimal compared to what this would induce, AND the signal transfer still takes some power as well.

                                        I think Intel should just stick to making their GPUs better since they are pushing them so fiercely on laptops, instead of just trying to make another ripoff idea.
                                        Some stuff just don't need changes. That's why you don't see cars having their pedals on different positions, that's why you don't sleep on some vertically holding hermetic capsule, cause no, we don't need any single new change, some of them simply suck, this one included.