Nokia N8 goes on pre-order, arrives by the end of September

29 July, 2010
The first Symbian^3-powered device, Nokia N8, was first said to start selling in August but as it turns out the phone will actually show up a month later, at the end of September. If you happen to live in Italy and want...

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  • x
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  • k2n
  • 30 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 29 Jul 2010Such a low resolution screen, you can buy a cheap LG phone ... morethen steven p. jobs have u brainwashed also because the iphone have more than antenngate problem, it also have 3g & wifi connections problems too just like the nexus one.

    • a
    • andy burgin
    • 3pH
    • 30 Jul 2010

    LOads of people will be being buying an alternative mobile instead of waiting for the N8,an whos to Blame-Nokia Themselves,Nokia have really lost it nowdays,an they got to BigHeaded for themselves thinking any mobile they Produce would Succede,just like Apple now as well,but people are Growing up nowdays an really make there mobiles a Top End Gadget,so the Software is more important on the Mobile,but Nokia thought no one would outclass Symbian but they got it wrong again an never advanced the software till now,so same again at Nokia so Slow to move things on,Hope there is a Big Shake-Up at Nokia to Compete more faster than nowdays as we have got loads of Smartphones about but not one at all from Nokia

      • J
      • John
      • vG0
      • 29 Jul 2010

      r 3 b 3 l you are absolutely right.

      Itz probably b'coz of the flawed Iphone4, people brain have shrunk b'coz of the revolutionary IP4's radiation that probably knocks their brain and shrinks and then they are unable to think in a sensible way and people end up asking why cant Nokia hav 1 GHZ or 2 GHZ processor.

      Nokia can do multi-tasking comfortably with what the N8 is equipped with.


        • r
        • r 3 b 3 l
        • IjJ
        • 29 Jul 2010

        waijie666, 29 Jul 2010Why does nokia not want to give the most up to date process... moreIntel processors have been around for a long time now. Why don't we have 2.2ghz intel processors in simple calculators? Why don't we have them in microwave ovens? Tv remotes? Mp3 players? Why? Because they don't need them. Just as much as symbian doesn't need a 1ghz processor.

        While reading Darmins or however his name is spelt interview on the n8s camera, i came across some words of his which earned him and nokia as a whole some extra respect in my eyes. He was being questioned as to whether the n8 could use its led as a video light. Replied negative. Asked why. He said there wasn't enough space to put dual led and that a single led light was as good as nothing so they left it out. Some other junky might just enable it as a checkbook feature just as some other manufacturer might just stick in a 1ghz processor just so it'll have one but not nokia. That also explains why nokia don't enable gimmicks like face, smile and blink detection on their phones. They're useless.

        As far as i'm concerned, anyone who doesn't understand that the optimum hardwar requirements vary from os to os is neither smart enough nor worthy of using symbian. Period.

          • T
          • Torsh
          • Pau
          • 29 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 29 Jul 2010try Symbian Foundation OS & you will see that adsroid i... moreYes of course. Ja, Ja

            • T
            • Torsh
            • Pau
            • 29 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 29 Jul 2010like what apple did to ip4?they focused on OS nt the hardwa... moreThe problem with the IP4 is the hardware, the antenna, well, if I don't buy a nokia phone maybe it wont affect the global market of nokia, i'll increase the market of Android and Samsung, nokia must wake up, the N97 was highly expected and became in a big failure, Nokia must learn from his mistakes. I hope the N8 could be the next N95 in terms of succesful

              • g
              • goron goron
              • Khs
              • 29 Jul 2010

              Kartikeya, 29 Jul 2010nokia"s 1st amoled tuoch screen device hope its gonna ... morethere is an easy solution which not a new revolution for the people have hang N8.its call hardware reset button.a tiny hole that can be push using pen.well atleast u dont have to judge them like that.
              if nokia sure enough to lauch "not so easily removable battery cover" it must be because :
              1> they sure that the phone will rarely hangs or will not hang.
              2> they give user reset button for reset their phone when it hang.
              its so easy and simple,and i think u dont have to called someone a monkey because i feel ur not as smart as them too.just calm down and wait for review,dont base all ur grudge only from ur asumption.
              im not a fanboy just a gadget lover.

                • B
                • Billy
                • IaH
                • 29 Jul 2010

                Just use S-LCD :D like HTC did.
                doesn't matter AMOLED or S-LCD.

                i'm falling in love with this baby(N8)...

                dream n' drolling all over =_= ZZZZzzzzzzzzz

                  • R
                  • Raqeeb
                  • pJh
                  • 29 Jul 2010

                  The main reason why this phone is taking so long is the demand on AMOLED screen samsung cant keep up as you noticed htc are switching lcd as they cant get enough AMOLED screens in time

                    • B
                    • Billy
                    • IaH
                    • 29 Jul 2010

                    Only italy???
                    how long does NOKIA want us to wait???
                    with reasonable price this baby can easly soldout in ASIA.
                    i'm wondering, when N8 will get to INDONESIAN market....

                    Still waiting with patient ~_~!

                      • Q
                      • QWERTY
                      • ttw
                      • 29 Jul 2010

                      what the hell nokia is upto in nokia n8 i am unable to get it
                      1st they said before world cup
                      2nd then july
                      3rd then august
                      4th then september
                      are these people are going to release or not
                      boz they are losing their costumers -------- i have waited so long for this handset -------- if not in august i will buy xperia x10.......come on nokia

                        • A
                        • Arturas
                        • MMZ
                        • 29 Jul 2010

                        I would really like to see what it's photos look like, when performed in some kind of an unofficial test. Because the official ones look too good as far as I have seen. I wonder how the photo quality compares with i8520 Galaxy Beams camera, because I'll probably go for the Beam cause it has lots advantages over this, except for photo quality I guess.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • qTx
                          • 29 Jul 2010

                          NOKIA used to evoke exclusivity with their high-end phones. Now the once untouchable giant is playing catch-up with the likes of HTC, Motorola, Samsung, LG and Sony Ericsson with their touch-screen offerings. And of course not to mention the iPhone that revolutionized the whole interface altogether.

                            • D
                            • Dan
                            • pJJ
                            • 29 Jul 2010

                            I really really want to see this phone succeed but I'm not excited by it. It sounds strange, the last Nokia phone I was excited about purchasing was the N82. Now it's all software. I've seen the videos of the N8 UI and well it doesn't look drastically different from Symbian v5. Screen space is wasted at the top and at the bottom of the phone normally with a button that says back and options. Plus, I know eye candy isn't important for you, but it is for me, it produces that ahhh ooooo factor, which is incredibly important when ordinary people are trying this out in a shop.

                            I really need a new phone. I have the satio at the moment. Camera superb, phone POS. Much of my gripes are now with s60. I need a xenon flash on a smart phone though and thats few and far between. So it's this or the Motorola XT720 running Android. The Motorolas biggest down fall appears to be that it is Fugly, but then again, I owned at the N82 which I wouldn't call pretty. Fuction over form.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • nCc
                              • 29 Jul 2010

                              waijie666, 29 Jul 2010Why does nokia not want to give the most up to date process... moreAbout the processor, well what Nokia wants is the best all around phone, to do that and put everything from the best hardware would be good, but it affects other things like battery life and phone heat up. So they want to roumd things up as best as they could without affecting battery life, and if u have any experience with Nokia devices ull notice that they have great battery life and talk time.

                                • w
                                • waijie666
                                • ibn
                                • 29 Jul 2010

                                Why does nokia not want to give the most up to date processor and ram
                                to n8?

                                I understand from the comments that Symbian will work well with this processor and ram amount, but why not give it the best specs to maximise its performance for its supposed flagship for this year?

                                Now, the only thing of N8 that interests me, is the well publicised camera. Kinda disappointed with nokia.
                                The design of N8 is actually quite bad, but I kinda expected great hardware with this phone. Now the only hardware that qualifies as great would be the camera only.

                                  • d
                                  • deep space bar
                                  • q}@
                                  • 29 Jul 2010

                                  Anonymous, 29 Jul 2010I have a feeling this phone will fail.why...? cause it's not from apple.....give me a damn break

                                  the phone is really really fast
                                  Qt 4.6 is added it has a GPU so the graphics will be really good
                                  a 32gb version will be coming out plus 16gbMicroSD and soon 64gbMicroSD soon

                                  so nokia again will have the biggest mass storage on a phone AGAIn

                                  32gb internal 32gbMicroSD card = 64gb plus seperate phone storage

                                  and with 12mp camera the pictures will look stunning..which they already do

                                  Qt actually helps alot

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • RbX
                                    • 29 Jul 2010

                                    I have a feeling this phone will fail.

                                      • S
                                      • Sony and Nokia!
                                      • qLC
                                      • 29 Jul 2010

                                      can't wait till I get this baby, I'm gonna wait until next year for this phone though. Number 1 spot for Nokia and Sony!

                                        • d
                                        • deep space bar
                                        • q}@
                                        • 29 Jul 2010

                                        [deleted post]dude it's the same battery in N86 man