Watch the Nokia N8 and iPhone 4 get test tortured to death

18 February, 2011
When we buy a new phone we are always concerned if its body is scratch-resistant or will it get dirty quickly. This is essential information because when the time comes to sell it, the better it looks the higher price...

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  • D
  • AnonD-977
  • P%n
  • 19 Feb 2011

Yet Another Android, 19 Feb 2011And heres the iPhone 4 failing miserably: Antennaegate ... moreThe N8 software is so bad that in Australia Nokia extended the usual 28 day return period to 42 days,

What good is a phone that refuses to switch back on after the smallest bump?

Even Nokia has admitted failure by dumping Symbian and desperately teaming up with Microsoft.

    • D
    • AnonD-977
    • P%n
    • 19 Feb 2011

    AnonD-2037, 19 Feb 2011Hi, only way to authenticate this kind of tests is followin... moreThe tests showed the iPhone 4 is tougher and has better reception than the N8.

    All the lies about the iPhone 4 were just that, lies spread mainly by those who didn't have them.

    Sometimes people find it hard to face reality, the truth hurts.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Q$P
      • 19 Feb 2011

      Apple Knows about Nokia sturdy products and how weak are theirs! so they make a video saying the contrary is a nice try Apple but we all know how weak an Iphone is!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nxi
        • 19 Feb 2011

        Yet Another Android, 19 Feb 2011And heres the iPhone 4 failing miserably: Antennaegate ... morewe all know that n8 sucks compared to the iphone 4,just compare both phones in gsmarena it dosent take a rocket scientist to identify which phone is better from the comparison sheet,mwc 2011 gave iphone4 best mobile award!this stress test clearly shows that n8 is weaker than iphone 4.come on guys wake up

          • k
          • kroeger
          • 3R1
          • 19 Feb 2011

          Iphone 4 - 299 $ ???

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • nxi
            • 19 Feb 2011

            [deleted post]dude wheres the link??im a regular visitor of gsmarena and i the only sales record ive seen on n8 is only 4 million!!

              • Y
              • Yet Another Android
              • qBx
              • 19 Feb 2011

              And heres the iPhone 4 failing miserably:


              Failing BEFORE Release:

              Here's a Real Unbias Drop Test of the iPhone 4:

                • D
                • AnonD-123
                • 4A$
                • 19 Feb 2011

                [deleted post]It's not just you.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-769
                  • wdM
                  • 19 Feb 2011

                  AnonD-1082, 19 Feb 2011An official newspaper with an article like that saying the ... moreLol the link u posted is first posted by me but due to some problem gsmarena publish my post after verification.1 thing i must say my weak comprehention=ur weak mathematics.i think u need some improvement atleast to b a einstein feet

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • jAG
                    • 19 Feb 2011

                    AnonD-769, 19 Feb 2011Now as considering ur link it clearly said units sold-30.3 ... moreObviously you have no clue that units shipped = units sold. Apple doesn't care whether or not once these devices are shipped if they're sold or activated, because retail stores and carriers pay apple for the devices, not consumers. So 30.3 Million Units shipped = 30.3 Million units sold genius. So again, I ask, where is the link to your credible "newspaper" since Nokia hasn't gone publicly stating the amount of N8 they sold? How did your "newspaper" get said information when it is not available? 11 million units sold? The only thing I see when I google up 11 million n8 is just "predictions" from nokia fanboy sites such as "" or whatever.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-843
                      • 2SR
                      • 19 Feb 2011

                      Everyone see this:

                        • g
                        • gbt
                        • S2D
                        • 19 Feb 2011

                        Sooo, nothing happens with pointed scratching at 600 g, but a keychain is enough?


               - the next pseudo - test website to serve manufacturers!

                          • r
                          • ron
                          • Kht
                          • 19 Feb 2011

                          i m pretty careless with phones, dropped my N8 screen facing 4 times from a height of about 6 ft and not even a sigle complaint. no hardware or software damage. Thank god. Nice going Nokia.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • ImU
                            • 19 Feb 2011

                            One drop of the Iphone 4 on any hard surface from waist level or higher and either the front or back or both is shattered....I cant tell you how many screens people go through on Iphones,,,,,,

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • TRJ
                              • 19 Feb 2011

                              This test is completely bias towards iphone 4.
                              1- they did not show the iphone 4 after the durability test and gave it a straight 3 stars.
                              2- they gave the iphone 4 3 stars even though the display was damaged during the heat treatment.
                              3- after the heat treatment, (before reboot and after reboot) process was not shown. they only show 2 separate clips 1 being damaged and other without. if a reboot can solve the damaged screen, then why not just show the whole process in a clip.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-123
                                • 9BT
                                • 19 Feb 2011

                                AnonD-2037, 19 Feb 2011Hi, only way to authenticate this kind of tests is followin... moreI'm glad that there are people who understand proper testing methodology and can see the tests done in this article are flawed.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-291
                                  • vGA
                                  • 19 Feb 2011

                                  AnonD-769, 19 Feb 2011As i clearly told from where i drew the news.and i had post... moreAll that you did is - just say that u saw N8 sales in a newspaper but u are unable to provide a link to that news article.....

                                  Then u show some stupid comment by an unknown user.....

                                  And u claim that Nokia officially sold 11 million units.....Does your claim make any sense ???

                                  you are unable to provide a single link.....not even an unofficial one.....

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-1082
                                    • kJX
                                    • 19 Feb 2011

                                    AnonD-769, 19 Feb 2011As i clearly told from where i drew the news.and i had post... moreIs this your link? Read it again. It's 11 Million by the end of 2011.


                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-1082
                                      • kJX
                                      • 19 Feb 2011

                                      AnonD-769, 19 Feb 2011I clearly said in my previous post i took the lines from a ... moreAn official newspaper with an article like that saying the n8 sold 11 million would have leaked out on the internet in no time. I think you read it wrong as the closest link I found with regards to your claim says 11M N8 by the end of 2011.


                                      You have proven to us that you do not understand articles on the web when you thought the link I gave you was a financial report. With your weak comprehension, we can say that you read the news wrong.

                                      Read the link I posted above. It's the closest thing to your 11 million N8 sold.

                                        • g
                                        • grazzz
                                        • tA$
                                        • 19 Feb 2011

                                        AnonD-1024, 19 Feb 2011Iphone4 sales was 14.3 million last year and its because ap... morewell you just said it clearly,
                                        1. nokia strategy for selling alot of models and numbers is a failure.
                                        because apple only sell one and they succeed

                                        2. you admit that nokia were fooling consumers by not putting everything they got in their device.

                                        the 106millions devices is not all smartphone :D
                                        50.6million from apple its all from a smartphone.