How do you use your phone? We are determined to find out

31 March, 2011
A large part of our job as phone reviewers involves judging of whether a particular compromise made by the designers is beneficial to the handset's target audience or not. To do this properly we rely...

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  • D
  • AnonD-2815
  • YQA
  • 01 Apr 2011

It would be nice if they add following things for all phones,
1. Universel remote control,
2. 6 channel radio controller for hobbiest RCplane lovers,
3.water resistant, shock proof, dust proof.
4. USB OTG, HDMI out.
5. Last very IMPORTANT LONG BATTERY LIFE at least 3 days for single charge with moderate to heavy usage.. Thanks GSMarena..

    • S
    • SoNu
    • utV
    • 01 Apr 2011

    Call and text message
    Personal assistance

    that means everything except email, read and explore

      • p
      • p
      • ttw
      • 01 Apr 2011


        • B
        • BSB
        • 0@c
        • 01 Apr 2011

        in your upcoming survey, I think you should separate the video calls away from SMS texting, cuz I think many people do send lots of SMSs but yet don't use the video call feature at all..

          • c
          • canhoto
          • pXD
          • 01 Apr 2011

          A question about the importance of screen size would be important. I mean, to see how many people are willing (or not) to sacrifice ergonomics and pocketability for a bigger screen.

          Personally, I think it's a very important question. Many people find the ideal phone for their needs and never get to buy it because screen size doesn't meet expectations for being either too large or too small.

            • D
            • AnonD-2035
            • t@e
            • 01 Apr 2011

            i use for
            - call and rarely send sms
            - playing facebook
            - take photo most of the times but rarely on video or in special shooting mode
            - listen to music and watch some movies
            - play games
            - web browsing
            - as a note keeper and an alarm clock
            - use flashlight
            - view document and calculate some math
            - read ebook
            - send files to fri
            - and as a storage device

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LEX
              • 01 Apr 2011

              I use it as a phone. The dialing must be easy... like when we had an actual number keypad. Needing to get to a "dialer" app on a phone is a joke.
              I use it as a camera. That means, nobody likes to carry around 2 gadgets on a party at night.
              I use it as a camera. Yes, again. I love to shoot videos, and when they're overcompressed you can't really do much with them on After Effects, etc.
              I use it as a camera, but it needs to have proper sound, we now have some phones with 1080p resolution, but audio recording that's worse than some chinese mp3 players from 5-8 years ago.
              I use it because I like it's hardware capabilities, so, if it has a camera, let me use it as a webcam if I plug it in my laptop.
              In some parts of the world wireless internet isn't as popular, and you have more dsl connections than wifi hotspots. Don't even talk about 3g internet plans. Too expensive. So... phones should be able to get internet FROM a pc when it's conncted to one. And not the other way around.

              So, features that should be always listed that normally aren't are
              -Audio on video recordings.
              -Proper video quality. 100% crops from videos.(video crops)
              -Codecs used (not just "3gp" or "mp4"). Always give out raw files, not just sometimes.

              Less focus on internet and crappy apps.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • utT
                • 01 Apr 2011

                Mass downloading

                  • L
                  • LAMBO
                  • fXx
                  • 01 Apr 2011

                  We the users of phones in the middle east want good support for our language android phones don't have the support Nokia is the only phone maker take that that in care and because of that it steel the frist in our market (other comanys please don't egnore arab people) .gsmarena thanks for your nice work & do you think making arabic version of your site ?

                    • r
                    • rigelstuff
                    • 9xk
                    • 01 Apr 2011

                    This is great idea.
                    These days, people are so caught up with all the extra stuff that mobile phones can do, that they forget that it's primarily a PHONE. You can have the fastest internet connection, the clearest screen, and have the phone prepare a 12-course dinner, but if the phone can't make a call properly, what's the point, right?
                    'Looking forward to participating =)

                      • D
                      • AnonD-3589
                      • UNK
                      • 01 Apr 2011

                      plus you've to be concerned about

                      1. Battery Life
                      2. User Interface
                      3. Smart phone OSs
                      4. Internal Muscles (Processor, Graphics Acc., Ram etc.)
                      5. Display Issues
                      6. Built quality
                      7. Ergonomics

                        • T
                        • Triztan Wicky
                        • t7X
                        • 01 Apr 2011

                        I mainly use my phone for capturing images ang photos.. And as a singer, i also did a lot of music bang on it.. And yeah.. I am also an internet adict.. So yeah.. Haha..!!! XD

                          • m
                          • mobileman
                          • Kxj
                          • 01 Apr 2011

                          - for fashion purpose
                          - selling prepaid credit balance
                          - training dog/cat
                          - killing mosquito
                          - composing ringtone
                          - wake up call
                          - learning foreign language
                          - blogging
                          - karaoke
                          - mass storage

                            • J
                            • JeffM
                            • K7H
                            • 01 Apr 2011

                            You should be able to filter this out by country (area). How people use cellphones will certainly differ by country.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pVN
                              • 01 Apr 2011

                              Battery life is the most importand element for me. Please in your reviews run some test for battery

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • xx5
                                • 01 Apr 2011

                                Weight, screen size and thickness... Also AMOLED vs LCD, also AMOLED vs higher resolution, also rating Android, Symbian, BB OS, iOS and WP7.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • t}a
                                  • 01 Apr 2011

                                  The ability to create folders in message to save your sms in specific folders.. Like in symbian..

                                    • c
                                    • cjdelphi
                                    • sG%
                                    • 01 Apr 2011

                                    I use my phone for pretty much everything, the only times i use my computer is to either program or play a higher powered game, but even that will be on my phone in a few years...

                                      • Z
                                      • Z@CK
                                      • Lu5
                                      • 01 Apr 2011

                                      battery life is my major concern,more detailed battery runtimes in your reviews would be greatly appreciated,i work outdoors mostly,so,having a powerhouse that runs half a day won't do for me.It would be nice to know how much battery life to expect in certain basic modes like music,gps nav, video, etc.Great site by the way

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-4420
                                        • fX8
                                        • 01 Apr 2011

                                        Android Killer, 01 Apr 2011...Can you Build Your Own PC - YES YOU CAN... ...Can you B... moreIN MY OPINION that is because of the compact of it and its parts is very COMPLEX.
                                        and many people would make mistakes in rebuilding the phone>]