Weekly poll: can Android One phones replace the Nexus line?
- C
- Crowley
- 2Au
- 15 Oct 2017
I think nexuses is irreplaceable ..
- H
- Honest consumer
- gMx
- 15 Oct 2017
Android one phones are great choice who want stock software, upgrades and security patches.
As nexus(pixel devices too) are expensive. Although they are good at hardware then why can't we go for other option and manufacturers at that same price tag.
One more reason is that nexus(pixel devices too) were not able to gain popularity among the masses. At this price tag most people( who are unfamiliar with technology) buy apple products.we know that pixel devices were not sold more than 1 million.
If you agree then good.
If not then comment me down⏬⏬⬇👇
- K
- Kangal
- uCX
- 15 Oct 2017
Could AndroidOne replace Nexus?
Yes. It's possible.
Will they replace the niche?
I've been tracking the progress of AndroidOne closely since its inception, and there is one alarming thing I have noticed: AndroidOne devices don't get frequent updates. I don't know what it is, since Google is meant to be the one rolling out the updates, but I've seen devices get neglected sporadically for months on end. Recently, I've seen devices get even fewer updates but more monthly patches. While this is enough for most users, this is not good enough for the niche that was filled by the Nexus line (2012->2017 Nexus 4, 5, 5X, 6, 6P).
The Nexus line was for DEVELOPERS.
However, it was also great for enthusiasts who wanted third-party community support, better accessory compatibility, and long device lifetime. Now enthusiasts are left with the OnePlus line, and developers have no options.
Before people butt-in, the Pixel devices are not Nexus phones. They are iPhone competitors made by Google. They can be used by developers, but they are no where near as good for the job. So essentially, developers have to look at their requirements and purchase a tinker-device for said purpose; which may mean a cheap AndroidOne device, an OEM alternative that could fit their needs, something like the OnePlus, or the iPhone competitor.
- vrvly
- MR0
- 15 Oct 2017
Can lite beat premium? not. But it can be more interesting than just a cheap copy of features. The only phone capable may be just amazon's Ice phone, because there would be nothing more premium from them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- p2V
- 15 Oct 2017
Google and usa steals all your personal data more than chinese can ever do.
- B
- Baby Bird
- arr
- 15 Oct 2017
This poll must have an extra option:
The current Android One phones are seriously underpowered and have lackluster cameras.
Nexus 5/5X had outstanding cameras for its price class. Xiaomi Mi A1 camera simply sucks. And its SOC (SD625) is barely faster than 4 years old SD800.
- D
- AnonD-368020
- 7jW
- 15 Oct 2017
Nexus phones came with almost flagship like hardware in budget. I think in the budget of 400 to 500 $ with Google's HDR camera setting they can come up with great phones. But at the same time it will be a threat to pixel phones too.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t@6
- 15 Oct 2017
But Nexus have some kind of Brand
- A
- Anonymous
- 0Un
- 15 Oct 2017
"Yes, Android One even offers more variety" i think this is not true right now.
If they would release 3-4 android one devices/year that statement would be true.
- L
- Lima002
- JJ3
- 15 Oct 2017
No, we need better specs on the hardware and the camera, I think one plus represent better what Nexus should be
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 15 Oct 2017
It can, we just need value as good as Nexus, for example phones with SD 650/652/660 for less than € 300.