iPhone 5 coming in September, iPad with Retina display and more

22 June, 2011
The Apple WWDC event came and passed this month without an iPhone announcement for the first time since they launched the original 2G in 2007. Speculations about the launch date of the iPhone 5 (or 4S)...

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  • L
  • LYN
  • NH{
  • 23 Jun 2011

how accurate is this information abt the iphone 5 or 4 gs ?????

    • m
    • me
    • M3s
    • 23 Jun 2011

    Yani, 23 Jun 2011"...we somehow doubt that Apple, the computer company,... morei can just imagine a new tv with apps on it that auto sync game saves with my ipad

      • Y
      • Yani
      • 3pw
      • 23 Jun 2011

      "...we somehow doubt that Apple, the computer company, will be dipping its toes on the HDTV market."

      Huh? Why not?! They dipped their toes in the phone territory. Why not in the TV?
      I see no problems with this theory.
      If they announce a new TV set they will bring it on in their traditional fashion:
      "Releasing the new smartTV. It's revolutionary and does much much more than a traditonal TV. We changed the way you watch TV. It's the only TV with an Apple A5 chip in it and has tons of apps from your loyal devs (that we did not rip-off yet)... blah blah blah..."

        • Y
        • Yani
        • 3pw
        • 23 Jun 2011

        Wow! Really nice recent comments. I agree with most of what ALonZo & co. are saying. But I kinda disagree with iPhone4 being better than Galaxy S2. I know it's kinda subjective, but I would say that GS2 is 5-10% better than iP4. It's even priced more (yeah, the irony!) and it's released 10 months after the iP4 release (better hardware, more features). But I get the Apple community and Apple has made some nice advancements lately, even if it ripped off few of us developers.

          • 3
          • 3D
          • Bqx
          • 23 Jun 2011

          ALonZo, 23 Jun 2011Absolutely! iPhones are well built, solid devices. Lets ... moreI don't think you owned Galaxy S II. If you do, you wouldn't go back to the boring iPhone.

            • r
            • rynn
            • IW9
            • 23 Jun 2011

            what about ipod5?

              • A
              • ALonZo
              • Mfx
              • 23 Jun 2011

              Anonymous, 23 Jun 2011Yup exactly. Also, I wonder if people ever stop to thin... moreNinetendo sheep ha ha I like that one lol :)

              Your right, its a bad argument. If Android are open source and give the user more personal options, then fair enough. Apple have everything polished up in their OS, therefore make the iPhone user experience a brilliant one. Very few I know have not enjoyed the iPhone experience, the majority have.

              I say this on experience from both OS's. I swear to you I lknow people who still own Android devices but agree the Apple experience is still number one.

                • A
                • ALonZo
                • Mfx
                • 23 Jun 2011

                me, 23 Jun 2011now i am no apple lover i have an iphone because out of all... moreAbsolutely! iPhones are well built, solid devices.

                Lets give Android credit where its due, its inovative, its adventerous, its more customisable. But an iOS it aint. Android has flaws that make the user experience both hit n miss. After owning a Galaxy S2, after trying out several Android devices, im happy to stick to the iPhone.

                Until Apple fails me, I wont switch again.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • MVg
                  • 23 Jun 2011

                  So as this is about the new iphone, what rumours have we heard seen on the website any good info on what we can expect?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • MVg
                    • 23 Jun 2011

                    I have never tryed an andriod phone as I had had a iphone 3 3gs and 4.

                    And because it does what I want i never ever thought of any other phones.

                    This is the 1st time I felt this way ever normally after a few months ill be bored of the phone and be looking at new ones after a few months.

                    With my iphone I have it and doint think of any other phones as iphone suite me down to the ground like other people. thats why its so succesful.

                    Only phone ill be looking to get next is the new iphone whenever that will be.

                    it just does everything I want it to do perfectly with no problems issues software glitches freezing switiching off

                      • A
                      • Amar
                      • iws
                      • 23 Jun 2011

                      me, 23 Jun 2011now i am no apple lover i have an iphone because out of all... moreI am sure you have never used an Android phones recently. They are better than iPhone except for the fluid interface; even this is addressed through Hardware acceleration in some advanced versions (Galaxy SII).

                      Apple products are generally have a very good Build quality but if you can get a good case, you can protect even plastic phones from Samsung.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-11765
                        • PWa
                        • 23 Jun 2011

                        therock, 23 Jun 2011nokia meeGO + nokia apps + ANDROID apps = powerful smartphone:D

                          • J
                          • Jawzo
                          • fre
                          • 23 Jun 2011

                          i guess this phone going to be same as the others expensive to have and hope it does not have reception problem like the iphone 4

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mTW
                            • 23 Jun 2011

                            ALonZo, 23 Jun 2011Dont you find it funny that people often say that Android s... moreYup exactly.

                            Also, I wonder if people ever stop to think about what they are saying. Open/Closed system arguments are kinda lame.

                            Video game consoles are basically closed systems. Don't really hear people saying "oooooo brainwashed MS/Sony/Nintendo sheep! You guys are so restricted losers loollll."

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2Tm
                              • 23 Jun 2011

                              Anonymous, 23 Jun 20112048x1536 is impossible, no one GPU so far can support thus... morethey can...almost all gpus from 2004 onwards were able to support 2560x1600 resolution

                                • A
                                • ALonZo
                                • Mfx
                                • 23 Jun 2011

                                Anonymous, 23 Jun 2011Touched a raw nerve I see. Relax man, its only mobile phone... moreDont you find it funny that people often say that Android sell more than iPhones? I mean when an OS has about 100 devices, compared to the 2 models on sale for Apple, of course it will sell more.

                                  • m
                                  • me
                                  • M3s
                                  • 23 Jun 2011

                                  jamberoni, 23 Jun 2011wind your neck in. I take it you are one of these (I can... morenow i am no apple lover i have an iphone because out of all of ther smartphones i have used (and trust me that is alot) my iphone has been the more reliable and fit my needs perfectly.

                                  apple restricts their devices, so what it still does what the majority of ppl want from their devices without the risk of malware.

                                  also because apple design the whole product it means that the iOS is designed to work in perfect harmony with the product its on. i mean look at the all the diff variations of devices using android all with diff specs, sizes etc no wonder so many of the android devices i have had have had software issues. to make things worse htc/samsung/lg/se mess about with the OS that google make to cause even more software glitches (if the manufacturers wanted to design an OS they should otherwise leave the android system as it is).

                                  as far as best devices go there isnt any as a device is only good if it fits your needs

                                  as far as built quality goes i think the iPhone have the best build quality and reliability

                                    • A
                                    • ALonZo
                                    • Mfx
                                    • 23 Jun 2011

                                    jamberoni, 23 Jun 2011wind your neck in. I take it you are one of these (I can... moreLOL Clearly you have never used an iPhone. Ok maybe had a flick of a screen from a friend's iPhone, but have never physically owned one.

                                    Let me tell you my friend, Apple make excellent solid products which is why people by iPhones etc.... As Steve Jobs says, "it just works". So true. Now I recently upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy S2 to try out Android. Now I agree Android is more customisable and has more features. And Android is very, very good. However, as powerful as the phone was, as much freedom the phone gave me, the one thing it aint. An iPhone. It tried so hard to be an iPhone with Andorid features, but it just wasnt as solid as an iPhone.

                                    People who dont use an iPhone to its full potential will find an Android switch fine, and using the Galaxy S2 will be the best swtichg they made/ People who have used the iPhone to its full potential, like I do, will realise the iPhone is that little bit more superior, despite lacking the hardward strength that Samsung Galaxy S2, as an example, has to offer. More smoother, more solid.

                                    Roll on the iPhone 5.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3JD
                                      • 23 Jun 2011

                                      Anonymous, 23 Jun 2011Touched a raw nerve I see. Relax man, its only mobile phone... moreHahaha bravo! very well said :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mTW
                                        • 23 Jun 2011

                                        jamberoni, 23 Jun 2011wind your neck in. I take it you are one of these (I can... moreTouched a raw nerve I see. Relax man, its only mobile phones. Comments making you ill? Then I recommend a chill pill hehe.

                                        Am I an iPhone fan? Hell yes. Do I give a hoot who has more market share? Not really. I use both iPhone and a Blackberry. And a PS3 and a Wii, and a MacBook Pro, and a Lumix LX5, and a G-Shock watch.

                                        Quick, give me JEANSArena, I need to defend Levi's against Guess Jeans lol.

                                        If the iPhone stops doing what I want it to do, and another phone comes along, I'll happily use that phone. use whatever works. What you Android zombies don't realise is that you guys now sound more brainwashed than the very people you accuse lol.

                                        Used to love Palm, then the company went down under. Did I have a big cry about it? Boohooo Windows Mobile won the PDA war. Not really, just moved on.

                                        The comment is my opinion of what will happen in 2012. The world is not filled with super tech wizards who need to tinker with their phones. It is largely normal consumers. Therefore, phones like Nokia N9 for example, with its nice build, and nice colours, will have fans, no matter what.

                                        It is my opinion that Nokia, will be reinvigorated with WP7, (if the hardware is in line with the N9), iPhone will continue to plod along steadily, RIM is going down the dumpster, and Android will need to fight to maintain its market share.

                                        Am I right? Who knows? What makes you think you know everything? I don't think that I do. zzzzzz