Samsung will disable charging on remaining Galaxy Note 7 units
- D
- AnonD-608279
- rxi
- 26 Mar 2017
i bought mine online thru ebay. ive been using it since dec without any problems. recent update blocked my network. im not gonna update anymore. ive been using it like a tab for browsing, underwater videos, normal pictures etc. love the spen. love the phone. so far no heating issues probably cuz my phone doesnt recharge to 100. and no exploding issues either. after using this phone i have high expectations for the s8. cuz the note7 is really good. makes the s7 edge feel outdated.
- A
- Aadrian
- 3YQ
- 26 Mar 2017
At least they proved to do anything to prevent further damage.
- D
- AnonD-655799
- am6
- 25 Mar 2017
Considering they sold 3.5 million and 3% have not been returned means that there is still over 100,000 note 7's out in the wild.
- D
- AnonD-103147
- J7R
- 25 Mar 2017
lol, I rather keep it than return it. Then I am one of the few that has a limited edition note 7. Lol
- G
- Galaxy nerd
- Y64
- 25 Mar 2017
Pfft I'm keeping my note 7 as a collector's item.
- H
- Higgy
- 4Jk
- 25 Mar 2017
B for Bed Laffin, 25 Mar 2017If the they do this then will they give replacement phones... moreThey have been replacing them, you just have to return it in order to get a replacement
- D
- AnonD-248589
- Rbq
- 25 Mar 2017
What makes them think they are going to update?
- B
- B for Bed Laffin
- UD{
- 25 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 25 Mar 2017Lmao. They had months to return the damned thing. Can't mis... moreI know the news about that S7 replacements but that was due to exploding/Bursting into flames batteries.
This case is different. some people are still using the S7 (not replacements) and seeing some of the comments here some people are.
will this people get replace after that update?
and also I don't always open this site. I rarely do
- ?
- Anonymous
- qUD
- 25 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 25 Mar 2017Get a life all youI 'll turn mine in when the Note 8 is released. I wonder now if they will let me swap for a N8? If not, it'll be worth something down the road.
- ?
- Anonymous
- my5
- 25 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 25 Mar 2017Pfff i still have my note 7 and i have all the firmware fro... morelook like your have a very nice paper weight lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- tNw
- 25 Mar 2017
B for Bed Laffin, 25 Mar 2017If the they do this then will they give replacement phones... moreLmao. They had months to return the damned thing. Can't miss all those announcements unless they lived under a rock.
- B
- B for Bed Laffin
- UD{
- 25 Mar 2017
If the they do this then will they give replacement phones for N7 users?
- ?
- Anonymous
- D0e
- 25 Mar 2017
Pfff i still have my note 7 and i have all the firmware from first release. Gtfo Samsung I'm not going to return my baby.
- I
- Imperator Neubaticus
- t7X
- 25 Mar 2017
Tells you how amazing the note 7 was. If it were the s7/s7 edge, i'll bet each and every one of them would have been returned.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7XY
- 25 Mar 2017
Thus is dangerous move of Samsung if they want any version to stop circulating they updat a specific version to stop running and anyon updated will lose your phone totally useless.
- D
- Devil GK
- gN$
- 25 Mar 2017
Is it limited to Note 7 ??
Actually my Galaxy Note 4 is running on Note 7 ROM so this will effect my Device also I.e. Galaxy Note 4 ???
- ?
- Anonymous
- ITk
- 25 Mar 2017
- ?
- Anonymous
- fD7
- 25 Mar 2017
don't bring it back. keep it for 20years you can sell it back at $10000
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7uD
- 25 Mar 2017
Note7 owner, 24 Mar 2017I guess it's time to lay my Note 7 to rest. Samsung better ... moreWhy do you keep N7?
It is supposed to be sent back, right?
- n
- nanoprog
- 3Jn
- 25 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 24 Mar 2017What is wrong with you people? Give it up and move on. Gala... morenone with a decent stylus and remotely similar specs at the same time