iPhone 5 coming in September, iPad with Retina display and more

22 June, 2011
The Apple WWDC event came and passed this month without an iPhone announcement for the first time since they launched the original 2G in 2007. Speculations about the launch date of the iPhone 5 (or 4S)...

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  • n
  • notanymoreappled
  • 3AY
  • 22 Jun 2011

-Ridiculus the idea of a cheaper apple phone on developing countries?IF those countries didn‘t make the “premium“ phones only millioners could afford them. and because of the matterials or the “os“ cost but because of the greed of some people!
-The computer company will enter the hdtv market?Should‘t the ask some advice first from a real computer and hdtvs company like samsung?

    • C
    • Cambodia
    • YTS
    • 22 Jun 2011

    the logo is expensive. everythings inside product is made by Samsung and the technology is from Nokia. 2 in 1 that's why the price so high event higher then 3 in 1 nesle cafe

      • D
      • AnonD-8044
      • nFe
      • 22 Jun 2011

      iphone5 obsolete?, 22 Jun 2011the iphone was scheduled to be released this month - with a... moreI think the later release is due to apple saying no to NFC but now its sort of becoaming areality they wanted to put NFC in.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mh$
        • 22 Jun 2011

        EarlZ, 22 Jun 2011I would be interesting to see how the graphics chip will ha... moreiPhone 4 has A4, 1Ghz single-core, A5 is 1Ghz Dual-core

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • tVq
          • 22 Jun 2011

          Ok.. we've heard so much rumours going on and on.. let's just hope tis is real.. but it'll still take a while to reach Malaysia.. i'm assuming before Christmas??

            • i
            • iphone5 obsolete?
            • gDk
            • 22 Jun 2011

            the iphone was scheduled to be released this month - with a specific hardware. the delay is because of the diseaster in japan.
            but meanwhile, technology is advancing - and so is the competition.

            so I wonder whether Apple used the delay to upgrade the planned hardware
            I know that it's very difficult to change hardware at a short notice. but iphone 5 could be obsolete already at launch - because samsung and the rest are planning to release even better devices - maybe even with quad core processors.

            that's why i wonder whether iphone5 would be better than originslly planned...

              • Z
              • Zoran
              • tcG
              • 22 Jun 2011

              Even if they give me iphone 5 for free i wont take it ,
              Why: Because this is only brand with rubbish components inside and high pumped price. For the iphone 5 price i can buy 2 more NOKIA mobiles what can be much better than iphone 5
              The chicken is born and after 1 years the chicken start to teach his parent how to make childrens hahah. That is with Appel company now.Big rubbish for high price.

                • f
                • fuji
                • K6m
                • 22 Jun 2011

                a cheap iphone is just great. And if apple wants to keep up with android that would be smart step. But as apple is the most arrogant corporate giant- let's just wait and see!

                  • G
                  • GERALDLAURENCE
                  • K7e
                  • 22 Jun 2011

                  its kinda pathetic that Apple is expected to release iPhone5(4s) this sept, but just as Nokia was done with the launch of the N9 and knowing that SGS 2 is already out, it seemed that Apple backed out in launching the new iPhone, and thought of putting some more stuffs to compete with those 2 giants.

                    • E
                    • EarlZ
                    • t7E
                    • 22 Jun 2011

                    I would be interesting to see how the graphics chip will handle such resolution, with the current A5 it CRAWLS with the 960 reso on the IP4

                      • n
                      • nick
                      • nxw
                      • 22 Jun 2011

                      in the same way the SGS I had a slightly better GPU than the iphone 4, I doubt samsung will give apple a processor as good as the one in the SGS II

                        • D
                        • AnonD-11691
                        • 04n
                        • 22 Jun 2011

                        No mata wut iphone comes up wit in next quartal yet has apple alot of competitors like samsung with galaxy s2 n tablets so apples time is almost over at least for alot of people Samsung u rock Baby !! keep it up,,,

                          • D
                          • AnonD-11689
                          • fCx
                          • 22 Jun 2011

                          [deleted post]ignore it @indian ! last time i checked, India is the top "Gold" importing country as of latest data ! So we indians know how to use our money buddy! This is just an iphone right ! Oh no, as you said it's just "Apple" ! Learn to be gentleman first buddy !

                            • S
                            • Sky
                            • 9y1
                            • 22 Jun 2011

                            Hhm, new hardware and a better cam (tv i don't care) well i want take a iphone.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 0Fp
                              • 22 Jun 2011

                              iPhone 5 in September, Apple too much thinking to build and release their handset, what about losing customers? Most apple customers will run out contract this month and July, so customers will upgrade contract to different company like Nokia, HTC, Samsung etc. Of course, they will lose more than a million customer between Q3 and Q4 this year.
                              This company proper lazy and lack of technology experiences that employers have.
                              If company wants to generate profit then employers should be fast to build every piece of thing on iPhone 5 and next iPad. Being a lazy then Apple will not get profits.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • n5Q
                                • 22 Jun 2011

                                This is not just a HDTV this is bloody revolution!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1131
                                  • kJX
                                  • 22 Jun 2011

                                  blankman, 22 Jun 2011Are the haters all at school right now? XDYou called? LOL

                                    • b
                                    • blankman
                                    • sXD
                                    • 22 Jun 2011

                                    Are the haters all at school right now? XD

                                      • s
                                      • sm.gurdeep
                                      • utn
                                      • 22 Jun 2011

                                      [deleted post]Are you for real ??? I use SGS-II. What phone do you use?

                                        • D
                                        • Dave
                                        • myA
                                        • 22 Jun 2011

                                        Oh and an Apple logo on the back