How do you use your phone? We are determined to find out

31 March, 2011
A large part of our job as phone reviewers involves judging of whether a particular compromise made by the designers is beneficial to the handset's target audience or not. To do this properly we rely...

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  • z
  • zamri_emc
  • IWb
  • 01 Apr 2011

i think the list shall add one more item, it is 2g call (voice call).

    • c
    • clodus
    • vpY
    • 01 Apr 2011

    Suggested features to add.
    .use as a smart phone/address book
    .use as a digital organizer
    .use as a mass storage device
    .use as a voice recorder

    (in a nutshell smartphones are digital swiss army knives)

      • D
      • AnonD-5081
      • PEI
      • 01 Apr 2011

      using my e71 for 90% of the tasks&purposes above, still very happy with it

        • s
        • sg
        • 95H
        • 01 Apr 2011

        autofocus in camera

        flash support in browser

        the degree of comfort with phone(all inclusive of ui, input,and not boring)

          • s
          • sandy
          • bJ6
          • 01 Apr 2011

          I wud b glad if that list include..,MULTITASKING capabilities of a normal java phone not d smart phone..cause MULTITASKING is a core feature of a mobile..smartphone no doubt has it..also d APPLICATIONS,GAMES..

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • i23
            • 01 Apr 2011

            1. Email
            2. Messaging
            3. Games
            4. Messenging ( Black berry messenger)
            5. Camera (official & Personal)
            6. Music ( very little)
            7. Browsing
            8. Scheduling
            9. Making notes / reciepts

            Of course making phone calls

              • r
              • ramon
              • 2@S
              • 01 Apr 2011

              i use my phone to crush garlic because it's as sturdy as nokia 5110. long live 5110

                • I
                • IpisMan
                • t7y
                • 01 Apr 2011

                Listening To Music.....

                  • D
                  • AnonD-3441
                  • sUv
                  • 01 Apr 2011

                  On forums and boards I started this sort of questions to know the uses but compare to them, here on GSMarena I am hoping to see more responses than usually I get.

                  My uses of mobile phone - Sony Ericsson P1i + Nokia N8:
                  Texting (plain SMS)
                  Phone Calls (Once in a while - use landline for regular calls)

                  Internet Browsing for information and for work
                  Manage 3 of my web sites based on my own management system including

                  This is my top most uses on P1i
                  = Writing Articles, concepts and ideas and/or reviews using Notes and/or Word Document
                  = Taking quick notes/numbers/info using handwriting
                  = Sketching out the logo concepts on P1i using Notes
                  - Business Card Scanner
                  - EBuddy, irc client, Opera Mini
                  These three with the texting usually go side by side
                  (Been doing all of these from around 4 years now)

                  GDESK - Used to design GDesk UIs over P1i too when UIQ was alive worldwide, still do for my own fun
                  Timer - My much need

                  Calendar for website renewal dates + tv show schedule + meetings
                  Alarm clock - not to get up tho, just to keep track of time zones
                  Flash light

                  Document editing/viewing all the time
                  Reading blogs and forums
                  Transferring files
                  - Blue Tooth
                  - USB-on-the-Go - used it before too on PMP by Kingston, addicted to it
                  Giving demos of my portfolio

                  Taking photos all the time
                  - Photos of Business Cards (close up/macro)
                  - of Contacts on other pages (close up/macro)
                  - Photos of logos I sketch on papers I do this instead of scanning
                  - for colors combination for my designs
                  - for inspiration Logos + ads etc
                  - Street Photography, closeup random shots

                  Watching Movies
                  Listening Songs
                  Games time to time

                  Tried to do FMs but FM is not my thing tho it should be on these devices

                  On one of my China Phones I have TV receiver so when 4 times in a day electricity load-shedding kicks in, tv kicks in too if something important to come.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-1334
                    • 2SZ
                    • 01 Apr 2011

                    Well of course all of us have done all the above mentioned things some time at least if not habitual. So the answer would be yes to all questions cause at least once everyone has done it! I recommend changes these questions to "How often on a scale of 5 do you use effect settings in camera."

                    Well it's only a polite thought, not dictating any thing.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • PUV
                      • 01 Apr 2011

                      What about HDMI support? either connect wirelessly to a TV or cable conenct

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uBg
                        • 01 Apr 2011

                        Lightweight phones with voice dialing and a decent camera, and good sunlight visability

                          • p
                          • pit
                          • LH0
                          • 01 Apr 2011

                          Internet Browsing:gsmarena,Youtube,Facebook, MSN, etc.

                            • w
                            • walker
                            • vLx
                            • 01 Apr 2011

                            After I read everything on the list, I can conclude that I'm a smartphone addict! I think I can't live a day without my phone... My old Samsung Omnia 2 was stolen to me last January 9 and I told myself that I will not buy a phone till March of this year... but 3 days later I got my HTC Desire HD... really can't live without it...

                              • D
                              • AnonD-3713
                              • L4D
                              • 01 Apr 2011

                              That's what I do most with my C6-01:
                              - Listen to music (alot)
                              - Play games
                              - Social networks
                              - Shot HD videos

                                • w
                                • wauwab
                                • q8r
                                • 01 Apr 2011

                                i personally could abandon any of the socializing media (facebook, twitter, etc.). Not to be confused with email.

                                  • S
                                  • Sylvester
                                  • PS6
                                  • 01 Apr 2011

                                  -Downloading of contents, eg: songs, videos, document etc.
                                  -As a flash drive/storage.
                                  -Document viewing/editing.

                                    • m
                                    • mk
                                    • t1}
                                    • 01 Apr 2011

                                    well my Nokia battery stats over the weekend.22 %web browsing 1%pmessaging 5%music 16%home screen 3%gps13%gallery camera39%other stuff.1%talk time.again other stuff means lot of internet applications.

                                      • b
                                      • bizzy
                                      • bJe
                                      • 01 Apr 2011

                                      Need to add few points:

                                      Email: Push email, Exchange support

                                      Gaming: Casual gaming (e.g. angry birds, snake) or intense gaming (NFS, Modern Combat)

                                      Connect: wifi networks

                                        • f
                                        • froilanG
                                        • PEG
                                        • 01 Apr 2011

                                        Why not categorized the survey according to the status of the phone. Example, what are the features needed for low-end, mid-end and high-end phones, so that the manufacturers will have an idea of what will be their next product.