Apple sues Samsung for copying iPhone and iOS looks
- s
- shervin
- 0yv
- 19 Apr 2011
Trichar, 19 Apr 2011Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments.
Yeah... moreand I've never had a single problem on my 1100 too, in terms of speed
so phones don't need a cpu!
- j
- jj78biker
- Mx@
- 19 Apr 2011
how can a square be a infrigment lol, and lets face it nealry 60% of internal components for the iphone come from samsung ( ssshhhhh ) so simple one for samsung dont supply them. that would stop them long enough to lose market share and besides iphone reception is really poor. Dual core is needed to play better games graphics and hdmi outputs etc??? play with a dual core phone and use it to its potential and you will see why. Oh and before i forget then why are apple launching dual core on there next iphone ??? bet you love dual core then lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nG7
- 19 Apr 2011
Apple lawyers must love these law suits "kaching" lol!
- r
- ricochette
- 0dh
- 19 Apr 2011
and tires and golf balls all look the same as do many other things in our world. Comes a point where they do have to be similar for to be functional. Bunch of babies anyway!!
- S
- SGS user
- vaN
- 19 Apr 2011
Im an SGS user myself and I think that the design-similarity of the said phones are evident, but as a consumer I dont care, the functionality and phone features are incomparable anyways. *another black-marketing-propaganda by Apple.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uij
- 19 Apr 2011
its obvious all companies have taking note from Apple sytle, the way phone companies show the specs on their sites is so much like the Apple way,
and Samsung is the furtherest in copying, they probably got away for so long cause Apple needed the parts
- D
- AnonD-178
- pXL
- 19 Apr 2011
i think this is about the legal strategy of the contract wich apple has now with samsung. Samsung might be the only one wich can cancel the contract of selling parts, but apple on contrary has samsung and the only seller. Not sure if is true, but has some logic, why would be apple wantint to sue samsung if they are the only one wich provide them with hardware? And now we are listening of rumours about change of processor to a snapdragon? =)
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7J
- 19 Apr 2011
I don't blame Apple for their actions
Indeed, Samsung products had become more and more Apple-like.
- N
- N8
- nnW
- 19 Apr 2011
nokia is unique
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sb5
- 19 Apr 2011
Trichar, 19 Apr 2011Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments. Yeah... moreYou won't be saying that when the next iPhone comes with dual core...
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT@
- 19 Apr 2011
let see who will be the last man's standing. it seems that apple is in the verge- lawsuit with the nokia and now samsung. as they say, IF YOU CAN NOT BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM INSTEAD. Losser!!! go... SAMSUNG
- D
- AnonD-1825
- mhT
- 19 Apr 2011
iPhone big brother :)
- 4
- 458 Italia
- uRA
- 19 Apr 2011
hmmm.. what about the iphone copies which china makes?? shouldnt apple be suing them as they are identical in shape, size n folders.. selling at a ridiculously low price?? :)
The only reason is that samsung has n will soon again (with sgs II) destroy apples market share in smartphones n apple can only think of stopping them is by never letting it release in the first pplace.. n i wud say.. Muhahahaha! nice try apple! :P
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0UY
- 19 Apr 2011
Even if Apple wins the trial in the USA the rest of the world 6 billion people DON`T CARE! Maybe Apple should care more about the chinese workers who make their iPhones
- j
- j
- 19 Apr 2011
maybe after this patent we can see some beautiful Samsung phones not some cheap replica
- T
- Trichar
- D8X
- 19 Apr 2011
Makes me laugh reading all these fandroid comments.
Yeah the Galaxy S 2 will be king of the hill until 3 months later another android hand set gets released that passes it then you stop getting software support.
Phones don't need dual core processors, I've never had a single problem on my desire of ip4 in terms of speed.
Atleast with an iPhone I get 2 years + of software support not the manufacturer rushing to spit out new hardware and forgetting the older handsets.
- j
- j
- 19 Apr 2011
always wondered y has to Samsung copy Apple for its flagship phone....... I own x10 even though it sucks but it looks awesome.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3XL
- 19 Apr 2011
First time I agree with Stevie Jobs. The Galaxy S looks exactly like an iPhone 3GS (except the buttons below the screen).
- ?
- Anonymous
- uRI
- 19 Apr 2011
apple a4 processor is also made by samsung.
- A
- Aka_redman
- PvW
- 19 Apr 2011
Apple needs to STOP BITCHING and step there game and bring some thing new to the iphone 5. Whether it be in design or a New UI Come On.Damn