Second recall for Samsung Galaxy Note7 could happen, experts say

07 October 2016
An alleged replacement Samsung Galaxy Note7 unit recently caught fire on a plane in the US.

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  • 07 Oct 2016

AnonD-504676, 07 Oct 2016More features? So lame Still uses mono single soft speaker... moreI am sure that you tested extensively Lg V20 since its not on any market yet. Just another troll.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mIe
    • 07 Oct 2016

    Guys when is recall for Galaxy S5. LOL

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vx{
      • 07 Oct 2016

      What had happened with you Samsung. Note 7 is a good phone. But re-launch Samsung should have tested on extreme condition. I may be wrong but this seems like they have just done the fixing job rather than finding real issue. Samsung, please don't think about competition. If your product is really good, people will wait for it. But before launching, I suggest do thorough round of extreme testing. And please senior officials of Samsung, please do visit production and testing centers. Sit with your engineers, suggest, motivate them and bring good product to the market. Else I can see a new story soon to come like Nokia.

        • D
        • AnonD-194597
        • fk2
        • 07 Oct 2016

        FREDOY, 07 Oct 2016Well Sammy is having numerology attack bcos how can you mov... moreLoool, u know what?, I thought exactly the same, it's the curse for skipping the note6 altogether, maybe if they rename it Note6 the curse will be lifted😂.

          AnonD-408756, 07 Oct 2016...and it would be disastrous for Samsung That ship has long, long sailed.
          On a side note, really, imagine owning a Note 7?

            • D
            • AnonD-194597
            • fk2
            • 07 Oct 2016

            Why do I get this strange feeling that this new airplane incident is a sabotage from Sam's competition to smear Samsung's name once and for all?

              • D
              • AnonD-408756
              • PWh
              • 07 Oct 2016

              ...and it would be disastrous for Samsung

                • D
                • Dovice
                • sXh
                • 07 Oct 2016

                No joke, a Note is essential for my work, from creative thinking to testing our web apps that are designed for it. This issue is actually disrupting our workflow.

                It is my prediction that the Note 7 will be withdrawn and never re-released. There is too much risk with a major disaster happening, which in turn could lead to a huge multi-billion dollar lawsuit.

                It is sad really, because the Note 7 is superb in all aspects, and it was only rushed to beat the iPhone 7, that is not that special at all, and not even aimed at the same market - Apple devices are now for consumption, (except iPad Pro) and Samsung have put a focus on productivity, so they should have been more patient and waited until October to launch the Note7 and done more QA.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-594555
                  • bJy
                  • 07 Oct 2016

                  Anonymous, 07 Oct 2016I'm still getting the Note 7. I like the design and more fe... moreAs long as you stay away from the public .. because having that kind of device is a hazzard to everyone else.. and better get ready to get discriminated ...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-594555
                    • bJy
                    • 07 Oct 2016

                    Someone Else, 07 Oct 2016The Galaxy Note 7 had been THE perfect example on how the m... moreThat stupid!! Fix the problem first . Because, majority who doesn't use inferior Samsung ro ducts are at risks when travelling with people with dangerous Samsung devices

                      • D
                      • AnonD-481725
                      • X1I
                      • 07 Oct 2016

                      Man, i was expecting this post since yesterday, not good end for the biggest smartphone company :(, they put their all strength in this smartphone but the result was completely opposite.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-594555
                        • bJy
                        • 07 Oct 2016

                        Or maybe wait for it when the commercial airliner with 300 people above 40 thousand feet ... then explode . Thanks Samsung !! Never ever again . Period.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-504676
                          • KRV
                          • 07 Oct 2016

                          Anonymous, 07 Oct 2016I'm still getting the Note 7. I like the design and more fe... moreMore features? So lame
                          Still uses mono single soft speaker
                          Overheated piece of junk
                          No premium metal unibody build
                          Super slow android updates
                          No dedicated DAC
                          Failed scratch tests even on gorilla glass 5

                          The best overall phone for 2016 is still HTC 10 and LG V20

                            Its the year 2020 and the 120th recall of the Note7 is expected from next week lmao.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • p7a
                              • 07 Oct 2016

                              YO, 07 Oct 2016for now i would say go for LG v20 if budget is not a proble... moreyes only problem is memory expansion

                                Anonymous, 07 Oct 2016no. not sony. it's junk. lg is better.LG's smartphone is a monster, I call it MONSTER of battery eater, it drain battery too fast compare to Sony. That's why I choose Sony, it is a beauty, it is from the inside to outside, a completely beauty and gorgeous!

                                  The Galaxy Note 7 had been THE perfect example on how the media can de$troy a company's good name. The device had been the victim of unnecessary media hype and Samsung's reputation is undoubtly damaged by this. For example, when the Galaxy Note 2 (a 5 years old phone) burst to flames, the media somehow relate the incident with the Galaxy Note 7 battery problems, which in reality, the Note 2 battery had nothing to do with the Note 7 battery. The latest news I read about the Note 7 is that a safe and replaced Note 7 had been burst to flames when the owner charge it overnight. But, with further investigation, it turns out the Note 7 had an 'external shock' and the owner intentionally damage the device to get some money.

                                  In my opinion, Samsung should move on and forget about the Note 7 and instead, focus on the S8 and the Note 8 instead. Despite the Note 7 being one of the best smartphone in the market, it's reputation had been severely damaged by the media and the internet.

                                    • F
                                    • FREDOY
                                    • fuv
                                    • 07 Oct 2016

                                    Well Sammy is having numerology attack bcos how can you move from 5 straight to 7.Note 6 is crying and hurting Samsung.

                                      • m
                                      • mir
                                      • t7X
                                      • 07 Oct 2016

                                      They should just recall every note 7 unit.