Galaxy Note7 deemed safe catches fire on a plane

05 October 2016
The disturbing event happened in Louisville, Kentucky, on a Southwest flight, while the plane was still at the gate.

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  • D
  • AnonD-266419
  • vGd
  • 05 Oct 2016

DantE O2, 05 Oct 2016you are not a detective let people do their job and we woul... moreStill, just expressing my doubts. I hope the authorities would come up with more legit report of the incident..

    AnonD-266419, 05 Oct 2016Not a fanboy, but still I kinda smell something Fishy in th... moreyou are not a detective let people do their job and we would know about it.

      AnonD-551566, 05 Oct 2016Don't trust this: agree This fake news: maybe... Apple pa... moreyou are right,they could be anything but bankrupt.

        • D
        • AnonD-266419
        • vGd
        • 05 Oct 2016

        Not a fanboy, but still I kinda smell something Fishy in this News, why in America and especially how come on a Flight? And also, how come it burnt even when it was switched off and also "he noticed that the phone burned through the carpet and managed to scorch the subfloor of the plane.", why this statement is not visually shown on the picture in the post? Well, someone gotta give lots of answers to the media and the consumers.

          • N
          • NottieNads
          • u1x
          • 05 Oct 2016

          I loss trust from Samsung after i submit my edge 7 in service centre just after 10 days of purchase when charging of phone and earphone jack stopped working .. And what a great reply i got from service centre manager when i ask for replacement.. He said tack your device and replace it from where you can.. We are not liable for it replacement only available if technical problem come in 3 days after unboxing..

          Is this best service of Samsung for premium mobile holder ..

            i really would like Samsung to talk about this sh.t and fast, what the H...
            why? it was a replacement and had to be 100% safe.
            i hope Samsung never uses the word trust ever again.

              • D
              • AnonD-216319
              • N0m
              • 05 Oct 2016

              All in usa market , world wide it's been really normal after the first two weeks so again let the fun begin but this doesn't really concern people outside of USA , in my family and relatives there are 3 note sevens and all are dope , I guess Samsung note is a bit sensitive when held by an American hehehe justifiable though

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • IkW
                • 05 Oct 2016

                Maybe they still work after catching on fire. Has anyone actually received any burns from these devices?

                  • S
                  • Savor
                  • PSv
                  • 05 Oct 2016

                  RIP Note7

                  I tried defending over and over what is arguably the best of the best phone right now. Too dangerous, folks. A smoke bomb. It might NOT happen to you, but it can still happen to you someday or still happen to someone else somewhere which increases the chances.

                  Samsung just completely ruined their brand image. It is OVER for them. I am not even going to get an S8, Note8, or anymore phones with the name Samsung on it. What a shame. Note7 has such a great camera and display. The one year I wanted a Samsung phone, they literally blew it in front of people's faces.

                  I'm getting an LG V20. I will try it out for two weeks. If I am not satisfied by its cameras and battery life, then iPhone 7 Plus. It is over for Note7. Anyone can have a smoking Note7 that will have people evacuate airplanes, trains, buses, or any public transport.

                  Avoid Note7 at all cost. Even if powered off and a replacement, it still burns up. This is far worse than the Sony VAIO laptop recall. LG V20 or iPhone 7 Plus for me.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-551566
                    • PH0
                    • 05 Oct 2016

                    AnonD-593847, 05 Oct 2016Don't trust this.. This fake news.. Apple paid media, beca... moreDon't trust this: agree
                    This fake news: maybe...
                    Apple paid media: less likely but who knows...
                    because they almost bankrupt: not a chance in the near future XD

                      • c
                      • coyz
                      • Gfu
                      • 05 Oct 2016

                      Note 7 is for me a blunder if not a bad luck for Samsung. They should now terminate this unit as soon as possible if they cannot assure the consumers of their safety. This phone destroys the whole reputation of Samsung and causes fear to all Samsung users including me. Wake up Samsung before you end up in comatose.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-510098
                        • m5I
                        • 05 Oct 2016

                        Huawei doing Black Magic on Samsung :eek:

                          • D
                          • AnonD-593847
                          • 6u6
                          • 05 Oct 2016

                          Don't trust this.. This fake news.. Apple paid media, because they almost bankrupt

                            • D
                            • AnonD-551566
                            • PH0
                            • 05 Oct 2016

                            AnonD-58556, 05 Oct 2016"the phone burned through the carpet and managed to scorch ... moreit could be they moved the phone, though i'm betting on the second witness might be exagerating, either way we'll have to wait till samsung makes an oficial statement but i'm betting trolls will use this as gunpowder (not pun intenden) XD

                              • D
                              • AnonD-551566
                              • PH0
                              • 05 Oct 2016

                              AnonD-588820, 05 Oct 2016Airplane mode? read well "Here's what allegedly happened. Brian Green, the owner of the exploding phone, turned it off after boarding"
                              it says turned it off, not airplane mode, and that's what green told...

                                AnonD-292864, 05 Oct 2016Most likely not true. No Note 7 caught fire while turned off.well that is true not even old ones with bad battery exploded while turned off. may be its just bad luck or maybe some one is trying to destroy samsung but atleast none got hurt and luckily it happened before flight

                                  • g
                                  • gringo
                                  • fwy
                                  • 05 Oct 2016

                                  non removable battery means your phone is always on, google it

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-58556
                                    • 0Y}
                                    • 05 Oct 2016

                                    "the phone burned through the carpet and managed to scorch the subfloor of the plane" - why isn't this pictured in the picture above? .Phone burned while off? Never happened before and extremely unlikely. I don't defend the mistakes samsung did with the first batch but this sounds like sabotage

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-588820
                                      • IkM
                                      • 05 Oct 2016

                                      AnonD-551566, 05 Oct 2016exactly my first thought, the old note 7 didn't catch fire ... moreAirplane mode?

                                        • M
                                        • Mir
                                        • J9U
                                        • 05 Oct 2016

                                        AnonD-481725, 05 Oct 2016Can i comment? Either a bad luck curse striked this compa... moreOr may be .. it is time now to stop using cheap quality material.