Apple patents Split View, Slide Over and 3D Touch features

02 July, 2016
A total of 12 design patents have been granted by the Hong Kong Patent and Trademark Office.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • XuZ
  • 04 Jul 2016

Anonymous, 03 Jul 2016Being wrong and being a thief and two different things son.... moreTrolling

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • IV8
    • 04 Jul 2016

    Anonymous, 03 Jul 2016HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! all the apple haters come running on app... morePatenting an interface design is just a waste of time as interface will change/evolve with time.. Should Apple issue a new patent everytime there is a change/update? Why would Apple spend money on this if there is no way of getting any return? Unless Apple use this patent to sue other companies

      CrApple does it again. Steal an idea, scream innovation, patent stolen innovation, fanboys scream out how innovative Apple is/how it's better than others

      Next, watch CrApple use the stolen patents and sue Samsung (the actual inventor) and other OEMs.

        bharcooldude, 03 Jul 2016How long before apple starting patenting how we piss and shitThat is already patented brother..... You shouldn't split it or slide it anymore....... Lol...😁

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • pu2
          • 03 Jul 2016

          Someone Else, 03 Jul 2016"No one want to buy a phone with big screen" Apple-2010Being wrong and being a thief and two different things son. Android itself and numerous devices like Oneplus, HTC and Galaxy phones would not even exist if it wasnt for Apple. So instead of hating, show some respect.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • pu2
            • 03 Jul 2016

            AnonD-92238, 03 Jul 2016and that was the earliest days of Android. first public rel... moreSo you admit that once Android saw the success of iOS, they decided to copy it.

            Youre not even pretending that Android is not a cheap copy of Apple's product.

              • D
              • AnonD-80059
              • 05c
              • 03 Jul 2016

              Patent spit view and slide over ??? Are they for real

                How long before apple starting patenting how we piss and shit

                  • Y
                  • Yomama
                  • gRy
                  • 03 Jul 2016

                  AnonD-135930, 03 Jul 2016Light Years is a distance measurement...Exactly

                    • S
                    • Second Gen
                    • tZj
                    • 03 Jul 2016

                    AnonD-234645, 03 Jul 2016Both are correct. but they were the first to make it right.... moreDo you ever use a Samsung phone before???? I bet the answer is NO.

                      Anonymous, 03 Jul 2016In history only one company was forced to run ads in public... moreMmmmmmmhhhhh...what was it...!!!!? Aahhhhh. ..... I know......just a sec..........yeah...yeah.......It Is Apple...?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-135930
                        • AL%
                        • 03 Jul 2016

                        AnonD-126854, 03 Jul 2016Yes you are. Or just ignorant. I've used split view on S... moreLight Years is a distance measurement...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mTB
                          • 03 Jul 2016


                          all the apple haters come running on apple articles to spit their hatred at apple as always.

                          but none of you can read articles clearly. Apple are actually patenting the design of the splitview and not patenting splitview itself!!!

                          so funny! shows the lack of brain cells in these fanboy apple haters who just mock for the sake of mocking when apple is mentioned.

                          every single company registers patents all the time every year for many years.
                          but apple is mentioned in articles bcuz its one of the most popular brands and thats the truth which apple haters dont like.
                          i guess its the negative side of human nature, to mock sumthing or sumbody when they become successful.
                          there will always be trolls in everything in life. but the people who choose to troll are usually known as the cockroaches of society
                          normal people respect others if they like or dont like but if they dont like sumthing then they choose to ignore and move on to important things.
                          but trolls who waste their own time spitting out hatred on apple products, need to get a life seriously as its embarrassing. but there will always be cockroaches unfortunately.
                          haters will say apple lovers mock others too, but trolls exist on all sides so doesnt make it alright. anyway its time for a bike ride in this sunny weather

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 6tK
                            • 03 Jul 2016

                            Anonymous, 02 Jul 2016So they're not supposed to protect their inventions? They should protect their inventions, but not steal someone else and claim it is their. This company got many times sued by inventors multiple times. For me that is pure evil, non ethical behavior!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sG%
                              • 03 Jul 2016

                              Anonymous, 03 Jul 2016No its not. I've been using both apple and samsung products... moreFirst of all, you dont own an ipad pro or any samsung high end phones/tablets from 2015-2016. Apples split view does not support all apps, it only supports roughly the same as samsung phones, as in the popular/inbuilt apps aswell. Apples split view only allows apps on the right side, and not all apps can be resized to go half way of the screen.

                              Samsung's multi-view on the other hand has more size options and can be moved around the screen from left, right top or bottom. So yes samsungs feature is more advance and useful.

                              If it was apple that created split view first, you would be the first to call Samsung a COPYCAT.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Tr3
                                • 03 Jul 2016

                                It is not nice, but patents these days are necessary for many reasons. It is not to just claim originality, but also a defence against attack.

                                Also, please, Samsung are copycat trolls, (while at the same time, also innovate in other areas) no need to debate this, they have no shame.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Xu@
                                  • 03 Jul 2016

                                  In history only one company was forced to run ads in publications and on its website stating samsung did not copy its designs. Further the company's patents were thrown out stating they were "obvious" and for "lack of novelty".
                                  Guess which company underwent that kind of shame!

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-92238
                                    • U@H
                                    • 03 Jul 2016

                                    Anonymous, 03 Jul 2016"Touchscreens will not be supported" - Google, July 2006. and that was the earliest days of Android. first public release of Android was a touchscreen device. ... burn much?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • U}}
                                      • 03 Jul 2016

                                      [deleted post]I just ask a question, why you so mad? Fanboy detected, Apple never cares about you even once!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-238991
                                        • rre
                                        • 03 Jul 2016

                                        AnonD-521560, 02 Jul 2016Honestly u look like a fool. If they patent that, It means ... moreyou should think like a grown up calling people fools and giving stupid replies. This patent is like trying to patent the way you started speaking as a kid. all kids don't start speaking the same way. but some might start the same way. Apple is trying to kill innovation. if someone comes up with a split view better than Apple's but a little things look alike, Apple will sue the company. Think straight dude.