Sony Xperia XZ Premium awarded Best New Smartphone at MWC 2017

02 March 2017
Xperia XZ Premium won for “Best new smartphone”, while the Galaxy S7 edge gets the “Best Smartphone 2016” statuette.

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Anonymous, 06 Mar 2017I just gave you a video and the ways that the extra 2Gb is ... moreWithout root not possible.
If Ram constantly used, good luck with your 3500 or even 4000 mah battery...itll last perhaps a day most.
Utterly unpractical and not needed to have all active under the hood...
Why would I keep any app I use from time to time, like photo editor, always in RAM cache, using up the SoC and battery!?!? It s nonsense waste of resources.
Apple doesnt hold all in cache, it uses a trick called preemptive screenshoot on UI animation while loading some apps from scratch in multitask, tho its fast to reload and it looks seemless doing so because of screenshots.
You seem to like your OnePlus3T very runs on already rooted android OS.
But is not the reason to unreasonably bash Sonys device just because it does things diferently....

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 6jr
    • 06 Mar 2017

    AnonD-521587, 06 Mar 2017okay so you want to make the argument that hardware is what... moreActually it's not. Android kernel is using proprietary libraries and most phones virtually run the same kernel. So no things are not as rosy in the software side.

    Kernel is the OS, everything else you are talking about are add on apps and even there there is much less variance than you think. For example all run the same play services and stuff like launchers and browser are not that different (plus you can replace them from play store). UI Framework is heavily based on vanilla android OS.

    The variance between different OEMs is heavily overstated. As an experiment years ago (lately too) I froze all apps and processes I don't use in a bunch phones. I managed similar amounts of "smoothness"... Reason is simple *same underlying OS*

    The hardware companies are few, but each has many very different models from each other. The *combinations* of those are practically infinite (basic math). For example this year you are going to see strange things like the midrange C9 Pro being faster than S8 as a manifestation of said variance (c9 pro would keep more assets in memory so it will feel faster after a while despite the worse SoC).

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 6jr
      • 06 Mar 2017

      Tann Hauser, 06 Mar 2017Making excuses now? Its Better build, better sound system,... moreI just gave you a video and the ways that the extra 2Gb is used, you're too set in your ways to believe the evidence I give you.

      Having a low body to screen ratio plus a relatively thick phone yet still not being able to fit more than 3200 mah in such a big volume is actually bad engineering (MI mix is same size yet uses 6.4 inch display and 4400 mah battery for example)

      Camera is probably good, but most probably not top of the line (as Sony phones rarely ever had).

      4k is useless...

      I'm not making excuses, I'm saying it clearly. This phone is great for $300, $400 at most, for anything more and you're being ripped off...

      BTW think about it, every time you open an app *is* multitasking. Sony phones load it from scratch, 6Gb phones don't (even if a whole week has passed since you last opened the app). Instantaneous computing I call it and till now only Apple had it, finally some Androids do too... Apparently not Sony, that's not hating, that's stating facts.

        • D
        • AnonD-404798
        • d%{
        • 06 Mar 2017

        Anonymous, 06 Mar 2017Nope. That's not what was said. Also, it would help i... moredon't provide any links , you try too hard noob since you still fail to read something as simple as FLAGSHIP even with all capital letters .

          Anonymous, 06 Mar 2017So using an Android phone (rooted or not) makes one a "powe... moreI really dont see a single feature WindowsMobile has over Android in terms of Power Usage you reffer to....
          both are somewhat crippled mobile OSes compared to desktop Windows or desktop Linux....
          At least yes, android is open source, rootable, programmers doing wonders with it (look up XDA developers site)
          ....while WindowsMobile is not.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IaH
            • 06 Mar 2017

            AnonD-404798, 03 Mar 2017It's you who is actually quite narrow minded , XZ was most... moreNope. That's not what was said.

            Also, it would help if you read the prior links which were being referred to along with these:

            Sony sold a total of 5.1 million smartphones in Q4 - that's across all models:


            Sony isn't even in the top 10 as far as Q4 smartphone sales as a brand:


            My guess is there are several other ANDROID phones as well as the iphone which sold more....

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pv@
              • 06 Mar 2017

              Tann Hauser, 05 Mar 2017While talking of mobile OS, yes Android users are only true... moreSo using an Android phone (rooted or not) makes one a "power user". Right...
              Indeed, rooting your phone and installing unsigned software and/or installing a launcher and choosing a different icon pack, choosing a certain icon layout and customizing swipe gestures really makes one a "power user".

              It's like saying you're a skilled mechanic and awesome racing driver because you painted your car and installed aftermarket air filters and ornaments on it.

              I'll rest my case and leave these "power users" continue to dream on. (and I'll most probably go back to a Windows phone, as it offers more advanced and useful features)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tue
                • 06 Mar 2017

                So much for the phone cost, and yet they use a freeware (eg: File Commander) for basic functions such as folder searching, and that freeware has ads.. Even that freeware also expected us to purchase the full version to remove ads.. Really, Sony? Really? It's supposed to be an in-built default feature for phones.

                Other phone brands offer that same function / feature for free without ads, just so you know.

                  Anonymous, 06 Mar 2017The only thing that Xperia XZ premium is better is the scre... moreMaking excuses now?
                  Its Better build, better sound system, better screen, better SOC, better connectivity, better front camera, better back camera, better battery performance....
                  All you have is 2gb more that actually isnt used at all, and some more mah on battery....
                  G6 is inferior. S8 remains to be seen, but by outed specs so far will be too....

                  Sonys UI with 4 gb ram and UFS....?!
                  XZ already ate everything out there with 3gb and eMMC in speed tests, except in multitasking part as you say....
                  But cmmon, this is a performance galore even for multitask part. Be realistic, not hating.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-521587
                    • qin
                    • 06 Mar 2017

                    Anonymous, 06 Mar 2017Google writes the software. OEMS do much less of it. So 95%... moreokay so you want to make the argument that hardware is what differentiates a phone yet you want to make the argument that XZ premium sucks when its the phone that really does so hardware wise?

                    Are you a troll or what and you expect me to take your opinion seriously. You're also wrong about the software. Android is an open source meaning each company can do what it wants with it. Are you really saying all android is the same? Xiaomi, LG, Samsung, and pixel all the same? you're wrong because while yes they are all android, there are differences in speed, UI design, layout, and features available. Yes It's essentially a monopoly, but leeway is there and thats why there is a difference between all the phones. Saying all android is the same is so absurd and shows your lack of knowledge on this matter or you're just plain trolling I can't tell. or stupid.

                    and even hardware wise there isn't as much variation as you think there is. It's mostly limited competititon between giant companies that eat other companies. It used to be that nokia lumias had some variet. Toshiba sensor, carl zeiss lense. But now Sony has acquired Toshiba so now sony mostly has a monopoly on camera sensors. CPu are also limited Snapdragon and Samsung are the only real competitiors. Mediatek is a meh and whatever huawei is using is limited to them. Samsung also limits it exclusively to their own brand. But snapdragon is the mostly widely avaliable and the best performer of them all. Screen wise there is LG, samsung, Sony, and Sharp. Not much variation like you make it sound.

                    And like I said I didn't say it wasn't about hardware either. It's about BOTH software and hardware and how they are both integrated to create a unique expereince along with the design. Thats what deferentiates each company there is much more than that since the majority of the phone is produced by like the same suppliers that supply everyone else.

                    and as far as that goes, sony is unique because it tries to produce most of its stuff in-house which most other companies take from other suppliers.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 6jr
                      • 06 Mar 2017

                      Tann Hauser, 05 Mar 2017Well, I only see a lower specced Oneplus 3T device against ... moreThe only thing that Xperia XZ premium is better is the screen that is almost never used (4k is used only by some apps) and the SoC that is just 15% faster and you'd only be seeing the difference in peak performance situations which is 1 in 10 situations on mobiles. So it is (say) 20% faster in 10% of the situations, that is 2% faster in total. Wow! I'm impressed.

                      Also let's discount the fact that you'd be recalling from memory twice less frequently than a 6GB phone because some article somewhere says that it eats up more battery (it doesn't, oneplus 3T has some of the best battery in its class).

                      So yes Xperia XZ premium has better specs if you don't care about specs. Oh also it's huge despite the relatively small screen, all because that's a look that some people dig (fashion over function ... whatever).

                      OK it probably has a better back camera, I have to give that ... but honestly that's it. Watch it being assassinated in coming months in those speed tests sites...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 6jr
                        • 06 Mar 2017

                        AnonD-521587, 06 Mar 2017You're wrong hardware wise there is isn't much variation ex... moreGoogle writes the software. OEMS do much less of it. So 95% of the optimization is google's, so hardly any differentiation there. You can have some OEMs saddling their phones with unnecessary services but that's the opposite of optimization.

                        A good example to know that OEMs don't actually optimize is to run the thought experiment of running vanilla android on your device. It will always feel and be more optimized than whatever OEMs offer. OEMs' addons only serve to offer (slight) variation but they also kill some (a lot) of google's optimizations.

                        On the other hand hardware is very different. There are 2 kinds of ram in 4 different configurations being used currently. That's 8 combinations already. A dozen of different SoCs to choose from, a great amount of camera sensors, a greater amount of optics. Different screen sizes with at least 4 basic resolution, 2 types of batteries, being used in 2 different kind of ways (replaceable or not) , using different amounts of capacity each... etc.

                        Yoi can literally make a unique phone hardware wise. Software wise it would still be an android with maybe a few services makin it a bit slower by regular android but even then not by much. There is a reason for that, software is hard (no theoretical framework to build good software), hardware is relatively easy (the whole field of physics basically existing behind it).

                        People with no clue think that there is much variance on software between devices that run the Same OS. From a software engineer's standpoint, they're virtual clones.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-521587
                          • Ibx
                          • 06 Mar 2017

                          Anonymous, 05 Mar 2017That is hardly any variance in software optimization on and... moreYou're wrong hardware wise there is isn't much variation except for Sony since they are a producer and supplier.

                          What differentiates each device is design, software optimization, and integration of all components into one cohesive unit

                            • D
                            • AnonD-292154
                            • sXA
                            • 05 Mar 2017

                            AnonD-309265, 05 Mar 2017if you like quality sound you should go for Yamaha speakers... moreIts much more beautiful than your Samsung or iPhone. These phones are for little girls. The xz is a man phone.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-248589
                              • Ibx
                              • 05 Mar 2017

                              AnonD-527131, 04 Mar 2017Sry bruh but xzs and xz premium are The only phones î... moreThey are a year late.

                                • A
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4S2
                                • 05 Mar 2017

                                Anonymous, 05 Mar 2017There is plenty of management on OnePlus phones for example... moreYou seem like a person who can't manage stuff in his life; it is like I want this but can't get this, I want that but can't get that.

                                  • A
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4S2
                                  • 05 Mar 2017

                                  Anonymous, 05 Mar 2017Not really. I agree though there is no argument to discu... morelol, so mundane. You don't know anything about practicality, because you are not practical yourself.

                                    Anonymous, 05 Mar 2017Not really. I agree though there is no argument to discu... moreWell, I only see a lower specced Oneplus 3T device against better speced XZ Premium in this discussion so...
                                    Use what suffices your needs....thats all.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 6jr
                                      • 05 Mar 2017

                                      Tann Hauser, 05 Mar 2017I really, really dont see the need to get into this further... moreNot really.

                                      I agree though there is no argument to discuss further. Low specs self evidently lead to a worse phone. Always did, always will no matter how much will fanboys scream "optimization". Optimization is pretty much a universal value and unless it is fixing bugs different brands have little variance.

                                      So agreed, no point in discussing low specs priced highly further...

                                        Anonymous, 05 Mar 2017There is plenty of management on OnePlus phones for example... moreI really, really dont see the need to get into this further.
                                        Its a tradeoff one way or the other.

                                        This one explains it well enough: