Samsung announces Galaxy Tab 8.9, thinner Galaxy Tab 10.1

22 March, 2011
Surprise, surprise! Samsung announced not one, but two tablets during their CTIA event. The Galaxy Tab 8.9 was joined by a reworked version of the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Both tablets run Android 3.0 Honeycomb...

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  • J
  • Jteve Sobs
  • w6L
  • 24 Mar 2011

AnonD-1375, 24 Mar 2011I thought I made my point quite clear, but I guess I failed... moreTrue but this are just merely facts which are already known. Unfortunately for manufacturers, they are unable to grasp the concept that their tablets, no matter how many they produce, will always be compared to the iPad (which, whether you like it or not, DID revolutionized the tablet industry) and no matter how great the specs of other tablets are, they can never overthrow the iPad off it's pedestal which Apple has built up from scratch.

With regard to Samsung, they are just not that innovative and are unable to think out of the box to actually come up with a totally new cutting-edge device/concept, revolutionary enough to invent a whole new ball game to play in instead of riding on the success of others. FYI, Samsung is also looking into producing higher pixel count displays for it's future phones (Heard anything about this, GSMArena?) which is again, "inspired" from Apple's Retina displays. Tsk tsk tsk. When does it stop, Samsung?

    • D
    • AnonD-1375
    • m@I
    • 24 Mar 2011

    Jteve Sobs, 24 Mar 2011And your point being? From your little story there, before ... moreI thought I made my point quite clear, but I guess I failed, so let me try again... without ice cream analogies.

    If you like Android, you have a lot of choice when picking a phone. You have choice of design, price range, even stuff like HTC Sence, Motoblur, TouchWiz or going stock, giving you lots of choice on how you want not only your phone to look, but partly the operating system as well. You can adjust it to your needs. Obviously, with all these choices of phones, no one single modell will be the best for every Android user.

    If you like iOS's simplistic disign, and want a new phone, you have but one single choice: the latest iPhone. That's it. End of discussion. If you don't like the design of the phone (got to be mad to dislike it, though) or think it too expensive or fragile, too small, too big - tough luck! If you want iOS, you by an iPhone. No way around it.

    So of course the iPhone as a single modell, will outsell every other single modells. Every iOS user have to pick the same modell, while all the Android users get loads of choices to pick from, and because people are different, they will pick different ones.

    (By the way, I might add that I've as of yet never had neither Samsung nor any other Android phone. I don't have an iPhone either, since I dislike the, imho, dull look of a system with a pattern of squares. Add widgets, slot for extra memory, full Flash support and don't force iTunes on me, and I might get one.)

    (Posted from my old Nokia N900.)

      • 4
      • 458Italia
      • uRA
      • 24 Mar 2011

      Well all you guys here talk of Samsung vs apple.. arguing over which is better n which is not.. copying ideas etc etc etc. Well, the most important thing is that we, the consumers benefit from all this vs thing going on. How? If there wasn't any competition we wouldn't be getting such amazing products so quickly.. I personally thought ipad had struck the first blow with ipad 2. But now Samsung just got it back. Regardless if it copied or tuk the idea from apple. The thing is, I n most of us get to choose from many competitive n well priced gadgets rather than only one product. Ipad had n still has the lead in tablet market. Samsung n other companies are just thirsty for market share.. they have n will keep on going with new innovative n copied ideas to get more market share.. and by the end of the day we being consumers benefit from all this vs thinng going on. So stop taking sides with apple or Samsung.. they won't give anything free at all.. everyone has their own opinion n choice. Arguing over it is just a waste of time. Peace!

        • S
        • Supanta_bd
        • Pxx
        • 24 Mar 2011

        I hope this is 3.0 wow! But camera not good.i think samsung can made better camera for this tab.all features are good then apple.i like it

          • J
          • Jteve Sobs
          • w6L
          • 24 Mar 2011

          AnonD-1375, 23 Mar 2011You could turn that around as well. There's only one compan... moreAnd your point being? From your little story there, before Apple, people did not even know what ice cream was! Sure it existed but no one knew that it tasted so good. It was Apple that took ice cream, put it on a cone and gave it to consumers. It was only when people knew how good it tasted, other second-grade companies (who were pretty much stagnant with their notebook production and plastic little clamshell phones) rode on Apple's success to produce a different flavor of ice cream.

          Yes, there are many chocolate ice cream makers but what they will never see is that no matter how good your chocolate ice cream is (with fruit toppings and hot fudge sauce), they can never outsell a whole other different flavor even if it was just plain, pure vanilla ice cream.

          The point here is that this is Apple's game, they invented it and have been playing for years now. If you really wanna win at any game, don't copy the game master because he is obviously the best at it. Instead, come up with something completely different that even the game master cannot counter or adapt fast enough. This is exactly the opposite of what Samsung (and every other manufacturer) is doing! Even stooping so low to alter an already-announced product!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Iaa
            • 24 Mar 2011

            The 10.1 with Vodafone is 'clean' honeycomb with a limited edition in Australia Vodafone.

            The new thinner 10.1 is set to come out with a 5MP camera not the 3MP that has been mentioned in this article but anything can change by launch.

            For all you Apple lovers technology has always followed trends and tabs are simply the latest. As it has been mentioned already Apple do not produce hardware and Samsung is one of only TWO manufacturers who use 100% genuine parts in their product where as iPads and iPhones are made up of Samsung parts. So this comment of 'dont bite the hand that feeds' is highly inaccurate since Samsung is a technology company with their hands in ALL different areas like TV, White goods, Brown goods and Telecommunications

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Iaa
              • 24 Mar 2011

              AnonD-1082, 22 Mar 2011Boring! I can't wait to see what Nokia has to offer. For su... moreSo you mean what will microsoft offer in the tablet space, because we can all tell how well symbian did for Nokia

                • s
                • sudarmo
                • Mfy
                • 24 Mar 2011

                chan, 23 Mar 2011Very interesting from samsung,hope the UI will give new and... morethe price in indonesia maybe 6,5. thats too expensive

                  • o
                  • ottoman_tech
                  • LbF
                  • 23 Mar 2011

                  nope, this also can not catch the iPad, becouse iPad has so organized OS. When I use android, I feel like in a trouble even if I'm a very good tech user. It is true that iPad has no file manager, bluetooth file sharing, SD card slot etc but it has very useful apps and it is so funy. With releasing iPad2 we again recognize that Samsung and others can not reach Apple's level.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3Lh
                    • 23 Mar 2011

                    Chinnari, 23 Mar 2011Everything is fine on galaxy tab-II, but we need 5mp camera... moreOh, yeah you said that right... better one good iPad, than lots of tabs whatever...

                      • c
                      • chan
                      • 95s
                      • 23 Mar 2011

                      Very interesting from samsung,hope the UI will give new and nice experience of samsung's honeycomb then the other.sell in indonesia too please..with good pricing.btw how about the primary camera?is it 8mp or 3mp?

                        • P
                        • Patcheko
                        • Mfx
                        • 23 Mar 2011

                        I wish I was as cool as Apple.. Everybody wants to be like Apple... Especially Samsung.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3Wr
                          • 23 Mar 2011

                          AnonD-1375, 23 Mar 2011I guess you're with the "One size fits all" group... moreI think all these people saying Samsung copying Apple is because until the ipad, none of these other tablet manufacturers would released a tablet. They were busy producing phones (& in samsung's case netbooks). when they saw how big the ipad became, they couldn't get tablets out quick enough.

                          It's further evidenced when you look at the galaxy tab 10.1 announced at MWC. Then, when ipad 2 was announced, samsung went running back to the drawing board & came out with a thinner version of their own product to try & make it as desirable as the ipad 2.

                          Businesses ain't stupid & they know what the public wants & they see that apple is very successful at it & want in on the action. Can't say I blame them, but without the ipad there would be no galaxy tab.. or HTC flyer.. or motorola xoom.. etc. (you get the picture).

                            • y
                            • yuri_san
                            • DQn
                            • 23 Mar 2011

                            hey you fanboys...when samsung first announced its 2nd galaxay tab...that was just a has taken the bait by thinking that their ipad2 in thinner...well well the galaxy were way thinner than the celebrated pre-maturely. one piece of advice steve jobs...never turn your back on the enemy...bwahaha!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-4467
                              • tA$
                              • 23 Mar 2011

                              cooool !!! I wanna have one galaxy tab .... :D

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1375
                                • m@I
                                • 23 Mar 2011

                                Chinnari, 23 Mar 2011Everything is fine on galaxy tab-II, but we need 5mp camera... moreYou seem to have missed the detail that the PLS-display is supposed to be better than the IPS-display, and both the 8.9 inch and the 10.1 inch tablet will have a lot higher screen resolution than the iPad2 (which has the same resolution as its predecessor).

                                So they're thinner, lighter, have better cameras (both back and front) and come with better screen than iPad2. (Heck, even the front facing camera is more than twice as good as the iPad2's back facing camera!)

                                  • t
                                  • tashi
                                  • U@k
                                  • 23 Mar 2011

                                  i think why many people always apple but lets compare ipad 2 and xoom ios 4.3 vs android 3.0/no expandable memory vs internal memory with expandable memory/a little bigger screen on xoom/old UI vs attractive and new UI on pads.
                                  Now about apps i know 250000 are in itunes and 200000 in market place.
                                  1 thing need to know android is very fast growing. It will be better then ios.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pK@
                                    • 23 Mar 2011

                                    AnonD-1082, 22 Mar 2011Boring! I can't wait to see what Nokia has to offer. For su... moreyeah just before it crashes. oh and what apps will it have? Anyone who knows anything about phones knows more high-end Nokia's go away for repair than any other phone. due mainly to crap software/hardware.

                                      • C
                                      • Chinnari
                                      • TL5
                                      • 23 Mar 2011

                                      Everything is fine on galaxy tab-II, but we need 5mp camera and Samoled screen otherwise it's tough to compete with retina display. and don't confuse the customer with multiple tabs, so please we need one single high end product with good expandable memory,

                                        • D
                                        • Dan
                                        • M31
                                        • 23 Mar 2011

                                        Do these things have HDMI out? If not, that is a deal breaker for me.