Apple is no longer allowed to use refurbished iPhones as service replacements in Denmark

10 December 2016
The Danish court recently ruled in favor of a disgruntle user, based on a perceived mismatch in resell value.

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  • D
  • AnonD-619422
  • nQP
  • 11 Dec 2016

harlekkin, 11 Dec 2016If you read the fine print they state that the unit may be ... moreApple did use this to defend themselves in court.
That didn't work out well... Actually I believe it made Apple look even more grotesque.
They were bullying a consumer for claiming his right and they did by defending themselves because of what they wrote in fine printing.
A company cannot make laws

    • D
    • AnonD-619422
    • nQP
    • 11 Dec 2016

    harlekkin, 11 Dec 2016Dude, it's standard practice. Check out Samsung - same deal... moreYes it's standard practice, nevertheless illegal practice in Denmark.
    How would you feel buying a NEW phone which breaks down after short use. And you get handed a replacement unit which consists mainly or fully of used parts.
    Sure it's refurbished and looks new, but it's not. Electrical components wears down over time, and how do you refurbished those components, well you can't. But these components are in your refurbished unit and can all be quite a lot older than the almost new phone you handed in for repair.

      ethereal, 11 Dec 2016Apple paid?Dude, it's standard practice. Check out Samsung - same deal. Refurbished models will always be the preferred choice, only because it's the most economically viable solution. Use your brain. Why would 1 user get TWO NEW phones? That would create too much supply with not enough demand...

        ethereal, 11 Dec 2016I spent much on a careplan only to discover that its a lie.... moreIf you read the fine print they state that the unit may be a refurbished one. And really... who cares. Refurbished units go through the same quality testing as new ones, and are visually indistinguishable.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • RIE
          • 11 Dec 2016

          That is how Apple getting their profit. The sell new phone. Customer sell it back. Apple refurbished it then sell it again as a new phone. Cheater company! Law should be enforced more strictly. Not saying refurbished phone is bad. Its only good if it is advertised clearly as 'refurbished' and sold at low price. Samsung is doing exactly that. They have a programme selling refurbished flagships smartphone by next year through official channel.

            Also, while they reassemble the faulty unit they are supposed to mark clearly in the software somewhere (about section?) thats its a 'Refurbished' phone and not a new unit. Thats only fair!

            Some offline and even physical stores here at my place run a scam of selling refurbished phones as new to the masses and unfortunately customers have no way to know whether they have at hand a new or second hand unit. Sad!

              I spent much on a careplan only to discover that its a lie. What a shame Apple!

                Anonymous, 10 Dec 2016Why? Refurbished ones are as good as new ones, just not as ... moreThere lies a marker value difference between the both. If you are fine with that yeah sure!

                  Anonymous, 10 Dec 2016very standard for manufacturers to offer a refurbished. it... moreApple paid?

                    What nonsense! Apple should play fair here. They can't do that to thier customers!

                      • D
                      • AnonD-214913
                      • 39x
                      • 11 Dec 2016

                      [deleted post]Who cares i am not samsung fan... :)

                        • N
                        • Nick
                        • X}6
                        • 11 Dec 2016

                        [deleted post]Iphones also explode too. Trust me.

                          • N
                          • Nick
                          • X}6
                          • 11 Dec 2016

                          This is a crime and this should be punished!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-214913
                            • 39x
                            • 11 Dec 2016

                            Stadtionalist, 11 Dec 2016If I get some careplan and my phone dies, I expect a new ph... moreImagin you buy a toilet and its damaged. What would you like? The company give you used toilet or fix yours. You must be be thinking why toilet example... Because Apple phones are shit.

                              • A
                              • AdamBoy64
                              • tRX
                              • 11 Dec 2016

                              Well written article.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-368020
                                • rAg
                                • 11 Dec 2016

                                Tim cook came to india with agenda of selling refurbished cellphones in mind, indian government rejected point blank. We are paying 50 to 70% more price than US consumers for iphones and if someone will get refurbished unit as replacement that will be so wrong. How can someone check wether he is getting a brand new or refurbished unit ???

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-92238
                                  • YQ{
                                  • 11 Dec 2016

                                  [deleted post]you don't listen, do you?

                                    • S
                                    • Sunny
                                    • Irh
                                    • 11 Dec 2016

                                    I knew this years ago with apple care at least in the USA. Finally, someone with a brain and persistence prevailed. Kudos to those who don't give up. Exactly, if I paid for a warranty (above and beyond the manufacturer's warranty), I paid to get a "new" device not refurbished. I am curious to see the ruling in the USA. Apple has gotten away with providing "great service" slogan for years.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-453339
                                      • tZk
                                      • 11 Dec 2016

                                      I had use iPhone 6s refurbished , it just work for only 1 year and slowly not working properly . Who said refurbished had same quality like new ??????

                                        • S
                                        • Sam
                                        • 7Mr
                                        • 11 Dec 2016

                                        [deleted post]Desperate attempt for comeback on phone you paid £££ and get used one in return