Marshmallow is most popular Android OS, Nougat closes in on 10%
- Z
- Zoom
- KSw
- 06 Jun 2017
piku, 06 Jun 2017Kitkat is best android version released by google till date... moreThat is so right ... Well said
- p
- piku
- uwr
- 06 Jun 2017
Kitkat is best android version released by google till date its fast everything after that they released lollipop which is pretty stupid be it material design which is ugly as hell and slow, mobile active radio bug which drains battery in standby even if you do nothing in phone and then comes marshmallow even though google claims huge improvement in standby they hide the fact that doze needs newer chipset to work and then comes nougat i find no difference between marshmallow and nougat.
Most of the time doze on the go doesn't work in nougat it can't stop some 3rd party application from waking up phone so doze on the go is useless.
Its time google should bring some major UI changes material design is so boring.
- R
- RapeFruit
- Tw4
- 06 Jun 2017
Android is a Joke.
- D
- AnonD-260847
- teX
- 06 Jun 2017
Fragmentation at its worst :(
- D
- AnonD-62471
- bJ6
- 06 Jun 2017
AnonD-675057, 06 Jun 2017Same here, HTC One m7 running SlimROM with May security upd... moreSame here. After using lineageos, i never thought of going back to stock rom (android 5.1). I just loved all the features of nougat. And commitment of monthly security patch is great. Big thanks to lineageos
- D
- AnonD-674280
- p74
- 06 Jun 2017
Must be one of the stupidest news ever.
Of curse Marshmallow is most popular cause it's bee out a lot longer then Nougat and still lots of new mobiles phones use marshmallow OS.
It's like when something is out for a 5 years and have a big market for it then it's more popular then the thing that maybe comes out in next year or decade.
There are lots of people out there that have some unknown company phone and run KitKat and will never get update to marshmallow or nougat and lots of budget phones that will never get any update what so ever. People don't buy new device just cause it has newer OS version
- R
- RasacL
- D0H
- 06 Jun 2017
By the time, nougat reaches 15, O(reo) will be out..... And the trend continues
- T
- TechLover1
- LfN
- 06 Jun 2017
Still in progress then, in a way. But the overall figures depends on a lot of different reasons, etc.
- X
- Xdadevet
- Gjb
- 06 Jun 2017
Anonymous, 06 Jun 2017Is this data included custom roms ??? because most of the p... moreYes, since it's reported through the Play Store (so not the Google free custom ROM installations). Enjoy always being the 0.6%. I like 7.1.2 so much, it's super fast and fluid, everything just works and the customisability is great.
- z
- zodiacfml
- nC2
- 06 Jun 2017
I thought it was around 50%. This is poor considering that this data must have been coming from phones that are connected to the internet. Phones that don't or rarely connect must have older operating systems.
It is time for Google to sell phones across the spectrum that can be OS upgraded in two or three years from the release of a smartphone
- D
- AnonD-675057
- fu{
- 06 Jun 2017
Anonymous, 06 Jun 2017Is this data included custom roms ??? because most of the p... moreSame here, HTC One m7 running SlimROM with May security update, S4 7.1.2 April RR
Honestly run so smoothly I don't care about getting a new device, waiting for LOS 15.1
- ?
- Anonymous
- sSU
- 06 Jun 2017
Is this data included custom roms ??? because most of the phones running on android 7.1.2 (based on lineage os) . right now my mobile is on 7.1.2 with june security patch. thanks to lineage
- K
- KaneJ
- mHa
- 06 Jun 2017
Good to see MM is the most popular with Nougat catching up...
Huge improvements in every possible way compared to Kitkat & Lollipop.