Alleged Galaxy S8 running Windows 10 Mobile appears

16 May 2017
For those few Windows 10 Mobile faithful left to feast their eyes on.

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  • P
  • Polen
  • K6t
  • 17 May 2017

I would love to see limited versions of Note 8 running Windows 10. Microsoft should partner with Samsung to bring Note 8 with Windows, it will fit very well with their current strategy

    Is it just me..or does windows look ten times better on that screen

      I am surprised so many comments and no one yet realizes that Android smartphones can use different Launchers, of which there is one called Launcher 8 which I use exclusively on my Superb LG V20 phone because as a previous fan of Windows Phone (having owned first the Lumia 920 then the Lumia 1020 which I still own as a 2nd backup) I have always preferred Windows Phone Live Tiles. My LG V20 looks superb with my Launcher 8 and full live tiles etc. It makes using an Android phone a delight, instead of the same old boring one sized tiles found on both Android and iPhones. I believe that there is a Launcher WP10 as well, so if I am correct about that, it would be a Samsung Android S8 or S8+ using the WP Launcher that was shown and the great news is that ALL of you Android users can probably install it if you want to.

        Dominic, 17 May 2017You can install it but run very slow..Actually it would probably run faster than the stock Android.

        I had a Samsung ATIV SE. The chipset was the same as the Galaxy S4. Same display, same battery.

        It had Windows 8 Mobile on it, and ran rings around the S4 my girlfriend at the time had. That used to just drive her nuts. Plus I had better standby time.

          • D
          • Dominic
          • 46c
          • 17 May 2017

          You can install it but run very slow..

            AnonD-145384, 16 May 2017Dear GSMArena It is 100% obvious that the person just put ... moreLeave GSMArena alone, they make dreams come true!

              • D
              • AnonD-628531
              • mq4
              • 17 May 2017

              dfsdfgd, 16 May 2017Because TouchWiz sucksYou clearly know nothing about the S8 or Android in general...

              1. S8 isn't running Touchwiz. Don't understand how you couldn't tell, it looks COMPLETELY different. It's called Samsung Experience.

              2. You don't even NEED to use Touchwiz, BECAUSE IT'S ANDROID. If you don't like Touchwiz, get a bloody launcher then.

              I'm guessing you haven't used the S8 or a Samsung in the last couple of years, so you don't know a lot about Android anymore, but you've seen how beautiful the hardware of the S8 is, and realised how crappy your overpriced iPhone hardware is.

                • D
                • AnonD-628531
                • mq4
                • 17 May 2017

                Anonymous, 16 May 2017it ain't a DOWNGRADE if the so-called S8 is capable of enha... more??? I don't understand what you're tryna say ???

                  • D
                  • AnonD-669839
                  • 6vP
                  • 16 May 2017

                  AnonD-210077, 16 May 2017Hey gsmarena ! I post this images on a group for windows m... moreYou're famous now !

                    • D
                    • AnonD-669839
                    • 6vP
                    • 16 May 2017

                    The phone is showing a screenshot from a Windows phone !
                    Go check his story on FB !

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • UD{
                      • 16 May 2017

                      AnonD-628531, 16 May 2017You're joking right? Why would you DOWNGRADE after spending... moreit ain't a DOWNGRADE if the so-called S8 is capable of enhancing it's own specs

                        • D
                        • AnonD-638776
                        • rKv
                        • 16 May 2017

                        It is capable of running Full Windows 10.
                        Why go for mobile version ?

                          • D
                          • AnonD-669818
                          • Nrc
                          • 16 May 2017


                          This Photos From My Friend : Ahmedbm , and he also Commented here ^^

                            • L
                            • Luvualld
                            • rKv
                            • 16 May 2017

                            It is capable of running full windows 10 now.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • bam
                              • 16 May 2017

                              AnonD-444587, 16 May 2017How about Galaxy S8 running iOS 10 ?It would be the best think ever with IOS

                                • D
                                • AnonD-210077
                                • 8qH
                                • 16 May 2017

                                Gokai Pink, 16 May 2017Weh? so you mean its your fault now?Not my fault, I explain that on my post but ppl share it as a real one , very surprised ^_^

                                  • s
                                  • saqfi
                                  • 6Qa
                                  • 16 May 2017

                                  Just imagine windows 10 s8 + samsung dex, it gonna blow every thing away if this happens plus if other developers start supporting this with their version of apps like adobe and jetbrains etc.. then its gonna be amazing.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • v{u
                                    • 16 May 2017

                                    AnonD-628531, 16 May 2017You're joking right? Why would you DOWNGRADE after spending... moreGive this guy a award. So true. I have i7+ and this sucks. I will be back to android soon. Hah

                                      • c
                                      • cyber
                                      • S2D
                                      • 16 May 2017

                                      windows phone is dead end,second year no new models,microsoft is already pull the plug

                                        Have to agree, it is just screen shots posted over an S8, but that has me thinking. Before dismissing the idea, read it first.

                                        1) Windows 10 on ARM will be designed to first run on the SD835 chipset. The S8 has this chipset already. It has 4Gb of RAM, 64Gb of storage, nice screen, though a bit too tall for the width.

                                        2) A lot of corporations still will not accept Android or Apple phones on their corporate network due to security issues. Windows 10 Mobile can be managed by a IT person to allow certain functions, while limiting others. This make Windows phones a preferred choice, besides BlackBerry OS, which is defunct now.

                                        3) A new Note 8, running the same chipset as the S8, but with a wider screen, on a true phablet format like the Note 4, with a aluminum or magnesium body (NO GLASS other than the front display) running Windows 10 on ARM would be a good device to go after corporate customers. It would compete directly with the HP Elite X3, and once C-Shell is implemented, would allow a user to have basically a full function PC in your pocket, where it could be used as a phone, a mini tablet, or with a docking station, a desktop replacement. I know most people dismiss Windows OS outright, but with some of the things MS is working toward, this could be a reality if Samsung has the will to go after the corporate market.