Sailfish OS for Sony Xperia X to be available next month, won't be cheap
- D
- AnonD-39937
- 3de
- 28 Aug 2017
John snow, 28 Aug 2017better than selling your information to third party for fre... more'better than selling your information to third party for free software" you aren't selling, they already have it or can have it whatever you may do...
- D
- AnonD-39937
- 3de
- 28 Aug 2017
AnonD-695531, 28 Aug 2017Its a good initiative since the market is occupied with rub... more" rubbish android, what believes to be the privacy breaker of anyone who uses it" and "confined Android market" ??? what are you talking about, Android is as private as any other OS and Google Play is much less "confined" than App Store...
- D
- AnonD-39937
- 3de
- 28 Aug 2017
So let's recap:
-Linux PC as well as some knowledge of the command line is required to install Sailfish OS on your Xperia device / they need to support Windows also's far more popular;
-Availability will be initially restricted to EU, Norway, and Switzerland (US & CA are still to be confirmed). Oh, and yes, the software is paid - it costs €49.90. / why it won't be available worldwide? it's just an OS...and WTF would anyone pay €49.90 for an mobile OS inferior to the FREE Android, which is even BETTER????
-they should just give up.
- i
- imo
- gGv
- 28 Aug 2017
i don`t have linux ,don`t have xperia x , don`t have android at all :))
- K
- Kangal
- uCX
- 28 Aug 2017
I'm probably the most qualified to give my opinions on this as I've been an avid user of Linux and Android.
I must say that Maemo/MeeGo/Nemo/Mer/SailfishOS is very good.
Much better than early Android versions, and certainly better than people give credit for.
The problem is that this is a small project by few, underpaid, developers.
In its current base state, Mer/SailfishOS is still very Beta.
If they could fix and polish it, I would say it is definitely better than Android 4.0.3 and Android 4.4... but I couldn't say its better than Android 5.1
So the fact that Mer/SailfishOS is still in a Beta form makes this a deal-breaker.
On top, this is an incomplete port, sort of a Beta of a Beta makes it almost insulting.
And lastly, its a fact that Mer/SailfishOS have less first-party and third-party support.
This means the current offer is only relevant to the niche of the niche of the niche.
The worst part of this story is that, back when I had my N900, years ago I told the project managers to do this. Partner with a decent hardware manufacturer and then simply focus on the software. But they didn't listen to me, and for years they wasted their time on also building phone hardware, which ultimately failed, since it was obviously NOT their expertise. They didn't listen to the rational, and opted for their ego instead.
Now we have passed the Symbian Dynasty, and are in the Android Dynasty. I believe this dynasty will be usurped by a more innovative competitor years down the road.
- J
- John snow
- 2SE
- 28 Aug 2017
better than selling your information to third party for free software. I'm in for this when they iron out the issue with sensors
- C
- Carol
- L71
- 28 Aug 2017
Come on jolla bring a device to Germany, release something. Do somethin imoresive, i for sure will buy one. I loved meego. Sailfish is just a bit better. Do it, do it DO IT!:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- vgM
- 28 Aug 2017
AnonD-695531, 28 Aug 2017Its a good initiative since the market is occupied with rub... moreHahahahahaha
- D
- AnonD-695531
- akC
- 28 Aug 2017
Its a good initiative since the market is occupied with rubbish android, what believes to be the privacy breaker of anyone who uses it. I recommend to improve Sailfish as much as it can be before launch and keep improving for free. It can be afforded to charge for once at least to drift away from confined Android market
- A
- AlienNextDoor
- JK1
- 28 Aug 2017
Hahahahahaha shouldn't they pay me $100 in order to test their buggy beta OS with no apps?
- I
- Irfan Hamid
- t@G
- 28 Aug 2017
So you PAY that much, for a beta-level experience ? Am i missing something here?
- X
- Xdadevet
- 8qA
- 28 Aug 2017
Why would you pay and go through the pain of installing it only to have less features? If you're a modder there are better options. You can get a Xiaomi Mi4 for dirt cheap that can run Android Oreo 8.0 already, Windows, Sailfish or Kali-Nethunter.