Samsung will disable charging on remaining Galaxy Note 7 units
- ?
- Anonymous
- L66
- 24 Mar 2017
Samsung trolling - so whom hacked their notes 7 happens what? I guess no-one kept their phones with factory ROMs after the first cynical move from Samsung if they had trust on their devices. Sincerely there's nothing Samsung can do against any person who knows how to research this matter i.e. at xda... seriously why I think Samsung is already trolling. After issuing all the warnings callouts they should just avoid playing ridiculous - nobody will care. They'll keep reporting 3% of notes 7 not returned, other than that is safe that most of them are alive and working well.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD{
- 24 Mar 2017
What is wrong with you people? Give it up and move on. Galaxy Note 7 'was' an "awesome" device but come on, there are plenty of options you can choose from the market these days.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVk
- 24 Mar 2017
AnonD-337832, 24 Mar 2017disable auto updates if you are a samsung galaxy note 7 fanReally should not be keeping the phone!! Just throw it inside an apple store
- D
- AnonD-337832
- wdR
- 24 Mar 2017
disable auto updates if you are a samsung galaxy note 7 fan
- D
- AnonD-1385
- ri0
- 24 Mar 2017
What if you disable auto updates and don't ever manually check for updates. Can these updates find their way on your phone just because you are online?
- k
- kmb877
- Y7c
- 24 Mar 2017
I'm wondering why Samsung didn't block also all the IMEIs long time ago.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7c
- 24 Mar 2017
Anonymous, 24 Mar 2017Samsung Fascism. Fascism is capitalism plus murder.Obvious, you have no idea what means fascism and capitalism. Grow-up first, maybe in a few years you'll be able to write coherent articles. Of course, If you're to puzzled, you can Google for "coherent"...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7v4
- 24 Mar 2017
I don't understand how Samsung is allowed to damage and degrade peoples private property.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SL
- 24 Mar 2017
- D
- AnonD-39937
- nD5
- 24 Mar 2017
Note 7 was the biggest bomb in smartphone industry. :)
- D
- AnonD-27765
- P@1
- 24 Mar 2017
johnnkennedy, 24 Mar 2017Wow, Can't believe, people are still using this phone..!!Why not? Note 7 is a great phone even better than all phones released so far this year.
- c
- chuckler
- MSy
- 24 Mar 2017
"Thanks, Wang, for the tip!" .. chuckles
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@Y
- 24 Mar 2017
wot, 24 Mar 2017Can someone explain how are they doing that? are they doing... morethe phone will blow automatically, dead on the spot..
- w
- wot
- 3rQ
- 24 Mar 2017
Can someone explain how are they doing that? are they doing it using regular updates or without any user intervention?
- ?
- Anonymous
- JEa
- 24 Mar 2017
Samsung Fascism. Fascism is capitalism plus murder.
- C
- Cosmo
- BiP
- 24 Mar 2017
What if no one does the update?
Anyone who has held off this long will surely just ignore it.
- D
- AnonD-294
- mg5
- 24 Mar 2017
merciful kill ! rip note 7 ;(
- F
- Fleek
- nyf
- 24 Mar 2017
You can change your OS for avoinding this.