Nearly a billion Android devices affected by newly-discovered 'QuadRooter'

08 August, 2016
The flaw, which is basically a set of four vulnerabilities, affects Android phone and tablets powered by Qualcomm chipsets.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • tx4
  • 08 Aug 2016

Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016enjoy in your virus friendly OSI'm glad it the virus was quickly discovered. So google will fix it quickly.
That is the big advantage of using open source os. Many many clever geeks in the world keep track of its codes. If something goes wrong, they will notice it quickly, and fix it.

    • C
    • ConsumerG
    • 3Jn
    • 08 Aug 2016

    Yeah but BlackBerry's assertion that the DTEK50 is the world's most secure Android is like them saying they have the world's best chocolate teapot...

      Well, if you don't want to install a custom ROM like CyanogenMod, you can install the Xposed framework which works on nearly every Android device, regardless of how old it is. It allows you to apply system level patches or modifications without touching your system partition itself (and is thus safe to install and remove). Often times these vulnerabilities' fixes are supplied as a patch which can be applied with Xposed until you update your OS, which unfortunately can take months on Android.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • HkW
        • 08 Aug 2016

        AnonD-130610, 08 Aug 2016You don't see that Android is a open source system much mor... moreThere are million of people who don't understand Android and they have not a clue what open system is but they use it either because they can't afford an iPhone or they are mislead to believe that android is the best. I know android users who have never known that they can customise their phone and when they learn that it is possible to customise it, their reply is a big yawn. I would call all those Android users by accident like myself being forced to use a windows computer at work. So the true number of Android users (and windows) is actually a lot smaller than what it seems to be.

          • D
          • AnonD-540667
          • t7k
          • 08 Aug 2016

          Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016Hot on the news that android have 90+ of India, the Note 5 ... moreTotally true man

            • D
            • AnonD-510098
            • m5I
            • 08 Aug 2016

            AnonD-442781, 08 Aug 2016Don't install from dodgy sites. App store and reliable thir... moreAhhh okay, I don't normally do that anyway. Only have 1 or 2 apps that I downloaded from outside the play store

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nFR
              • 08 Aug 2016

              Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016enjoy in your virus friendly OSHot on the news that android have 90+ of India, the Note 5 is top in the minds of Americans, and this news is now released to the public, that qualcomms chip has this vulnerability.
              Let me help you,which brand new market leading device is about to be released in America, which has this chip, and which ex market leader hopes to massively gain by this news being released, exactly now.Notice the two massive names not included in this story, exquisitively subliminal this, now which massive company could only manipulate the media so perfectly, Oh, just remembered the worldwide Taylor Swift story, where a massive phone maker got a story inserted in the worldwide media for free, about a music standoff that didn't even exist in reality,hundreds of millions of worldwide free publicity, gosh who has the media in their pocket this way,mmmm now let me see...
              I'm buying a galaxy note 7 as soon as I can get my hands on one, so who ever wrote this story has failed to stop me buying android, its the only real song in town.
              This story will be tightly controlled by........wonder if they will allow this site to publish my comment.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t}E
                • 08 Aug 2016

                Wow nice way to earn money. Does this app only detects the vulnerability, not the infection/virus or even malwares. I can also develop an app which will say your device is vulnerable to xyz.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-90109
                  • X9m
                  • 08 Aug 2016

                  AnonD-510098, 08 Aug 2016Just downloaded the app and it said I'm vulnerable. So what... moreThis is a non story, more scare tactics by an anti virus company that is looking for your business, move along.

                    Just checked, and I have all four vulnerabilities. Doesn't matter those as I use a firewall. The AFWall is system level with admits rights so no getting around it via other apps, and the firewalling will alert me if any app is installed, and all apps start off having NO INTERNET ACCESS--MOBILE OR WIFI. I don't use 4G, even though i have it, so I have no vulnerabilities.

                    Most of my apps unless they require Internet to work and are trusted, have no Internet access.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-442781
                      • HD8
                      • 08 Aug 2016

                      AnonD-510098, 08 Aug 2016Just downloaded the app and it said I'm vulnerable. So what... moreDon't install from dodgy sites. App store and reliable third party sites only.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tx4
                        • 08 Aug 2016

                        Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016enjoy in your virus friendly OSHaha..your os even have more viruses because it is closed source.
                        Android is opensource. Many many clever geeks in the world have access to its code, if they found any vulnerability, they (or google) will quickly fix it.

                          • A
                          • Anonym
                          • Lcd
                          • 08 Aug 2016

                          I think security researchers need to change field, go to Psychology.
                          It's mid-2016, but the user's "solve-it-all response" is still the same: DENIAL. (correction: a large influx of denial)

                            • A
                            • Anonym
                            • Lcd
                            • 08 Aug 2016

                            AnonD-411799, 08 Aug 2016ever heard of firewall? keeps track of every bit and byte!.It's not the firewall that worries me, it's the user that will command the firewall.
                            Case and point: this is exploited by a rogue app installed by the same user that will command your "silver-bullet" firewall.

                              AnonD-411799, 08 Aug 2016ever heard of firewall? keeps track of every bit and byte!.A firewall/anti virus scanner can be bypassed when something gains control of your device at the root level. This is how rootkits can hide on your PC's and devices without ever being discovered. So really the only way is to avoid these malicious apps. My guess is most of them are outside of the play store. But stuff like that has made it into the play store before.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-411799
                                • XNa
                                • 08 Aug 2016

                                Anonymous, 08 Aug 2016enjoy in your virus friendly OSever heard of firewall? keeps track of every bit and byte!.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • pWQ
                                  • 08 Aug 2016

                                  AnonD-145316, 08 Aug 2016Man I think you are contradicting yourself!! Go through you... moreUm, nope. Read carefully. It's not contradicting at all, but I can surely understand why it would appeal as such... Could've cleared it up before posting, yeah.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • t7C
                                    • 08 Aug 2016

                                    AnonD-510098, 08 Aug 2016Just downloaded the app and it said I'm vulnerable. So what... moreThrow your android phone, patch is not coming anytime soon from OEM

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • SXh
                                      • 08 Aug 2016

                                      AnonD-411799, 08 Aug 2016yep! user free too.enjoy in your virus friendly OS

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-540139
                                        • sxt
                                        • 08 Aug 2016

                                        Well Good thing I'm not using a Qualcomm chipset. I'm using an exynos chipset.