Mind the fine print: iPhone 7 warranty doesn't cover liquid damage
- T
- Typhoon
- jeu
- 08 Sep 2016
Apple users happy happy happy..
Android users complain complain complain..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7t7
- 08 Sep 2016
Again Apple revolutionary with their definition of water resistance.
Quite ingenious don't you think?
- I love Qnovo
- vV5
- 08 Sep 2016
I don't know how is the waterproof design for iphone 7, maybe ifixit could disassembly iPhone 7 to show how is the waterproof technic. Also wish Gsmarena can review the waterproof for all latest waterproof flagships.
- J
- kex
- 08 Sep 2016
God some of android fanboys here are just cluless
Theres no manufacturers will cover water damaged including Samsung / Sony
Some of those fanboys might not know this since they never had money to buy one lol
- Y
- BiP
- 08 Sep 2016
AnonD-582357, 08 Sep 2016Just in case you want to educate yourself more of IP67 or I... moreWhy do bullbags like urself allways copy and paste ? As if you knew the info allready lol then put a snide comment like educate urself sad sad individual
- ?
- Anonymous
- YeD
- 08 Sep 2016
AnonD-442781, 08 Sep 2016Waterproof this year, and next year analysts expect amoled,... moreand a year from now we will see you complain again.
- D
- AnonD-442781
- H5W
- 08 Sep 2016
Waterproof this year, and next year analysts expect amoled, higher resolution, and wireless charging. I guess the days we can criticise Apple are almost over, since their days of innovation are so far in the past nobody would remember them to compare it to the catch-up they do now. Unless you count removing the headphone jack of course,
- ?
- Anonymous
- XQh
- 08 Sep 2016
Then why would apple advertise using I phone in rains. They should have just skipped that part. It's highly unlikely but if someone's phone gets water damaged by using in rain then he is doomed. Also I can not believe that company like apple are incapable of making water proof phones. Apple can do much more but I am pretty sure they provide mere good enough spacs every year so that they get steady growth every year. They are just waiting others to outdo them. So far Only Samsung has managed to
- D
- AnonD-321073
- U{M
- 08 Sep 2016
If the LIQUID DAMAGE notes oil or any other liquids except water?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p2Z
- 08 Sep 2016
HAHAHAHAHAH, LiquidGate is cominnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
- n
- niklex
- nt0
- 08 Sep 2016
Galaxy Care by Samsung cover all water damage for 1 year. The repair is just 50 EUR.
- H
- Herodroid
- 0xS
- 08 Sep 2016
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016"Apple says that the IP67 isn't a permanent feature and wit... morebut the thing is, rain doesnt make any pressure for a phone, and watter cannot get throught the gaps to motherboard and battery that easily. But if u put it in a water, lower u deep, more the presure it makes to sealings. So its just some kind of more protection what water resistance means. It doesnt mean that u can do with it anything you want under water but just a protection if u accidentaly drop a phone in a water and issues like that. Thats better than nothing.
- l
- lol
- pI}
- 08 Sep 2016
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016what else can you expect from a below par company?You think Samsung covers water damage? Ha ha ha.
- D
- AnonD-428442
- uEx
- 08 Sep 2016
People need to read the fine prints on any water resistant consumer electronic devices. They are relatively similar in therms of policy, and anything that involves rubber gaskets will also say those will wear off and thus the device won't be water resistant anymore. Just look at the warnings of water resistant consumer point-n-shoot cameras.
I don't understand people's fascinations on Apple for things like this. It's just filling up news and give Apple more PR spotlight post the announcement. The haters seem to like Apple to be staying on the headlines more. I don't get it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Sep 2016
what else can you expect from a below par company?
- L
- PA7
- 08 Sep 2016
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016Then why advertise it being deliberately submerged in water... moreThey do the advertising so that later they can say to people who come for warranty claim, "You are submerging it WRONG!"
- p
- pratiush
- utn
- 08 Sep 2016
Seriously!! That's not expected from Apple. I am sure such damages will cost users a lot.
- D
- DarkReed
- 8%x
- 08 Sep 2016
AnonD-481725, 08 Sep 2016Dude, yesterday gsm mentioned a lote of pages about note 7 ... moreI think we should coin a new word for it. I propose "Brandist" (Brandism)
- l
- lol
- pI}
- 08 Sep 2016
viveksubhash, 08 Sep 2016and apple doesnt have Qi charging right?? what fun..They also don't have a UI which rarely hits 60 fps.
- D
- AnonD-551566
- PH0
- 08 Sep 2016
that's normal in warranty world i guess, it's just a prevention (casual dropping in water for example) but if u're gonna swim for 30 minutes every day with ur phone in the pocket, at some point liquid might be able to get in (or at least damage the phone in any other way) so warranty won't cover it, i can't recall a single company whom warranty covers liquid damage... if anyone knows tell plz :D