Pixel XL adoption is faster than Nexus 6P, says analytics firm
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 05 Nov 2016
AnonD-424566, 03 Nov 2016Yeah your right, got to use my fire 🔥 extinguisher I bought... moreThat "joke" is as old as 2007.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 05 Nov 2016
AnonD-508301, 03 Nov 2016One plus 3 is the best android at best price .But not the best battery life, not even close in fact.
- D
- AnonD-312515
- Y7u
- 05 Nov 2016
Herodroid, 03 Nov 2016I was expecting google pixel to be better, but at that pric... moreLOL OP can't beat the creator and regulator of Android, heck they can't even update their older phones; wack buggy betas don't count.
- D
- AnonD-606503
- jfQ
- 04 Nov 2016
Really? Of course the Pixel adoption is faster. That's what is supposed to happen when you actually make an effort to market a device. Seriously, how is this news? Everyone knows that Google did virtually no marketing for the Nexus phones( 6P and 5X, much less the 6)
- b
- bladeduffer
- jfQ
- 04 Nov 2016
Of course the Pixel adoption is faster. That's what is supposed to happen when you actually make an effort to market a device. Seriously, how is this news? Everyone knows that Google did virtually no marketing for the Nexus phones( 6P and 5X, much less the 6)
- F
- Fitbri
- YeQ
- 04 Nov 2016
AadiRizvi, 04 Nov 2016Technically yes but that does not mean they are doing chari... moreThanks for the comment. I know google have to have their business income like anyone. I was just saying that the services like google maps and search, we use all the time. Amazing free service that part. As for Pixel I want it because it's a new classy looking functional bear that character, clean lines, great innovative company behind it and no buddy has one. It's stellar as expected and super impressed with its clarity and capacity. Much prefer the freedom of Android here.
- A
- AadiRizvi
- 6Qf
- 04 Nov 2016
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2016I'm not surprised, we are living the idiocracy. If you want... moreGood humour but thats not the case with Google. Its only Apple who can play like that. Google has started to act like that but their actions did not speak in their favour. Indeed people perceive great values from an overpriced (premium) smartphone but only when they get the design, longer software support and great customer service.
Now Google has announced it will support it for 2 years, well thats not new we expected more from them as every OEM supports their Android devices till 2 years plus that ugly back which hurts the eyes while looking at it.
P.S. I would have gladly bought it at this price if only the design was at least acceptable and it was to be supported for 3 years of major software updates.
- A
- AadiRizvi
- 6Qf
- 04 Nov 2016
Fitbri, 03 Nov 2016Yes not the device but in regards to google maps, google se... moreTechnically yes but that does not mean they are doing charity. Its pure business and they earn from each and every app just the thing is that you and me do not comprise their customer base.
So if you think you are supporting Google by buying Pixel, think again and choose wisely if you really want that phone or you are just doing charity in their favour?
- ?
- Anonymous
- gWt
- 03 Nov 2016
I would think so considering that there's close to 0 media advertisement/commercials about the previous 6P.
- D
- AnonD-593099
- E@C
- 03 Nov 2016
Google pushes Pixels? Are you kidding? BestBuy being the only physical store to cell them, does not have any stands with Pixels. Been in two BestBuys already, haven't seen a Pixel still (although website says those stores are carrying them). How am I supposed to buya phone before even seeing one?
So Google definitely does NOT push hard enough on Pixels.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Nov 2016
Nexus 6 owner why.
- H
- Henock
- D0Y
- 03 Nov 2016
AnonD-551566, 03 Nov 2016well i'm guessing they didn't want the post to be so short ... moreAnd as i can see, s7 has less sales than S6... That didnt happen... It happend only to non-edge versions... So they're comparing it to just non-edge versions of s7 and s6.
- D
- AnonD-475389
- 03 Nov 2016
I absolutely love my pixel XL. The only thing I miss is the larger screen of the 6p. Anyone looking to buy one I'd go with the 32gb to save money. And buy a USB-C thumb drive if you think you'll need more.
- F
- Fitbri
- NUw
- 03 Nov 2016
JMTM, 03 Nov 2016did you say we are using their service for free? you kiddi... moreYes not the device but in regards to google maps, google search engine, when driving the mass is fantastic to is google assistant. There'd are free over your data. Thankyou google. These are good services and for your innovation. They get my support so if I had the choice I'll get a Pixel.
- ?
- Anonymous
- thv
- 03 Nov 2016
So what ?
- S
- S7 Edge yay
- Iaa
- 03 Nov 2016
Anonymous, 03 Nov 2016I switched to a Pixel XL from an S7 Edge. Why?
The S7 Ed... moreI don't think it's a Samsung thing
I think it's a Verizon thing and Verizon can beats down many suppliers
Remember Samsung and the likes wan no need networks to essentially bulk buy their products so t they will insist on this
I am not taking anything away from Google pixel or dissing it, my point is competition
Competition in the form of OS, Blackberry has gone over to Android
Verizon essentially killed off Microsoft and essentially WON'T have Windows platform on its network
The Lumia 950 like the Google pixel had BOTH CDMA & GSM, however Verizon said no and the CDMA antennae was turn off
The 950 was never going to be a major player but you you had THREE OS
As I wont go IOS that leaves Android with the ever increasing RAM
Here is 950 v Pixel http://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=7262&idPhone2=8346
remember the 950 has a deactivated CDMA aerial so a windows version of the pixel if allowed
Many Verizon customers wanted a Lumia 950 so a year has past and NOT one lumia has been realased
- O
- OnlyTech
- MHx
- 03 Nov 2016
Herodroid, 03 Nov 2016I was expecting google pixel to be better, but at that pric... moreIn future....outdated Pixels will be the new Nexus
- J
- q{I
- 03 Nov 2016
Fitbri, 03 Nov 2016I'm glad and not surprised. Google is such an innovator and... moredid you say we are using their service for free?
you kidding right?
- D
- AnonD-551566
- PH0
- 03 Nov 2016
[deleted post]well i'm guessing they didn't want the post to be so short so they added the comparison with Samsung, the title is right cuz the adoption IS faster than Nexus 6P, but the chart could've been split in two so they can separate the issues, that i can agree with XD